The path we take
You stood still, with Wonder Woman herself in front of you, it wouldn't be so bad if she didn't have her sword pointed at you
You: D-Diana!?
Diana: Y/N, we need to talk- She wasn't fooled by your disguise at all
You: ...O-Okay, sure, but can you, you know, put that thing down?
She sighed and reluctantly put her sword down while also stepping out of the car she had just crashed on when she arrived
You: How did you recognize me?
Diana: Those e/c eyes gave it away
Your face turned red slowly due to her statement and you didn't know what to respond to that, creating a somewhat awkward silence between you two
You: So...W-What's up?- Your attempt to ease the mood was flustered by the Amazon's sore expression
Diana: Y/N, just what are you doing?
You: I-I was about to ask you the same thing, Diana...T-Thanks for saving my life, by the way
You laughed nervously, trying to sound normal, but an angry Amazon was not something to be taken lightly and even less if it was their princess
Diana: I came here to check up on you and this is what you do?
You: You came all the way to Gotham just to see me? Why?- You asked genuinely intrigued, gaining a slight blush from her
Diana: ...That matters not, explain yourself, now
Sigma: Busted
You: Not the time!- You growled at your communicator and Diana quickly took it from your ear
You: Hey! Give it back!
Diana: What is this? Who are you talking to?- She stopped your opposition with one hand while examining the device with the other
Tired of not being explained anything, she took out her lasso and wrapped it around your wrist. Needless to say, it felt like if it was burning you
Ignoring the suffering as much as you could, you faced her with a pained expression
You: L-Look, Diana, I-I will explain everything y-you... You want to know, I swear!...
...B-But please l-let me wrap my business up first...O-Ok?- You tried to extend your hand, asking her to return you the device
She stared at you with a hint of surprise at your resistance to her lasso and shortly after gave you the earpiece
Diana: You better keep your word- She removed the lasso from your wrist and you could already feel the relief from it
You regained your strength and took your earpiece and started talking again
You: Hey Beta, I...I need you to wait for me, okay? I won't take long
Omega: You better have a logical explanation for why this Amazon just fell from the bloody the sky and-
You: I do...Kinda, look, just finish the job, I'll try to hold her off long enough so we can finish the job
Beta: *Sigh* Sure thing, boss
Diana: So?
Sigma: Cops are catching up- Your eyes widened when you remembered that there were indeed, police officers chasing you before Diana showed up
You:...What about we talk about it with some coffee?
Diana: Y/N...
You: What? Don't you think that is better to discuss it, I don't know, anywhere but in the middle of the street?
She looked around, the people were staring at the scene in awe, and the police sirens could be heard in the distance. Realizing this, she looked back at you and nodded
Diana: You're right
You: So, what about tomorrow in the town's best Cafe? It looks like you need something relaxing, plus, I'm kinda in the middle of something as well
Diana: How do I know you will appear?
You: Come on! A date with you is something I would never turn down- You joked about it, but she just stood there surprised (And a little annoyed)
Diana: I'll see you tomorrow, then
You nodded as she jumped away from the scene while you just ran as fast as you could from the police just in time to hide in the middle of an alley.
Relieved by your success in persuading Diana and avoid getting captured by the police, you tapped into your communicator again
You: You can pick me now, everything clear
Delta: Understood, hang in there, Alpha
Gotham Cafe, 2:25 pm
The next day, you put on something nice for the location. Even if it wasn't an actual date, you couldn't help but think of it as something special
When you arrived, you found a place available and quickly took possession of it. Diana appeared shortly after and sat in front of you
Interestingly enough, she had a jacket that helped hide her outfit a little, but it also added a different touch to it that you really liked, even if you hated to admit it. You both ordered something to help ease the mood
You: Hi Diana, looking good
Diana: Hello Y/N, I'm glad you kept your word
You: Of course! I told you, no way I'm saying no.- She giggled slightly at this and then took back her serious expression
Diana: So, are you going to talk?- It was pretty obvious she would bring it up eventually, but you didn't think she would do it right away
You: *Sigh* Listen, Diana, I work as a mercenary, I didn't think that would be a surprise for you since you kinda found me in the middle of a mission when we first meet
Diana: I did, but I want to know why are you on this path
You: Not like I have another option- You grabbed your drink and took a sip, noticing her eyes showed a mix between concern and anger
Diana: Why is that? There's always another option, Y/N.
