Peace and chaos
"What's wrong? You look like you just saw a ghost!"
Penguin's voice taunted you, laughing at your reaction of the unmasked Batwoman, who just turned out to be the very same woman you wanted out of all of this:
Your roommate and best friend, Kate Kane
The Penguin laughed triumphant, while Two-Face was paying close attention to you, to keep you from doing anything
Trying your best to focus on the situation at hand, something came to your mind
Penguin and Two-Face were the least likely to form an alliance, which means that this entire situation forced them to do so
However, if they are pushed far enough, a conflict is practically bound to occur, you just have to know how to make it happen
You: Well...I have to congratulate you, this was one hell of a fight, but in the end, the best man won this war. You got me
Hearing this from you brought Cobblepot a great feeling of joy
Penguin: 'Bout time you said it!
You: I was talking to Two-Face
Penguin: What!?
Two-Face: Well, someone finally admits it
You: However, I do wonder, why did you ally yourself with him? Doesn't Cobblepot represent everything you used to stand against?
Two-Face: Not like I had much of a choice
You: And yet you managed to arrange such a plan to bring me down, I'm impressed
Penguin: Bullshit! What tells you it wasn't me who planned this?
He was getting irritated, but this time, Kate helped you out
Kate: Come on, Cobblepot, everyone knows you're the one that just takes credit and never does anything on his own
Two-Face: They're right, Oswald. It was me who came up with this part
The short man's attention went completely to his "ally" and even Harvey lowered his weapon
Penguin: Is that so? Come here and see if I killed you on my own!
The man aimed his gun at his ally and started to shot, blasting the man away right away
Once Kate was free, she tried to intervene, but Penguin turned his attention to her right away
Penguin: I'll deal with you next!
He shot the woman, but it was you who took the blast
Needless to say, it hurt more than it was supposed to, you were still recovering after all
Kate: Y/N!!
She rushed to your side, trying her best to treat your wounds. Oswald turned his attention back to Two-Face, who tried to stand up but was pushed back down by him
Penguin: We've come a long road, Harv, but it ends now
And with that said, he shot his partner, taking out one of the most controversial figures in Gotham without thinking it through. Two-Face was no more
However, as soon as he was shot, Cobbelpot was hit too, in the back. He fell down in pain as a result
It was you who shot the man, much to Kate's surprise
Kate: What are you doing!?
You: Payback
You got up with much effort, with one hand on your wound and the other holding the handgun
The redhead stood up as well, trying to hold you back while reasoning with you
Kate: Y/N, it's enough! He can't hurt anyone now
The short man screamed while still in pain. A normal reaction from someone like him
As he was trying to get back up, you made your way to the villain. Kate stopped you again, placing her hands on your shoulders and with a pleading look in her eyes
Kate: Y/N please, think this through. There have been enough dead people as it is, it's not worth it
You stopped briefly to look at the redhead without changing your expression at all
You: If it were the Ventriloquist, Killer Moth or even the Mad Hatter I wouldn't really care if you'd send them back to Arkham or Blackgate if you were in the mood
You took her hands off you and stopped walking when you were in range to act
You: But this little shit...he made it personal
Penguin: Listen to her, if you take me out the Bat won't let you see the end of it!
He thought that by saying this it might make you reconsider. While he was not wrong, it would just mean Cobblepot would still be around to ruin more lives, so it was not something you were willing to risk
Almost instinctively, your gun was aimed at the man, who despite his condition kept cursing you at the top of his lungs, incapable of self-defense
Kate: Y/N NO!!
That sound echoed throughout the entire warehouse, a bullet left the pistol's chamber to pierce the Penguin's head before Kate could even stop you.
Gotham had one less thing to worry about now.
They say that killing gets easier the more you do it until you don't feel anything at all when you do it again and again
But this time, it almost felt good, almost...
There was silence at the warehouse, nobody moved after your act
Kate: Y/N...
