Unlikely allies
The heavy sound of machinery working, a colossal piece of worked metal and concrete rising, dozens of people whispering to each other
The sounds of another bridge being secured, raised in order for them to be inaccessible
You: Alright, Merchant Bridge is up again. That would be all of it
Gordon: Are you sure of this?
You turned around to face the Commissioner of the Gotham City Police Department. You contacted them so you could take care of the bridges and secure other cities from those fiends hiding within Gotham
You didn't quite trust the GCPD, but the Batman told you that their commissioner, Jim Gordon, was a man to be trusted.
And so far, he has not failed you in the slightest. The man was a fierce crime-fighter
Perhaps the first person to make you believe Gotham is a place worth saving. He as well as some other officers stayed behind to defend the city on their own
And this did not go unnoticed, they allied themselves with your squad after some convincing that you were on the same side
You: Well, now at least those maniacs can't hurt anybody now
Vincent/ Sigma: Or they'll think more about it
Gordon: Right, the last thing we want is those freaks roaming in Metropolis too
You: Commissioner, gather your forces, we're going back to base
The commissioner nodded before talking to some of the policemen in the area, preparing everything to leave
Interestingly enough, the weather was cloudy and colder than usual, the situation with this would get out of hand if not dealt with as soon as possible
You were checking something on your communicator when you saw Wonder Woman herself landing quietly next to you
You: Hi, Diana, anything to report?
Diana: The bridges are secured, this war will not spread now
You: Those are some great news, thanks
Then, you noticed something about her. She was wearing her usual armor, but nothing else to cover her from the strange weather
Diana: Is something wrong?
You: Are you not cold?
Diana: Should I?
You: I mean, this weather we have is not the warmest
She found noble and somewhat cute the fact that you looked after her even in small details like those
But still, before she could even answer, she was covered with your own coat
You: There, the last thing we need is a Metahuman with a cold
She giggled at this comment, shaking her head from side to side lightly
Diana: I'm fine, Y/N, really
She was about to take it off since she didn't really need it, but you stopped her by putting your hand on her shoulder
You: No no, I insist
She saw how firm you were with this idea and even if she has withstood worse environments, she appreciated your concern
Diana:...Fine, thank you
Her finally accepting the garment put a smile on your face
You: Don't mention it
She held the coat closer to her with when you weren't looking, still slightly surprised by your actions
She was an Amazon warrior, one of the most fierce (if not the fiercest) people in the entire planet
And yet, you treated her just like normal person, perhaps the only person to do so
... Or at least in this century
The Lair, 3:47 pm
You had spent hours without any rest whatsoever organizing both your team and the GCPD folks that were allied with you, giving them small tasks, but that still helped in a way
They were fierce, no doubt in that
But they couldn't survive out for too long
Not with those criminals roaming free
You divided the group into small teams: You sent a squad of four people led by Frank/ Delta to search for any useful supplies.
Another squad was under Jim Gordon's management, with the task of trying to contact the outside to know how the evacuated people from the city are doing out
But you got no word from Kate, hopefully, she was safe as well
On your side of the city, you were accompanied by Diana and Danielle /Betta, checking the strategies you had devised, trying to improve the ones you originally had as best they could with the resources available
But, so much planning was getting tedious. It was a war, no doubt in that, but being so much time trapped inside that room with so little progress made was giving you a headache, literally
You went for your equipment in the other room or at least some casual clothes that could make it easier to move around the city while being able to blend with the people if necessary
You came walking through that room, almost ready to go, but getting both of the girls' attention in the process
Danielle: Where are you going?
You: You know, out " For a walk"
Your teammate did not say anything in response, she knew exactly what you meant, so she simply nodded
You grabbed a rifle and some magazines, loading it immediately. Once you reached the door to the outside, you were stopped by something, a voice
Diana: Y/N
You: Hm?- You turned around one last time to see the Amazon was actually smiling at you
Diana: Be safe
With a smirk, you nodded and closed the door, getting ready for whatever tried to attack you once outside of the safehouse
The streets of Gotham were not safe, but thankfully, you were able to keep yourself under the radar of any enemy
... Or so you thought.