You: Not when I was a little brat.
Diana: Care to explain?
You took another sip from the mug and then sighed, trying to remember your past... Or at least part of it
My family got gunned down right before my eyes by some military that went rogue. We tried to talk it out peacefully, but their ego didn't allow them to go on without causing a goddamn massacre
I was enraged by it, and I think I took one of them out as well, but they saw me as just another victim, so they kept shooting me, but nowhere lethal to ensure I was still alive and suffering as much as possible
Diana: Y/N...- She tried to help you calm down, but once the memories started coming in, it was so hard to just keep them controlled
You: I thought someone would come and save us, one of those that flew around with capes and everything...But instead, I got saved and even raised by a mercenary, an old man that went by the name of Slade.
Diana: Slade Wilson?
You: The one and only. He wasn't worthy of the Father of the Year award, but he was there long enough for me to keep breathing and so, I followed to become my own thing
Diana: Y/N... I'm sorry
You: Don't worry, it did show me that sometimes, you have to be your own savior in order to survive
She didn't even answer to you, as she decided to remain silent for a little bit longer, mainly because she didn't know what to say in the first place
You: Look, the things I do may not be the best, but I'm sure as hell not just killing people for money, we have morals, you know? I make sure things like that never happen to anybody else
Diana: By taking other's lives?
You: Diana, you more than anyone know that you can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs.
The look in her eyes was different as if she had taken that on a very personal level. However, before anything else took place, your phone began vibrating, revealing an incoming call
You: Excuse me for a second- She nodded and you answered it
Michelle: Hello, Y/N?
You: Hello, Michelle, how is Gotham doing for you?
Michelle: Not too bad, I mean, considering the situation
You: You said it, so, what can I do for you?
Michelle: Remember what I told you about the museum thing Zoe was so excited? Well, it had to be rescheduled
You: You want me to pick her up now?
Michelle: Yes, please. I'm busy with some chores, so I can't take her right now
You: Say no more, I'm on my way- You finished the call and discovered that Diana was looking at you with intrigued eyes
You:...Do I look that bad?
Diana: What? No, I realized something
You: Care to share?
Diana: Your mood changed when you talked to this woman, is she a dear friend?
You: Not really, but her daughter is just too charming
Diana: Who is Zoe?
You: Oh, right, she is this woman's daughter. She's a little, energetic girl, heck, she even sees me as a family member by now
Diana: Really?- You chuckled at the memories of her, slowly but surely replacing hatred for something more soothing
You: Yeah, Since her father isn't around very often, and her mother is finishing school, so she is kinda busy. I try to take care of her the best I can, though
Diana: That is really noble of you, but does she know what your lifestyle is?
You: God, no. I keep that as far from her as I can- You turned the alarm off and then stood up, ready to leave but then turned your gaze to meet hers
You: I'm really sorry, I didn't remember I had to pick her up today
Diana: Don't worry about it- You smiled slightly at her, but then came an idea
You: You wanna...come along?- You sounded pretty insecure about it since you weren't even sure it was a good idea, but what t was truly remarkable is that she was actually considering it
Diana: I don't see a reason not to- To make it even worse, she accepted with a smile which caused your face to get warmer before you even noticed
You two stood up and left the place after paying for the service. The conversation between you was not too much but was still good enough to make the journey something better for both of you
After a short time, you made your way to a small apartment, not too big but decent enough for a small family
However, as soon as you knocked on the door, a small girl came out of it and hugged you very tightly. You couldn't help but laugh at this and leaned down to pick up and hug the little girl and even the warrior beside you was smiling at this demonstration of affection the girl had towards you
Zoe: Y/N!!
You: Hello, sweetie! How have you been?
Zoe: As fine as one can be, who is her?- She deviated her attention to Diana, to which she returned with a warm smile, apparently, she also has a soft spot for children, but after all, who doesn't
Diana: My name is Diana, it's a pleasure to meet you, Zoe- She leaned down on her and put a hand on her shoulder
Zoe: The pleasure is mine, Diana- She returned the smile and then leaned closer to you again
You: So, Zoe, I understand you have to go to the museum?