Her voice made you look back at her. Once the immediate threat was dealt with, you could focus on the other big issue at hand
You: So...Kate Kane, my motherfucking roommate...
She noticed the sudden change in your attitude but decided to go with it, as it was key to the future of your relationship with her
Kate: I can explain this, Y/N, I-
You: Don't, I already thought that it was weird enough to have a roomie that was totally okay with me being a mercenary. Guess that explains a lot
...But that does bring a question, though
She nodded, allowing you to continue. While you looked at her in the eyes, she could barely return the gesture and for good reason
You: Why didn't you tell me sooner? I would've helped you
This caught her off-guard, especially how well you were taking the news, almost as if you had time to digest such thing
Kate: Believe me, I wanted to, but it's not that simple...I'm not the one who makes that call
Judging by the way she said it, there was a hint of both guilt and frustration. She was not lying
You: *Sigh* Right...the Bat
Kate: And you know what he thinks about murder
You: I'll deal with him once this is all done
Then, your communicator activated, revealing a rather agitated Danielle
Danielle: Y/N, do you hear me?
You: What's going on?
Danielle: It's Bane, he found the base and-
The transmission was ended abruptly, leaving only static for a moment, but then you heard another voice, one that was not from Danie at all...but Bane's
Bane: I'm afraid your comrade is too busy right now.
You: What did you do to her!?
Bane: She is still breathing, but you better hurry. If I see you enter your base with one of your "enhanced" allies, then you can say goodbye to her
With that said, the call met an end, leaving you alone with your heart beating faster in horror of the news
Kate: ...You're not thinking about it, are you?
You: What do you think?
You started to walk away without looking back, but your wrist was held back by Kate herself
Kate: If you go you'll die
Her continuous interference made you snap, the change of expression gave it away
You: If you really value our friendship you will leave me the fuck alone right now
She took a step back, surprised by this outburst, but she of all people knew that this time, you had a good reason to be mad at her
But she admired the willpower you had, despite your great injuries, you were still trying to go on and save your friend
She sighed, reaching out for something in her utility belt. She got out a syringe before looking at you
Kate: Here, it's adrenaline. I know you won't stop, but this should help you to keep going without bleeding to death
You: Fine, go on
But then, she hugged you, by her voice, you could tell she was holding back so many feelings...It made you feel a little bad for being so harsh at her
You had your reasons, but so did she. You had to respect that
Batwoman: Be careful, please
Finally, you hugged back, making your breath to become calm.
You: You too, Kate
You broke the hug, and asking her to go on with the adrenaline, time was running out after all
You: I want you and Gordon to go out and establish a new base of operations, knowing Bane he already wrecked ours. Whatever happens, you need to keep them alive
We're almost done here
She nodded, preparing the syringe for use
Kate: I won't let you down
You: I know you won't
And so, she injected the substance into your body and the moment she did, you stopped feeling the crushing pain you did before. In fact, you felt nothing at all but your heart beating at an incredible speed
Without further do, you picked a weapon from the ground and ran out of the place and into the car you used earlier
With your newly found concentration, getting to your base was an easy task, especially since you could drive however you wanted with the streets being as empty as they were
The reason why you asked Kate to mount an outpost was not only because Bane destroyed the previous one, but because you also knew that now you only had to worry about Bane himself before going after the maniac who started this in the first place
The exact same person who has been surprisingly silent since they broadcasted that message to Gotham, but it was heavily implied that they were the ones pulling the strings from the shadows
Then, just outside your base, you were met with opposition in the form of an armored truck with thugs shooting at you
Since the car you had wasn't bulletproof, they did quite a number on it
However, the truck stopped being a problem the moment someone landed harshly on it, completely destroying the vehicle
That someone, was Diana herself
Apparently, she was told your location despite what Bane ordered
She got out of the remains of the vehicle and walked up to you
Diana: what is going on?