It was all going fine until you followed a small group of random thugs towards an alleyway, you were hiding behind a dumpster while they were talking
Thug: So, when are those damn guns going to arrive! I need some firepower, man!
Another thug: I know, I know, me too but Black Mask is going to take care of that soon, don't worry about it
Thug: Great! That man is always looking after us
Another thug: Or he's just looking to make some money
Thug: Same thing
But then, your phone buzzed, startling you lightly, you were quick to silence it, but by doing so, you hit the dumpster you were using for cover
Thug: Huh? What was that?
Another thug: Let's check!
They began to walk closer to your direction. After studying your situation carefully, you went for the most logical approach
You: Fuck it
You came out of hiding, with your guns in hand and quickly dispatched the two thugs you were listening to
Once you saw that your bullets hit their respective targets, you sighed in relief, until you heard more voices
Thug: It came from over here!
Another group of the same foes approached the scene quickly. Turns out, that group was not so small
Thug: Hey, that's not one of ours!
Another thug: Get 'em!
They lashed out at you, launching everything from punches to even using bats or crowbars, most of them failing miserably.
You grabbed one and moved him just in time so he could take a hit for you, then you kicked him away before quickly turning around and shoot another one on the knee and then, in the head
This enraged the others, who violently went after you, but you either dodged their attacks or straight up defeat them with two moves.
This went on for a solid minute until there was only one left
The biggest of them
You: Alright, let's do this
You ran towards the man, sliding under one of his punches to hit him in the stomach multiple times to wear him out, then avoiding another attack and used him to push yourself back, stunning him. You took advantage of this and sent the man a couple steps back by using an uppercut
Before he even got up, he was met by another shot, but this one went directly to his head
You: * Sigh* should have started with that...
Shortly after that, you decided to use a ladder to climb into the building's rooftop, giving you a better view of the city. Your phone began to buzz again, this time, you decided to answer the call
Only to discover, it was not from your friends
???: Hello there, Y/N
You could very well recognize the voice behind the call
Slade Wilson's voice
You: *Sigh* What do you want, Slade?
Slade: I called to see how where you doing, you know, with Gotham falling apart and all that drama
You (In mind): Jeez, the word really travels fast here
You: I'm... I'm doing the best I can
Slade: You sure are, you know? I was invited to be part of this whole thing
You: So where are you, then?
Slade: In my home, I decided to turn down the offer
You: What? Why would you of all people do that?
Slade: Because I thought you would be already busy handling those lunatics, so why adding another enemy to the roster.
You: Huh, that is very unexpected for you, but thank you, Slade
Slade: You're welcome, just make it worth my decision
The call ended, but behind you, you could hear something land silently, so you were quick to draw your guns at whoever it was
But when you looked behind you, you saw a woman in a black suit, red gloves and that bat symbol on her chest
This was none other than Batwoman herself
Batwoman: Calm down, gunslinger, I'm not here to fight
She raised up her hands as a sign of surrender, but you knew that if she wanted, she would have already defeated you
But still, you didn't lower your weapons... Until you spotted something familiar in her voice and even skin tone
You: Wait, have we met before?
She startled at this but hid it almost perfectly. She has been way too much with Batman
Batwoman: I doubt it
You: Right... So, can I help you?
Batwoman: I'm here to help- She was quick to regain her composure
You: I already got enough help, thank you very much
Batwoman: I didn't ask
She started to walk towards you as she kept talking
Batwoman: Look, I get it that you don't trust me
You: I'm not a fan of people creeping on my back
You glared back at her, while she just scratched the back of her neck. It was not a very friendly way to approach you if those were her intentions
Batwoman: ...Right. But listen to what I came to say
You remained silent but decided to holster your guns without looking away from her
You: Alright, I'm listening
She walked towards the end of the roof, looking for something
Batwoman: I have an idea of where Black Mask hides most if not all of the weapons he is selling for this war
You: Where?