Zoe: Yes! Let me go get my stuff- She ran back inside, leaving you two alone again for a little
Diana: You were right, she is charming
You: I told you! - Just after that, she came back, with a notebook and a pen in hand
Zoe: All done! We can go now- You nodded and closed the door
With Zoe now with you, the mood improved significantly, even some people stared at you with a warm smile as if you were already a family, especially since both of you were holding her hands.
You: So, how are you two holding up in here? I hope Gotham isn't too different from Star City
Zoe: It is okay, but I also agreed to come here, it's part of a project I have to do
Diana: You came all the way here just to accomplish a task?
You: Talk about dedication
Zoe: Well, they say that the one that makes the best work, gets a small vacation from school and Gotham is known for having some really good museums so...
You: And there's the trick, I knew it- You chuckled as you ruffled her hair and you all kept walking down the streets
You reached the museum shortly after and helped her get up the stairs that led up to its entrance. Interestingly enough, there was a new statue in the center of the main area of the building
A statue featuring the likes of Superman, Batman, and even Diana. Interestingly enough, it seemed to be maintained in a good way, unlike some other statues of the place
When you recognized Wonder Woman, you immediately looked at Diana, who had a surprised look on her face
You: What do you think? Did it capture your essence?
Diana: I... I didn't know this even existed
You: I hate to admit it, but you heroes do deserve some credit from time to time- You struggled with that statement, but the intention was pure, and that is something that she did notice
Diana: coming from you, it does mean a lot, thank you- She regained her composure after that
You: No problem, just don't get any wrong ideas- She giggled by this sudden change of attitude. you might have complimented her lifestyle, but it still was taking time to change that point of view you had about it
Zoe: Is everything okay?- Zoe went to a guide for information while you talked to Diana, but now she returned with something written on her notebook
You: Sure, let's go- She nodded and you began to make your way through the exhibitions
You: So, what's your homework about?- You looked down to her, to which she giggled a little
Zoe: Well, I have to make a report about the Great War
You: You mean World War I?
Diana: You should have told me! I...I think might be able to help you
Zoe: Are you sure?
Diana: Well, I work in a museum, I might know something useful- She proudly announced, surprising you both
Zoe: For real? That's amazing!- She giggled at the girl's happiness and then put a hand on her shoulder
Diana: It sure is, come on, let us go on this quest for knowledge you're here for
Zoe: Sure thing, ma'am!- The child walked past you and Diana then looked at you with tenderness
Diana: Are you coming with us?
Unfortunately, before you could answer, you received a call. When you checked up who it was, it was from one of your mercenary partners
You: As soon as I finish this call- She nodded and continued to walk away with Zoe as she began explaining her topic
You sighed and answered the call, raising the phone to your ear
You: Yeah?
Ophelia (Omega): Hey boss, I got some news for ya. We got some...Interesting Contracts
You: Interesting?
Ophelia: The baffling part is who offered them
You: You worried about something? That is new
Ophelia: Oh shut up. The people who ordered them were Gotham's finest: Black Mask, Penguin, even the goddamn Riddler tried to contact us!- You stopped in your tracks as soon as those names were mentioned
You: Come again?
Ophelia: You heard that right, a lot of different people, bad people, are willing to make a deal with us and let me tell you, the quantity they offer is just too good.
You: They surely stole it
Ophelia: Probably, but the fact remains, Gotham is going to face something big, like a gang war or something if everybody wants to make a deal at the same time. W-What should we do?
You remained silent while you contemplated your options. It was true, no villain makes an offer to you on a regular basis, but three of them at the same time? No side can be a convenient one when it comes to them, especially for their reputation
You: Don't answer any of them
Ophelia: Are you sure?
you: Yeah, if we accept one deal, the others will come after our heads, but if we don't say anything just yet, we might have some time to prepare for whatever it is they're planning
Ophelia: Good call, boss- You put your hand on your forehead for a little while you finished digesting the initial reaction of this
You: Just let me know if you find anything else regarding this situation
Ophelia: Will do, over
The call ended and you sat down on a bench, worried about this problem. Thankfully, your thoughts were interrupted by Zoe's laughter, she surely was having a better time than you
You (In mind): Right, the girl- You stood up and tried to put your most convincing smile as you walked to them.
