Day Three
Your POV
Its already day three.. And I need to move that scale farther down! What if- what if I just ignore him today? It's not like I want to.. But I have too. The third test was surprisingly easy.. Probably because I imagined killing Ann and not Jeff. Oh man I don't know what to do!
"(Y/N)?" I heard my voice being called and looked up.
"Sally?" I saw the little 10 year old standing in front of my door.
"I'm sorry.." She whispers, clutching her teddy bear.
"What's wrong sweetie?" I walk over to the door.
"I don't want you to be separated by your true love- but Slender is making me! I can't believe we can even get sick from love.. And I always dreamed of getting married, living in a castle and being happy.. Look what happened.. I guess some people really aren't born to love." She was now running and crying in my arms. I carried her over to the sofa.
"Sweet heart, everyone is meant to find love. Everyone can find love. All you have to do is look for the right person, the one who will be with you thick and thin. Someone who will love you, for you. And don't worry baby girl, It's not your fault Jeff is sick. It's just he can't love someone. It's a cruel curse, but I have to deal with it. I'd rather have him alive and hate me, then for him not to be alive at all." Slowly, my eyes start to water too.
"Love is weird.." She whispered.
"It sure is Sally. It sure is.." I say, hugging her tighter.
"Maybe in a parallel universe you and Jeff get married and have 30 babies." She said trying to cheer me up.
"Hah.. Maybe, Sweetie. Maybe.."
Somehow talking to Sally, made me feel a little better. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the people you love, even if it hurts you.
Jeffs POV
Ever since I found out why (Y/N) was trying to make the love scale go further down- my friendship for her keeps growing. But so does my sickness. By Day 3 I couldn't even get of bed.
"Lay down, Jeff." Nina said. She brought me some soup, to help me feel better.
"Damn it Nina.. I need- to save her-" I groan. My eyes were puffy, my nose was stuffy, my chest hurt- but I need to save my best friend.
"Jeff, we know you love her-"
"I do not!" I cough. Suddenly I felt even worse.
"Dude, look at you! You keep denying it but you're only getting worse!" BEN says walking in with Kate The Chaser and Masky. I roll my eyes. I do not love (Y/N). I'm unable to feel love. How could someone love me? A killer? A monster?
"I heard Slenderman talking to Ann. Us Proxy's hear everything." Kate said sitting on the bed.
"Oh yeah-?" I sniffed. "And what did you and the others hear?"
"Well, I'm not his favorite Proxy- Kate's been with him since the beginning- so she's the one who heard him." Masky says leaning next to BEN.
"Well what did he say?!" I say, voice cracking. It was quiet.
"Jeff- I could be killed for saying this-" I cut her off.
"I don't care if you die, Kate! Just tell what you heard!" I screamed at her.
"Fine you little piece of shit! Slender and Ann want to kill (Y/N)!" She yelled back, exiting the room and slamming the door.
I didn't say anything. My body was shaking- My world sinking.
"I'll go get Kate.. She seems a little pissed.." Masky said, leaving.
"No.. He- he can't do this- SHES INNOCENT!" I jump off the bed with the little strength I have, and walk to the door- but my sides kept hurting.. And I was in the floor.
"Jeff-!" I hear Nina cry. I could taste blood in my mouth- why me? Why (Y/N)? Imagine if I never met Randy.. Never met Keith or Troy.. How different my life would've been.
Your POV
After Nina kicked me out, I was spending time with Jane.
"Sorry for all the times I punched you.." I say awkwardly.
"Nah- it's cool. Although my mask did crack." She laughs a bit.
"Heh.. Why do you wear a mask?" I know it was probably rude to ask, but curiosity grew over me. Now that I think about it- I haven't heard Jane's story.
"You can thank Jeff.." She mumbled, sounding annoyed. We were sitting together over a cliff, looking over the blood-colored ocean.
"I could feel the tension you two have. Did you guys.. Know each other? Before the.. Incident?" I ask.
She didn't say anything for a couple of minutes.
"Yeah.. You could say that."
"You can tell me." I whisper.
She looked over to me.
"You're so human. Why are you here? With us monsters?" She asks, I could see her tearing up.
"Jane, you're human too.." I grab her hand. She looks at me for a second and nods, as if she's ready to tell me her story.