Batwoman: The docks, he tried to trick me by deploying decoys, but this is the last one, I'm certain this is what we're looking for
You: *sigh* Okay then, what do you need?
Batwoman: I need you and your team, the place must be heavily guarded, even for me.
You: I don't think so
She directed her attention entirely towards you when you declined
Batwoman: Why not?
You: We don't have enough "firepower". We might have some good people, but we lack the power to take them down if the place is as heavily guarded as you say
Batwoman: What do you mean? you have an Amazon with you!
You: Yeah, but we need to act more carefully on this one, while she is a powerhouse on her own, we need to plan this through
Batwoman: If we don't act now, Black Mask will have enough power to cut off any electricity in the city, we will be in the dark during this entire thing
She sounded really alarmed by this, while you simply thought of a way to acquire what you need
Until a snowflake landed close to you, giving you an unexpected inspiration
You: Say no more, come with me
You turned around and began to walk away right after that. At first, she was taken off-guard by this, but the redheaded decided to just follow you by the moment
But now, you can't shake the feeling that you have seen Batwoman before
You liked to think that you saw her in the news, but deep inside, you weren't sure of it
You kept moving through the rooftops of the city with ease, with Batwoman by your side
Batwoman: I'm impressed, have you done this before?
You: Enough times to lose count
She then realized that the temperature was getting lower and lower the more she followed you towards "The Amusement Mile" according to the city's map
Batwoman: Were are we going?
You: To acquire this "fire" power- You replied without looking back at her
She saw that you were approaching the GCPD building and stopped in her tracks as realization just hit her. you noticed this and stopped as well
You: What's the matter?
Batwoman: Your firepower is the GCPD? No offense, but they're going to get killed right away
You looked at the building behind you and then realized what Batwoman was wrongly thinking about your plan
You: What? No! The police officers are somewhere else, not in this building
Batwoman: What else could be of interest in here?
You: ... Have you realized how it has gotten colder?
Her eyes widened the moment you gave her that clue, she even tried to grab you, but you simply dodged
Batwoman: No. Absolutely not
You: It's the only way we can possibly succeed with this operation! Do you have any other idea?
She didn't reply to that. It was risky, but if you played your cards well... It could actually work
And regardless of the choice, you didn't have a lot of material to work with at the moment, neither did her
Batwoman: ... How are you even going to make him cooperate?
You chuckled, much to the woman's confusion
You: Trust me...
...I got my ways
GCPD Forensics Laboratory, 6:30 pm
The doors to the forensics laboratory opened, allowing both of you to get in.
You could see that the place was frozen already, caused by someone, of course. You could even see your breath when you exhaled. You should have brought a coat
You two were crouching, hiding not so far away from the doors, planning the next move
Batwoman: Now what?
You: You get an elevated position, the highest in this room. There's plenty of room for you to hide. If this goes wrong, you're my ticket to salvation
She simply nodded while she brought out her grappling hook and went up.
You: *Sigh* Showtime
Reluctantly getting up, you walked towards the end of the hall and enter the main laboratory
Inside, besides the "natural" ice decorations, there was a cryogenic tube with a woman inside it.
And in close to it, you spotted a tall man wearing black, highly- advanced armor, with blue lights on it.
He was working on a computer, not even bothering to pay attention to something else
You: Hey there!
The man immediately turns around and shoots you with his "Freeze gun" as people called it, to nail your leg in one place before you could even react
Needless to say, it hurt a lot more than what you expected, but you tried your best by not cursing at the man right away while you kept Batwoman from intervening.