You confirmed it: They were enjoying the company of each other, while you tried not to look as if you had just seen a ghost
Zoe: Y/N! Welcome back!
Diana: Is everything okay?
You stopped briefly to look at them and after a little, you smiled again, embracing the ambient
You: ...Yeah, everything's okay. Let's continue!
You took a couple hours until Zoe had finished her quest, so Diana and you walked the little girl back home safely, where she said goodbye to both of you after having such an entertaining day.
It was hard to admit, but Zoe was capable of transforming the heaviest of days into something not so tiring, something you might need that later on.
You walked alongside Diana back to your place, with the now nocturnal sky over you, it wasn't too much of a problem for you, mainly because of the Bat that came out to patrol the city every night.
Diana: ...Y/N?
You: Yes?
Diana: Thank you
You: For what?- Your gaze turned to meet hers. The lights illuminated her face just right, and it was hard not to stare in awe at it
Diana: For allowing me to accompany you. It was a very remarkable day
You: You said you wanted to talk.- She smiled at this and answered with:
Diana: And I got to meet the other side of the mercenary
You couldn't tell, but your face got a little red just by the fact that you let a warrior see your human side, thing you didn't really show for obvious reasons
You: Well, yeah I... At least you're someone I can trust
Diana: I'm glad to know you do
You: I mean, you did save my life so, yeah, I kinda do
Diana: True- Once analyzed this statement and the way you said it, she couldn't help but laugh at it, with you following shortly after
You: You know, it is nice to have days like this
Diana: How so?
You: Nothing to fight, nobody to save from a certain death, just this, taking a break and enjoy things as they are
Diana: I agree, days like this are rare, especially with everything that is going on
You: Yeah, we should agree on meeting someday, you know, just to relax
Diana: It would be lovely
You: It sure would...
Your walk ended when you arrived at your apartment, you stopped at the doorstep and looked back to her
You: So, see you around?
Diana: Count on it- You smiled and she left the place after that.
You opened the door and discovered that there was nobody there, so you had the whole thing for yourself.
You closed the door, allowing yourself to get some rest as you were seemingly alone in the place.
Except, you weren't
You immediately pointed the gun you always carried around with you and pointed towards the unwelcomed guest. Fortunately for her, you managed to recognize her as Danielle, a.k.a Beta.
You: Goddamn it Dani, what did I tell you about entering my place like that?- You sighed as you put your gun down
Danielle: I'm sorry, but you know I wouldn't if it wasn't so important
You: Right, what is it about?
She took out a laptop she had with her and began to open a lot of images on them, as well as some information
The images featured a lot of known heroes, the Justice League, to put it simply, all absent from their normal duties but reunited on the Hall of Justice, according to the information
Danielle: They're all in one single place, from Superman to that "Plastic Man" guy.
You: That ain't good, is there any news from the satellites you hacked a few weeks ago?
Danielle: As a matter of fact, there is. And it isn't pretty
You: It never is- She nodded and then proceeded to change the images into some reports she had on the satellites but was disconcerting about it was the fact that some of them weren't even available
Danielle: Eight of them down, in the same month. Whatever is going on, they're trying to cover it as best as they can
You: Hope they know what they're doing
Danielle: Why don't you ask your "friend"?- That part caught you off guard, and know your eyes were staring at her with a disbelief expression
You: Really?
Danielle: Just saying
You: *Sigh* This is why I can't have good things. Anyway, it's obvious this thing is a threat to everyone, so we must plan our next actions very, very carefully- She nodded but her concern didn't disappear at all, in fact, it got worse
Danielle: And to make it critical, everybody that usually defends Gotham is out there helping as well- It was in that moment that your eyes widened, an unprotected Gotham was the last thing somebody could ever need
You: Shit, that ain't good... Wait, does that mean what I think I mean?
Danielle: Yes, a war for Gotham is about to start...
And we appear to be in the middle of it
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