You: Bane broke into the base and now is threatening to kill Danielle if I don't do anything about it
Diana: But you're in no condition to keep going, let alone fight someone like him
You loaded your gun and walked towards the entrance
You: I have to, I won't let another one die on me
Despite your improved condition, you fell down due to a wound opening up and forcing you to stop
You might not feel it, but it doesn't mean it's not there
The Amazon helped you back up immediately after this happened, still trying to reason with you
Diana: Just let me handle this!
You: No, if he sees it's you he will kill Danielle on the spot. If he sees me, there are more chances he will let her live for long enough to do something about it
You heard more vehicles approaching, presumably Bane's gang. Time was running out
Diana: There has to be something I can do, you are clearly in no condition to fight this man
You looked around for an answer to your predicament until your eyes stopped at a locker you had. It was pretty much intact, you looked through your things and found the one thing that would help change the tide of this
You got the item out and tossed it to Diana who looked at you rather intrigued
You: Listen carefully, this is how we'll proceed...
Using the uniform that you used when on a mission, you entered the room, ready to face whatever lied on the other side.
The place itself was in bad shape, but this room? It was in ruins, it didn't take long to see who caused all the mayhem, it was not an army, but a single person:
The walking tank himself, Bane
The man emerged victorious, with Danielle lying unconscious on the ground. The state of everything was enough to figure out what kind of a fight took place in there
He then directed his attention to you as soon as he spotted you
Bane: So here you are, the one person crazy enough to fight all of us at the same time. I have to admit it, you didn't go unprepared for this fight, your ally here is quite formidable. She earned the right to keep breathing
He motioned at Danielle, whose bruises were more worrying every time you looked at her
Bane: You, on the other hand, they say you aren't afraid of killing, something that not even the Batman can do, it will be an honor to break you, Y/N L/N
This foe might be one of the most dangerous villains out there, but he was still an honorable man
You didn't answer him, instead, you got your guard up, your fists clenched and your breathing in check
Bane: Not one to waste words? I respect that
He cracked his knuckles before he too adopted a fighting stance, preparing for the impending conflict
There was a brief moment of silence between you two, barely moving when suddenly, Bane charged at you, swinging his fist at you mercilessly
However, he got quite a surprise when he noticed that not only did he fail to hit you, but that you had caught his fist
Bane: What!?
Then, he was met with your own fist, sending him flying a few meters into a wall. You took the opportunity and rushed to Danielle, getting her out of the danger zone as fast as you could
Suddenly, a piece of the wall itself was thrown your way, barely giving you any time to dodge it when Bane managed to land a powerful strike, forcing you to step back
You got back up and ducked under another punch of his, grabbing him with both hands and in an extraordinary move, you tossed the man away
Without wasting any time, you jumped at him and proceeded to attack him again and again, not giving him room to do anything
Bane: Enough!
He caught your fist and headbutted you before hitting your stomach and kick you away
Bane: You are much stronger than what they say. No matter, for I am even stronger!
With that said, he pushed a button and the many tubes connected to his back started to pump his infamous Venom toxin, making him grow in size and of course, strength
Bane let out a roar as he charged at you while you were still recovering. You managed to stop him in his tracks, clashing against him using your forearms
However, Bane pulled you towards him and catching you off-guard, he hit you on the sides in a crushing motion before punching you back. You tried to jump away, but you soon realized that he got your leg, smashing you into the ground with brute force before starting to strike again and again, making the crater grow in size
The man stopped once he found himself tired, stopping briefly to regain his breath, looking down at the work he made on you
Your suit had taken quite a beating, but Bane soon noticed a few discrepancies
For one, your hair was, not that long, your eyes were e/c colored, unlike the person he had been fighting right now and there were also using metal bracelets for some reason
Bane: What!? You're not-
Suddenly, a shot rang out across the room, multiple bullets directly hitting the tubes Bane was using, forcibly cutting out his supply of the chemical compound
Bane looked back at the source of the attack and found himself shocked when he saw that the person who shot him, was you
When he looked back down at his opponent, he was met with a powerful blow from her, one strong enough to knock the wind out of him, then he took an uppercut and another punch to his chest
Bane was forced to move, but as soon as he did, his opponent wound up yet another blow, one so strong that broke his arm when he tried to block it. While he was too distracted by the sudden feeling of pain, he was yet again hit in the head, this time knocking him out for good
Once he was dealt with, your partner removed her mask to reveal herself as Diana, who was fighting on your behalf while you took care of the rest. She noticed your breathing getting heavy and the fact that you were using the gun to stand up, so she rushed in to help you
You: One hell of a fight you put, Diana
Diana: Let's get you somewhere safe
You: Y-You got it.