You needed his help, you needed to choose your words as carefully as possible
The man approached you, giving you a more detailed look at him. Inside the armor, there was a window through which you could see a bald, blue-skinned man with red goggles
You were now in presence of Dr. Victor Fries. Also known as Mr. Freeze
He glared at you the moment he recognized your face. You two had previously worked together, or at least, hired you to obtain some things for him a couple years ago
You never truly understood the man, but you knew for sure that if he wanted it, he too, could have just killed you already
Mr. Freeze: What do you want, L/N
His voice sounded different once he was in the suit, not sure if it was intentional, but it made him sound less like a human being and more like a robot
You:... Alright, I'll go straight to the point here, I need your help
Mr. Freeze: No
Of course, he would decline, but this time, you had to make sure he agreed, for everyone's sake
You: Look, Dr. Fries, you don't want me here, and I seriously would love to be somewhere else, so just bear with me for a second and I promise you, you'll never hear from me again, ok?
The man got closer to you, analyzing your gestures, frankly, it was terrifying having him so close to you. After a couple seconds of awkwardness, he finally stepped back again
Mr. Freeze: Fine, talk
You: I need your help to break into a warehouse in the docks. Black Mask is bringing an absurd amount of supplies to fund his little was here in Gotham
Mr. Freeze: Why would that be of my interest?
You: Because, if he does make the deal with his buyers, then the idiots will have guns, and they will destroy everything they see. What will they start with? The city's power sources...
You glanced over at the cryogenic tube that was nor so far away from you briefly before looking back at Mr. Freeze
You: ...And I seriously doubt you would like your research to be destroyed by this animals
You saw the man standing there, reflecting on what you said. You spotted Batwoman, who by the looks of it, was surprised by your performance, even with your leg stuck in ice
A couple minutes of silence happened, but you couldn't allow it to go any further, so you had to get this man's answer now
You: So? What do you say?
He violently turned around to face you yet again, standing a couple feet away from you. his gaze fixed on you
Mr. Freeze: L/N, my answer is-
The Lair, 9:56 pm
Diana: No...
Danielle: ...
Vincent: ...
Frank: Oh my god...
They all stared at the figure standing beside you, not Batwoman, but Mr. Freeze himself, looking around the place before looking back at you
Mr. Freeze: This base you have, It seems... Useful
You: I'll take that as a compliment
You then stepped forward to explain the situation to your allies
You: Now, I know what you're thinking "Why the hell did Y/N bring Mr. Freeze with him and why hasn't he killed them already?"
Ophelia: Exactly
You: Well, you see, we have an agreement
The man stepped in to speak for himself, as expected from him
Mr. Freeze: We have aligned interests, if Black Mask continues with his childish behavior, then there will be no Gotham to protect, and thus my investigation would be severely damaged.
That is all you need to know
Frank: ...Fair enough
Danielle: Works for me
There was no answer from Diana, but she did not stand against it either
Diana (In mind): I hope that you know what you are doing, Y/N...
You: Great, I'm glad we could all agree on this one
You approached the holographic table along with Freeze and Batwoman, looking at Danielle while doing so
You: So, what do you have for us?
You glanced at her, only to find her staring at the blue man in a suit next to you
Danielle:... First, than anything, it is an honor to meet you, Dr. Fries. I read your work in Thermal Insulation, fascinating
The man stared at her, emotionless. You thought he was simply going to ignore her. You guessed wrong
Mr. Freeze: It appears someone from your team is actually smart enough to understand my work, congratulations, L/N
You: ... Thanks, I guess. Dani?
After a moment of awkwardness, she then got a hold of the situation and started to type a few things in a keyboard and a holographic representation of the docks was displayed
Danielle: I started looking at the docks the moment you sent me that information, and I can confirm that it has a lot of activity, but they managed to keep it all under the radar until now. How they did it is beyond me
You: Alright, this is what we're going to do
You started explaining how to proceed, but then Batwoman was snatched quickly by Diana out of the room, without anybody else noticing
Diana: What are you thinking?
She glared at the other woman, demanding an answer by grabbing her wrist
Batwoman: What? I'm just trying to help him!
