Day One
I woke up, dizzy, and alone. A basement, resembling something you'd see in an abandoned asylum. Wall's scraped, tally marks made from blood, sayings like, let me out or the end is near. And it hit me. This is wear the Creepypasta's keep and kill their victims. I look around me and I'm in a hospital bed, tied to it. I can't move- I can't- Jeff!
"You're awake." Said a voice. Suddenly a familiar figure stepped out from the shadows; It was Ann.
"Where's Jeff- what's wrong with him!?"
"How cute. You're worried about the boy and not your own well being. So I was correct." She said almost to herself.
"Tell me what's wrong with him, now." I demand.
"Relax child. This has only happened once, and it did not end well for those two. They died." She said circling me.
"Ann- what are you-?"
"It's simple. And you have a couple of options. First of all, let me tell you what's going on. Jeffery, is in love. With you." She said.
My mind went blank. Jeffery,
"And you love him too. You both are just too dense to realize it. Jeffery's mind already has sensed it though- not his heart. The thing is, it's your fault he's in this terrible state."
"M-my fault..?" I stutter.
"Creepypasta's are unable and forbidden to love another person or monster. It's unthinkable. You haven't been affected because you aren't an official Creepypasta. If a monster falls in love, they will suffer from unimaginable pain. To the point where they can die. The last couple who loved each other, decided they rather would die together in love then live
And hate each other. And Jeffery will perish unless he stops from falling deeper in love with you."
I didn't say anything, I was still processing what was going on.
"So in order for Jeff to live, he has to stop falling in love with you. But only you can do that. You need to make Jeff stop loving you."
"How the hell am I going to do that?! I don't even want to-"
"You will do so. That is if you want Jeffery to live. There is only so much we can do; to keep him alive. You have about 5 days before Jeffery becomes so much in love, he dies. It's the price that come with being a Creepypasta. Now because love is so powerful, not even the Slender man can stop this. So you better tell Jeff to fuck off. Jeffery will not be informed about this, considering it would make things only worse."
"If I don't make Jeff stop.. Loving me.. He dies.." I whisper. Why does this have to happen to me? Why..
"Precisely. Remember, 5 days. And don't forget- you still have your Tests." She walked over to me and untied the straps. I need to do this. For Jeff's sake. For Jeff..
"Okay.. I'll- I'll do it.." I mumble. But secretly, my heart feels like it was ripped from my chest.
"That's a good girl."
"But how will I make him.. You know.."
"Stop loving you? Well I've never been in love sweet heart. You have to figure it out on your own. And we've given Jeff some medicine; to prevent him from being even more sick or more in pain."
"Why.." I whisper.
"Oh and we've planted a chip in Jeff's neck, it measures his emotions. Specifically his love emotions. That way we'll be able to tell if the meter goes down. From top to bottom it goes, Love, Like, Mediocre, Dislike, Hate.
And so, just like that, my adventure, has turned into a living hell.
Day 1
"(Y/N)!!" I hear Jeff call me. I don't face him. My mind is foggy, my world became a dark, blurry path and I don't know where I'm going.
"I'm feeling much better. Everyone's saying I fell unconscious or something but I don't believe them. I know you won't lie to me, so, can you tell me what really happened?" He asked. I look around and see L.J staring at me. As if he dares me to tell him the truth. The whole mansion knows.
"They're telling the truth. Now excuse me, I have to go train for my Third test." I respond looking straight at Jack. He nods. I turn away from him and walk to the dorm.
"What's wrong? You're different." Jeff asks following me.
"Nothing's wrong Jeffery. Just leave me alone." I say trying to sound annoyed. I can see Clockwork giving me a thumbs up.
"Well no need to act like a bitch." He mumbled.
"Did you just call me a bitch? Really?" I ask turning around. This is hurting me, I can't believe I'm trying to make him mad.
"Yeah. What happened to the old you? The one who acted like a friend? If you are in a bad mood tell me, that's what friends are for. Don't just shut me out like I'm some dog." He said, balling fists.
"Maybe I'm doing this to you cause you act like a dog. So go fetch and get the fuck out my sight." I say. No- I don't want to say this. I can see Ann smile.
He backs away, confused. It's as if I can see his heart breaking.
"I thought you were different." He says, and walks off.
When he was out of sight, I fall to the ground. My whole body was shaking, I can barley even breathe. My heart hurts so much. Jeff-
Ann walks up to me and shows me the meter. It's down to Like.
"Remember love, you're saving him. Creepypasta are made from hate and anger. Not love and passion." She places her hand on my shoulder.
I'm saving him?
I'm saving him.
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