She wrapped your arm around her shoulders while carrying Danielle with her other arm and headed towards the exit
However, she stopped walking when she noticed your sudden change, coughing blood, to begin with.
Your free arm was placed on your stomach, but it was then that your outfit became stained with a growing stain of blood. The adrenaline had worn out
Seeing this made the Amazon's eyes go wide with fear
Diana: Y/N!!
You fell to the ground, coughing blood as your body was finally giving up on you, but it didn't matter, it served its purpose for long enough today
You: I-I'm trusting you on t-this, Diana...
She picked you bridal style, rushing out of there as fast as she could, fear slowly crawling into her soul
Diana: I-It's okay, Y/N, everything's going to be alright. I promise
You couldn't help but smile at her attempts, but that was all you could do before finally closing your eyes without even thinking about it
Diana: No, do NOT close your eyes, Y/N!
Don't you DARE close your eyes!
Oh no, I'm afraid you won't meet Death this time, not if I have a say in the matter~
Your eyes opened slowly, blinking a couple times before you could see clearly where you were
However, you discovered that you were in a house made of stone, but not affected by the age at all
You tried to sit up, but the pain returned as soon as you tried to move, forcing a groan out of you
???: Don't push yourself, your wounds might be minor, but they are still there
You looked at the person who gently put you back to rest, finding a beautiful brunette dressed in a rather unusual attire, for the last ten centuries, at least
You: Who are you?...
???: My name is Elene and you are in Themyscira, an island blessed by the gods
Hearing that got you completely awake as the realization hit you:
That name, Diana mentioned before. Was this the so-called paradise island she talked about?
Elene: You seem troubled, is there something in the matter?
The door to the house opened shortly after, revealing Danielle, who had a tray with soup on it. She was wearing robes similar to Elene's own attire
Dani: I'll take it from here, thank you, Elene
Elene: Let me know if you need anything
She left the room after that, leaving you two alone
You: Dani? What are you wearing? What's going on?
She sat on the edge of the bed, hading you the tray with care
Dani: I'll explain it all, but for now try to rest, eat this soup, it'll help ease the pain
You picked the bowl and started eating the food. Dani sighed but soon found the strength to talk again
Dani: We are lucky to get out of there alive, things were looking pretty bad.
You: Tell me about it
Dani: When Bane broke into the base while you and the others were fighting their way out of the Iceberg Lounge I...I feared the worst, I panicked
About two hours later I woke up and Diana told me what happened: You two saved me but you were in critical condition, we were unsure of what to do
But then a strange woman going by "Circe" showed up claiming that she could help you. Diana was very skeptical about her, but she kept her word
Anything you want to say about this "Circe"?
As soon as this name was brought up, you lost all sense of calm
So that was the voice you heard before waking up
You: That's not good, we can't trust her
Dani: So she is as bad as Diana says, how do you know her?
You: More like she knows me, she's fascinated with me for some reason.
Dani: So she's pretty much a wildcard
You nodded before taking one last sip from the bowl, finishing the meal
You: Where is she now?