Diana: I thought he sent you with the rest of the city in those trucks
She tried to break free from Diana's grasp on her but failed to do so
Batwoman: I'm sorry, Diana, Bruce asked me personally to keep an eye out for Y/N. I want to keep them as safe as you do, but I can't do it from over there
Diana: *Sigh* I hope you know what you're doing, if Y/N catches you, there will be consequences
Batwoman: Just... Trust me, Diana
The Amazon reluctantly let go of her before both of them got back into the room, just in time to listen to your resume of the mission
You:... So, in few words: Team A made by Mr. Freeze and me will enter the main area and attack when given the signal. Team B made by Omega (Ophelia) Sigma (Vincent) and Batwoman will extract the resources those clowns bring, we'll use them better than they ever could
And team C: Wonder Woman, Delta (Frank) and Betta (Danielle) will keep us informed from afar, if anything goes wrong, I'll count on you to take them to safety, Wonder Woman
You looked at the Amazon, who just nodded in reply to you.
Perhaps you're used to calling her Diana, but when in missions, you prefer to stick to everyone's codenames, regardless of your relationship with them
You: Any doubts?
You looked around at your team and did not saw any problem whatsoever, earning a smirk from you
You: Great, let's get moving, then
Gotham City's Docks, 11:20 pm
Night had fallen upon Gotham City, your favorite time of the day to operate, was when your enemies had less chance to actually spot you. Even if your partner was a man with a robust metallic armor, you still had good odds against them
You two were currently hiding in the main warehouse. Interestingly enough, Mr. Freeze did have a way to adapt his suit to stealth mode, so it wasn't much of a problem to deal with
You: Alright guys, waiting for you- You stated through your communicator
Omega: Team B, here
Beta: Team C. in position
You: good, let's do this
You moved into a better spot, allowing you to see the scene more clearly from above.
In the warehouse were just people representing Black Mask himself, with a briefcase. The door to the warehouse was slowly opening to reveal people from Bane's gang as well as some people from Riddler's
They weren't even in the building just yet and they were already arguing
Just as planned
Bane thug: Did you got it?
Riddler thug: What do you mean by that? He clearly has it! What other reason would he have to call us?
Black Mask thug: I believe you are here for the supplies and not to kill each other, am I correct?
Riddler thug: Indeed you are, we have the money right here
He gave him a metal suitcase, upon opening it, it revealed an absurd amount of money inside it
Black Mask thug: Great, then you'll be glad to know Black Mask was generous enough to bring some of his finest guns for you, gentlemen
Batwoman: Team B here, we are meeting opposition, but nothing we can't contain. The weapons are being secured
You: Great, as soon as you give the signal, we'll tear this place apart
Sigma: You got it, boss
They ended their transmission, you called in your other team, just to check-in
You: Team C, any news?
Betta: Nothing just yet, the city is being awfully quiet tonight
You: Keep your eyes open, we don't want any surprises
You looked down at the scene unfolding in the warehouse, just waiting for the right moment
Bane thug: About damn time! I've been aching to blow something up!
Riddler thug: Of course! What else would you be good for?
The thug got mad at this comment and grabbed his partner by the collar of his shirt
Bane thug: What did you just say, tiny man?
Black Mask thug: Gentlemen, there is no need for violence
Riddler thug: Tell that to this brute
Bane thug: Oh, I'll break you in half!
Sigma: Team B, all weapons safely retrieved, now we just need you guys to set up the diversion. Showtime
You looked at the blue man beside you and nodded
You: Alright, let's give them hell
While shooting at your foes, you jumped over your cover to land down behind the thugs, while Mr. Freeze landed shortly after and freezing some of the guards.
Not caring about the noise anymore, as that was your main objective, to attract as much attention to you as possible.
Needless to say, they were completely defenseless against you. Bane's thugs were the ones that made it easier since they took that as an opportunity to kill the Riddler's.
In their defense, they are known to be quite annoying
As more criminals went into the warehouse, you and freeze dealt with them easily without damaging the equipment. For a villain, he sure knew how to work with you
Beta: Team C, the weapons left the zone, all clear!
