Run from the past
I was running and I don't know where but I needed to escape from that monster..... That Freak who was trying to kill me, the one who killed family, my own father wanted me dead.
I was running towards a large mountain, Mount Ebott.
I thought I could lose him in the woods that coated the mountain but I was wrong, I still heard his breathing, his footsteps, and his intent to kill me with the knife he used to slit my brother's throat open.
I kept running at full speed until I made it into a large cave. I couldn't see anything in front of me when I ran inside so I stopped running and looked behind me.
There he was standing right there, his dark brown eyes that cut threw my soul.
He tried reaching for me when he ran full speed at me, I took a few steps back and fell.
I did scream, thinking I would die in such a moment, maybe it was best.
I thought I was about to hit the ground hard yet I only felt a small impact onto the floor.
I looked around and noticed I was in a small patch of flowers? And they were wilting and dying.
I stood up it hurt a little getting onto my feet but I brushed it off the pain.
When I took a few steps I heard small sobs they sounded like they were painful and sorrowful. So I decided to go towards the small sobs and I noticed the crying was coming from a flower?
I couldn't believe what I was seeing right now. I waited for the flower to notice me standing right in front of him when he finally noticed me he gave out a sort of scream.
(Normal) POV
Flowey started screaming for a few seconds when he quickly covered his mouth. He took a very large gasp of air in when he finally spoke. "Please don't... Hurt me!" (Y/N) stood there she/he didn't move for a bit when she/he did Flowey tried to move away from them but then she/he spook in a very soft voice "It's ok I don't want to hurt you..... My name is (Y/N) and yours is?" Flowey looked up at her/him and smiled a little but his smile went away fast, he quickly grabbed (Y/N) with a vine and dragged them towards a pillar "Hide here and don't come out until I tell you to ok?" Flowey let go of (Y/N).
There was a very loud noise that could be heard at the end of the ruins and (Y/N) started to wonder what it was but she couldn't take the slightest look at what it was or else it might cause the maker of the noise to see her/him.
The noise started to get louder and a goat woman in a red and black dress stop where the flowers were.
She called out for Flowey and when Flowey showed his face, the woman went full out mad at him. "Why are the flowers like this!? Some of them are crushed! I told you that you had one job to do and that was to make sure these flowers weren't crushed!".
(Y/N) couldn't take it any more of this goat woman yelling at flower so she/he stepped out from behind the pillar and yelled at this person "Hey leave Flowey alone he didn't do anything to you!" she/he covered their mouth after they said that.
Toriel turned her head to look at who just yelled at her when she saw who it was her facial expression turned from anger to softness. "Oh a human child? You must be hurting from the fall and very hungry, please come with me and I can provide you with food and shelter" Tori grabbed her/his hand and dragged them to her home away from the ruins and Flowey only could watch he was slightly crying. When Tori finally reached her home she let him/her inside and asked if (Y/N) wanted anything eat. But they simply declined the offer and asked where the exit was. Tori looked at them with a look of anger and sadness but mostly anger. "To find the exit you have to fight me."
*Time skip cuz I'm lazy*
I was walking towards two metal doors they seemed like it would take a lot of effort to open them yet when I tried to force them open they simply opened without that much of a hard push. But damn did it feel cold.
I noticed it was snowing outside of the two doors but I couldn't think about enjoying the snow. So I couldn't walking to look for a town or something but I only came across a bridge that had a sort of barricade on it? The bars were to thick and to wide so I could easily slip through them. But when I got closer to them I heard a twig snap behind me. I didn't want to turn around until I heard a deep voice behind me say "Come on don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around a shake my hand" I did what The voice said and when I finally turned around I saw a skeleton? He had a black and red jacket on followed by black basketball shorts plus red and black tennis shoes? When I went to go shake his hand he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him. And I started to blush a bit and he grinned at me I saw he had sharp teeth and one gold tooth ,it made me shiver a bit in fear he felt it and grinned even more "What a creep" I thought of this to myself so no-one could hear it but me. When he noticed I wasn't paying attention him anymore he spoke again.
"Now what's a pretty thing like you doing in the underground?"
Wow, could this guy get any deeper with his voice? I didn't want to answer at first but I did "I.. Fell.. down here.... and I want to go back to the surface" I didn't mean to stutter at all.
He looked at me he was still grinning from ear to ear "Like if he had ears" he chuckled a little and then looked at me.
"Sorry but I have to take you to my boss..... Or maybe I could keep you as a pet?" Before I could say anything about it he picked me up bridal style and carried me through the barricade.
I was blushing hard from cold and from embarrassment.
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