Dani: She disappeared the moment we entered his place
You: *Sigh* Of course she did. Wait, who made it here with us?
Dani: You, me and Ophelia
You: What? Where is she?
Dani: She's...resting
Her voice began to break when saying that, already signaling a bad thing
You: What happened?...
She took a deep breath before she managed to look at you, but barely
Dani: It took about seven hours to treat your injuries, Ophe was not so lucky...
Dani just nodded, her breathing got heavy and her eyes struggled to contain tears. Suddenly, she rushed in and hugged you in search of comfort
You returned the gesture but were replaying the incident in your mind
Along with Vincent and Ophelia, you had been forced into a gladiatorial fight for the Penguin's amusement. Vincent was broken by the Joker's toxin and committed suicide
This act sent Ophe over the edge and she tried to escape, you fought alongside her but both of you received a lot of damage during that fight
But the Penguin himself dared to shoot his own daughter, maybe that's what finished her...
You: Dani?
You got a 'hmm' for an answer, your friend still dealing with this. You broke the hug to look at Danielle in the eyes, showing a cold determination as you said:
"Take me to her"
In a field near the edge rested a deceased woman, with a pedestal and a fire as some sign of respect for her.
Dani: It's here
You stopped to admire the burial made for her. It seems like she was sent off by the Amazons as one of their own
Surely, a ceremony worthy of a person like her
Dani: It has a great view of the sea, s-she chose it...
According to Dani, Ophelia passed away about five hours ago. There was no way you would even be awake by that time, but still, the question lurked through your mind
"Why wasn't I there?"
But it was then that a certain object got your attention, a letter with "Y/N" written on it
You: What's that?
Dani: She made it for you as soon as she was told she would die. She said she wanted to "Get something off her chest"
Dani was taking it better now that she had time to recover from the news, but the pain was undeniable
You: You mind if I...
Dani: Go ahead
You walked up to it and carefully took the letter away before opening it. It read as follows:
Hey boss
So, yeah. Apparently, Penguin shot me using a special poison saved just for his daughter, one so bad not even the Amazons knew what to do. I know, lucky me
I hope you have better luck than I did, you did take quite a beating for us, Hell, I don't even know if you're going to wake up
You know how messed up my life was, all drugs and alcohol, a good fight every now and then, it was just...bad
...And then you came in and gave me a second chance. I don't know what did I do to deserve it, but I tried my best not to let it go to waste.
I just wanted to say thank you for giving me a purpose
Saving an entire city to get a few moments of peace in the best place in Earth sounds like a fair deal to me
So please don't feel bad if we fall during the battle, you know that shit happens sometimes
And people might not want to admit it, but you are a damn hero for standing up to those scumbags
So I'll leave it up to you to finish this war, I know you can
Give them hell, Y/N
When you finished the letter, tears were not in your eyes, but that didn't mean you weren't facing an inner storm
Slade Wilson's teachings were very clear when it came to personal feelings. You didn't allow yourself to cry since Frank died, trying to focus on finishing the war before honoring the fallen
And now, you were just a person away from taking Gotham back. Ophelia had time to prepare herself for death
She got the chance to visit this utopia before giving in to the poison and even wrote you her goodbyes. She had left this world in her terms, something to soften the impact of the news
Vincent and Ophelia were going to get married, but guess now they would be reunited again, hopefully under better circumstances
As for you? It was your job to honor them by finishing this war and making sure it would not happen again, you owed them that
Dani agreed to leave you alone to say your goodbyes to her and later rejoin your group. It as Elene who gave you some kind of tour of Themyscira while Dani's presence was requested by the queen of the place
Turns out Diana was the princess of this place, and they were preparing a celebration for her returning "home". You would have liked to visit this place but under better circumstances
Judging by the landscape alone, it was getting obvious why was it called "Paradise Island"
About a few hours of wandering through the place, you learned that the inhabitants were indeed, just women with a somewhat reclusive nature (Aside from your guide) thus being not completely okay with an outsider just roaming freely around
That very same posture was the one that brought you trouble later on. As you were making your way through the fields, you came across the training grounds, with the Amazons themselves continuing their rigorous lifestyle by training
You: What are they training for?