You: Great, let's get the hell out of here!
You started to run towards the exit when you saw a figure crashing through the window in the ceiling followed by laughter
You looked up to see a maniac with a mechanical costume, wings and worse of all: A flamethrower
You were now dealing with Firefly himself
Firefly: Where do you think you're going!?
He shot flames towards the exit, covering the escape of the Black Mask thug while toying with you. The bad thing about it was that the flames were consuming the building with ease, but also jamming your communications
You: Shit! He blocked our way out!
You turned around to see Firefly enjoying himself by the situation he forced you two into
Firefly: Finally! A chance to kill the popsicle myself!!
Mr. Freeze: You are nothing but a fool with a gun, you will fail
They opened fire at each other, with no element getting the upper hand over the other, but instead, just making it harder for you to talk with your team
Beta: Y/N!!... You...Ere?
You: Beta! This is getting out of hand!
You couldn't hear an answer that time, just static
Frustrated by this, you grabbed a rifle from one of the fallen enemies and started shooting at firefly's wings
You: Alright jackass, if I'm going down, you'll go with me!
Firefly: Don't worry, all of Gotham will burn!
He laughed again, directing his flamethrower towards you, barely missing. YOu kept shooting at him, but before he could even do anything, he was hit by an ice stalactite, stunning him
Mr. Freeze: You shall not perish here, L/N
Smirking at his support, you rushed to the other side of the room, ready to face this sudden enemy
Firefly got ready again and started to fly towards you, not even laughing that time
Firefly: That's it! You'll die without mercy!
You: Bring it, freak!
You started to draw its attention with your bullets towards his helmet, while Freeze attacked from a different angle
Not so far from there, team C was in position still, trying to reestablish communications with you
Diana: What is wrong?- She asked both concerned and angry at Danielle and Frank
Danielle: There's something in there that keeps us out!
Diana could see that the building was being consumed by fire slowly, but could also see blue lights inside of it
Frank: This is useless, we have to keep the mission going!
Diana: You complete the mission, I'll be going after Y/N
Danielle: I'll go with you- Frank nodded at the girl, allowing her to go
Diana: So be it
Without a second thought, Diana stormed into the area, reaching the docks in no time. The building was getting too unstable each second that passed, it was even worse than how they saw it before arriving
Danielle: What could have possibly caused this!?
The Amazon walked towards the entrance, shield in hand
Diana: Step back, I'll-
Then, the entire building collapsed, being consumed by a cloud of smoke, vapor as well, but no more fire
The girls panicked when this happened, but before anything else could be done, a figure emerged from the smoke and the debris. It was hard to see who, until lights made it easier to identify the survivor:
It was Mr. Freeze himself
And he was carrying you with him
Mr. Freeze: I believe this is yours
He placed you in Diana's arms shortly after while Danielle looked at the building, her eyes widened in horror at her findings:
Not only did she found Firefly himself, but he was frozen and even shattered as well
But the pieces remaining of him made it somewhat easier to say that it was the pyromaniac in question
Victor Fries had just killed another villain... But he did save your life... Why?
And that only made it worse, why did he stop for you when he could have easily just left you there and pretend?
Her curiosity got the best of her, she looked at the man, who was already walking away
Danielle: W-Wait, Dr. Fries!
He stopped when he heard her voice, not looking back, but he did listen to her
Danielle: I have to know... W-Why you did it?
Mr. Freeze: I have an agreement with your leader, if they do not live to accomplish it, then it would be all in vain. I just did my part of the deal
Diana:... Thank you
The Amazon was having a hard time believing that she was saying that to him, but the man just continued to walk until he disappeared into the darkness of the night
The area went silent not long after that, with only the sounds of the night itself. But this, this was not something any of them would forget anytime soon. It was a victory, yes, but the circumstances of it were
Unique, to say the least
Because the same questions were still standing
How did you even manage to make a villain work with you to the point that he did not go back on the agreement?
Perhaps there was still hope to win this war
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