What now?..
No ones p.o.v
Just a simple question... A simple question that anyone can answer. What would people do for the ones they love? They would go through anything anyone throws at them. Heck, they'd go through hell just to see that special someone smile. But with the hot headed turtle its a different story.
After the 'accident's he hasn't been himself at all. He stays up all night, looking on the empty space besides his bed. That's where the love of his life stayed. Thats where she stayed with him when she didn't want to be alone. He doesn't sleep, all he does is either stay up all night thinking of way to save her. Or just cant sleep, cause he keeps having nightmares of him seeing her with the enemy. Both of them fighting against each other. How could he hurt her. He'd die on the inside knowing that he hurt her.
But just keep that question in mind. What would people do for the ones they love?.
Raph's p.o.v
These past few days have been the worst. I cant see my girl. The girl that made me actually calm down if I was mad. The girl who has a smile that could make anyone feel better. But now, she's gone. What am I gonna do.
"Dude, we're having a meeting in the dojo." I stood up and slowly walked out passing mikey ignoring the looks he gave me. And I sure do know why. I look like a total mess. My eyes are all red from the lack of sleep and bags under my eyes.
I walk inside seeing Leo and Donnie talking. I just walk inside sitting down on the floor. I look up slightly seeing them look down at me until Mikey started talking. "So what now? There's no way we can even get near her. If we do, she'll just attack us." "Well we have to get her as soon as possible. They could be hurting her or training her. Making sure that we wont talk to her. Destroying us would be her first and final mission". We all watched as Donnie started talking. "Well maybe we could beat them at their own game. All we gotta do is make a hologram of her. And the next time she attacks us, we bring her back here and try out best to bring her back to normal before they notice what we did. But I just dont remember how she looked like. We might have to take her down if we want to bring her back."
My eyes widen hearing this. They cant be serious about hurting (y/n). Do they not remember that shes my girlfriend for Pete's sake! I stood up and gave them all a glare. "Do you guys hear what your sayin!? You guys are nuts if you want to hurt my girl! Heck if all you need is details of how she looks like, I'll get close to her." I felt arms wrap around me looking at mikey. "Raph do not punch me for this but you must be crazy. If you get near her, she'll probably kill you. Is that a risk you really wanna take?" I pushed him off me slightly and looked down. "People do some dumb shit for the people they most care about. And if it means getting my shell kicked, im fine. I just need to gear up and head out. I'd rather get hurt then you guys hurting her."
I ignored them saying for me to come back. Well those knuckleheads weren't going to change my mind. I AM going to find (y/n). I AM going to get what Donnie needs even if it means I'll most certainly get hurt. The only reason im doing this.... i-is to bring her back. I walk inside my room gathering my gear and look at the picture of the both of us on my t-phone. I hold it tightly in my hand as I run a thumb over her gorgeous face. Just admiring all of her features. No matter how many times she didn't like this image, I sure as hell loved it. Finally collecting everything, I made my way out of the lair. Let's just hope I dont get beaten up that badly.
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