"Me and Jeff, did know each other.. He was new into the neighborhood and I just wanted to befriend him. You know, because he seemed pretty lonely. I left a note- smiled at him.. And- I guess I liked him for the time being.. But after I saw him stab Keith, break Randy's wrist and punch Troy.. He seemed different. Like- he liked watching them suffer. He smiled.. That smile.. And something snapped. After the little kids party- and the fight- I woke up in the hospital. I got hit in the head and knocked out.. But Jeff was in the same hospital. I guess his parents saw me, and invited us over to his house. My parents agreed, and honestly I was happy to see Jeff again. I needed to know if he was okay. When he was released from the hospital- I saw his across the street from my house.. And he- he looked.. Well he looked like a demon.. His white leathery skin, his long black hair- like he was Satan himself. I fainted after I saw him, and woke up a few hours later to see my parents were gone. I looked around and saw a note- it read..
"Aren't you coming for dinner? Your friends are here too." It felt as if my world was ending- I looked out the window to see.. Him. All bloody, smiling, tapping the window with his knife.. But I knew I had to go over there. I grabbed a knife- and walked over to his house. It felt like forever until I opened the door. And there he stood- and I screamed. He smiled and said,
"Looks like you made it. I'm glad you did, friend."
and then, I passed out from fear.. When I awoke I was tied to a chair- and gagged. I looked all around me- my friends, my parents- were all dead. Mouth cut from cheek to cheek, throats slit open. Even his own family was there- all dead with the same fear in their eyes. And then I heard his voice-
He was standing next to me. The devil himself. I tried to scream- but the gag wouldn't let me.
Suddenly he was beside me- knife to my throat.
"Shhhh, shush. It's not polite to scream at friends." He whispered into my ear. And he slid the knife across my face, tracing lines from my mouth to my cheeks. I turned away but he grabbed me by the hair and forced me to look at the bloody scene. I still remember what he told me,
"Now, now don't be rude. You're insulting everyone by not looking at their pretty faces." I began crying, hard and uncontrollably.
"Aw what's wrong? Are you upset you don't look at beautiful as them?" He purred. "Don't worry, I'll make you look beautiful too. What do you say?" All I remember was seeing the devil in his eyes. He cut off my gag and I replied to him,
"Go fuck yourself." But all he did was laugh.
"You're even funnier than I thought." Then he said,
"Friends do friends favors right? Well I'm going to do you a favor."
"Don't worry it'll all be over soon." I looked at him and he held a can of gas and bleach.
"I didn't have any alcohol, so this will have to do."
Then.. Then he- he started to dose me in bleach and gasoline.
"We better hurry, Jane. I've already called the firemen." And he threw a lot match at me.
The pain- the pain (Y/N)- it was unbearable. My skin was melting off of me- my veins my bones, became brittle. His last words- he- he said to me,
"See you later my friend! I hope you become as beautiful as I am!"
I awoke in a hospital bed, a nurse.. A sweet nurse named Jackie. She tried to sooth me as I laid in bed, covered in bandages. Telling me my parents died in the fire- I kept crying unable to breathe. She put me to sleep, to calm my heart. When I woke up again, I wasn't in bandages anymore. I look around my room and see fresh flowers, some dead. I asked how long I was out, and she told me 2 weeks. She was so sweet, the only person I've talked to after the fire. I demanded a mirror- but what I saw wasn't me. No it wasn't- it was a monster. I had brown leather skin, no hair on my head, my skin around my eyes were saggy- I was ugly.. Ugly like Jeff. I began sobbing again, but a nurse popped in and said,
"Delivery for Jane Arkensaw."
I looked away I couldn't let that nurse look at me. She handed me the pink package and I knew something was wrong. I asked her to get me something to eat- you know, to get her out the room. And when I opened it.. My heart dropped dead. In it was a white mask with a dark black sheet covering the eye lids and a black feminine smile. A black dress, black gloves, and a long wavy black wig. Along with it was a bouquet of black roses and my kitchen knife. But their was also a note..
"Jane, I'm sorry I messed up with trying to make you beautiful. So I gave you a mask that will let you seem beautiful until you get better. Also you forgot your knife, I thought you would want it back.
Later that night I sneaked out- and I made it my only goal of living was to kill Jeffery Woods. Then I would kill myself. Months of searching I almost gave up- I killed innocent people because all I saw when I looked at them- was Jeff. And then- Slender man found me. He took me in, and made me a Creepypasta. Little did I know- Jeff was already one. While it's true only other Creepypasta's can kill each other- it is absolutely forbidden to do so. Only unless Slender allows it. So now- I can't kill him. But I've grown from that. I will never forgive that beast- but I've realized he's the only reason I'm living. While he's alive so am I. Over the 2 years, I've grown to accept what happened. He's still a monster- but I don't want to kill him anymore either.."
I looked at her. Jane has been through so much- Jeff has- everyone has. I don't blame Jeff- I'm not mad. He did what he did and you can't change that. He was young, naïve and stupid. But at least he's grown.
"Jane I-"
"You don't have to say anything. All I needed was for someone to hear my story. Thank you. I feel.. More free. Now I see what Jeff sees. When he looks at you. You're my friend (Y/N). You're different... I like that." She gets up from the cliff and looks down at me. It seemed like an eternity, just staring at each other. Then, like she finally made her decision, took a deep breath and placed her hands on the brim of her mask. Slowly, she raised it while using her other hand to take off her wig. I gasped.
She was beautiful. Long brown wavy hair that reached her waist- emerald eyes that shined so bright, soft pumped pink lips, skin, pale and subdued. Not one flaw in sight.
"Jane- you're- you're stunning-!" I grin brightly. She was always gorgeous but now- well. She's magnificent. This is who Jane the Killer is. No- this- this is Jane Arkensaw.
"Thank you.. (Y-Y/N)." She whispered. Suddenly she started sobbing uncontrollably. I went up and hugged her.
"Whats wrong.."
"It's been so long since I've let someone see me. So long since I've seen the world with my own two eyes. So long since.. I've felt beautiful." She whispers. And then I realized. Janes no killer. Neither is BEN. Neither is Angel. Nor, Jason- no one is. Every single on of them is a lost soul. Trapped inside a body they can't control.
All they want to do is be set free.
Jeffs POV
After Nina gave me medicine she said I'd be okay for the next hour or so. I walk out the dorm with BEN and spot Kate and Masky at the end of the hall. She knew I didn't meant what I said- right? God damn it. I have to apologize..
"Hey.. Kate." I start off.
"Hi bitch." She said rolling her eyes.
"Look- I didn't mean what I said- I was just.. Mad." I confess.
"That gave you no right to yell at me!" She shouted back.
"Look whose yelling now." I smirk. She grinned- but quickly frowned.
Me and Kate have been close friends since I became a Creepypasta. We are cousins after all.
"I was washed with anger and fear, Kate you have to understand. I just needed to know what what was wrong with (Y/N).. I needed to know what you know. You're my cousin- you have to forgive me." I practically begged.
"Well I've heard better apologies but- you're damn right. We're blood and you fucked up. But... I'll tell you everything I know. And if I get killed well then.. I'll see your ass in hell." She smiled and got up.
"Thanks.." I gave her a quick hug and walked back toward the dorm.
"Well.. All I know is tomorrow, Slender said he's planing on giving (Y/N) the Fourth Test. Which would also mark the fourth day. Remember- you have until the fifth day until.. You know." Kate said.
"This could've all been avoided if you'd hadn't let yourself fall in love!" Toby practically yells while walking in my dorm.
We all sigh.
"What!? I couldn't help but listen to dear old Kate here." He laughs flopping on the couch.
Angel walks in behind him.
"And you brought a friend! Fantastic!" Nina said sarcastically.
"Calm down. I'm on Toby duty. Meaning it's my turn to watch the creature." Angel said grabbing a chair and sitting around us.
"If you speak- or even breathe! I'll kill you myself!" Kate growls.
"Aight- aight, I'm backin' down. Sheesh! Ya lunatic.."
"I SAID YOU SMELL LIKE TULIPS." He says jumping behind the couch. We looked at Angel.
"Hey I'm just watching him I can't control his mouth." She says. I sigh.
"Kate, just continue.. And just to respond to Toby's statement- I am not in love." I look at him.
"Sure and I don't like waffles. I know a liar when I see one!" He says, rolling his eyes.
"Zip it T!" Nina barks.
"Anyway.. As I was saying. Tomorrow (Y/N) will be given the Fourth Test, also marking the fourth day of you being sick. As we all know, if you fail two tests, your mentor kills you. She's already failed one. Make sure she doesn't fail this one." She looks me straight in the eye.
"Her life depends on it."
"Now we all know what the Fourth Test will be. Working with your mentor to re-enact what made us into Creepypasta's. Like for Jeff, he had to work with his mentor, L.J, to basically kill his family all over again. Or Jane had to go through seeing her family and friends killed in front of her. While Jeff burns her all over again." She eyed me while she said the last part.
"So, for (Y/N) she has to kill her mother and the customer all over again. As we know (Y/N) has had some trouble.. Killing. So Jeff- you do what ever you can to make sure she passes that damn test. You hear me?"
"Aye sir!" I salute her. She rolled her eyes.
"And me and Jeff have already come up with a back up plan if Slender really does decide to.. Kill (Y/N)." BEN spoke.
"And what plan would that be?" Kate asked. I simply smiled and said,
"You'll just have to wait and see."
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