Elene: To protect the world, should despair arise and the world requires protection
You: Then why haven't I see you before?
Elene: We let your champions deal with the crisis, if they fail, we don't
You: Huh...fair enough
Elene: would you like to witness the training? Perhaps you could find anything useful for your own skillset
Despite her words, you could see her intention was pure, plus, it would be nice to see what conditions Dina trained in that made her so, well...her
You: Alright, lead the way
She nodded before walking into the field, where you could see clearly that the Amazons' training routines were extraordinary, some of them with reflexes so sharp they could catch arrows and throw them back with ease
This training did put most others to shame, but these women were special in their own way, their endurance was quite astonishing. One of the caught your eye, she was practicing archery using three arrows at the same time against multiple targets and as you can guess, she did not fail once
You: Who is that?- you asked pointing at said woman
Elene: That is Alexa, she aims to be part of the queen's guards
You: I can tell
Trying to be friendly, you approached the blonde archer as she kept shooting her targets
You: You're pretty good with that thing
She stopped her activity to look at you, but she was rather upset by your presence for some reason
Alexa: Of course I am, I was trained to excellence. Are you as good using your guns? I've heard modern weaponry makes a warrior more dependant on machines than actual skill
You could feel your eye twitch at this comment, so you walked up to her and took a deep breath, trying to deal with her newly-found arrogance
You: Well, then, allow me to prove you wrong
Alexa: I highly doubt it, but go on
You took the bow from her and got into position, farther away than she was to shoot the same targets. Then you placed the arrows and followed each step you were taught until you looked down the arrow and aligned it with the target.
Shortly after, you held your breathing to stop any movement whatsoever and released the arrows one by one. Alexa was beaten by you every time you did
Judging by her expression, she was not expecting that, but still held on to her pride
Elene: That is most impressive, Y/N
Alexa: Indeed, why is it you say you were so injured in battle?
You: Let's just say that the odds were not good
Alexa: Perhaps you should have thought about it before charging blindly into battle
The confident way she said it made you stare at her, more irritated but also surprised by such behavior
You: ...Excuse me?
Elene: They are not enemies. Alexa- She stepped in trying to help you
Alexa: Of course, they are not even threats if they cannot deal with such lowlives as the enemies they face
You: Well it happens that those "lowlives" won't hesitate to bring down an entire fucking city with them.
Alexa: I would have dealt with them in less than a day
You: You wouldn't have lasted that long
Alexa: I wouldn't have let my people die either
You: I doubt anyone would like to follow you
After hearing this, she stepped closer to you, scowling. Elene herself tried to intervene, but you two were far gone into the conflict
Alexa: Are you challenging me, foreigner?
You: Maybe I am, blondie
She growled, walking back a couple steps and adopting a fighting stance, accepting your challenge
Alexa: Do your worst, commoner
You followed the same action and raised your clenched fists, preparing yourself for yet another combat
You: You bring it on
Elene: Y/N, please!
Your ally walked in front of you, but you then saw Alexa growled at you, wasting no time and closing the distance between you two with a punch. You took the hit for Elene, getting her out of the danger before intercepting another strike from your opponent
You sidestepped, hitting her neck with your palm and kicking her back
Being outmaneuvered gained the Amazon's rage, who punched the ground in a tantrum
Elene: Cease the conflict already!
A small group of them got close to the scene, eager to watch the fight unfold, keeping Elene out in the process. Seeing as words had no effect at the moment, she decided to flee the scene
Still enraged, Alexa jumped at you again, making quite the impact when she landed. You dodged it but were met with a kick on your side
You were unable to move at the moment, but she did not care, instead, she punched you in the chest and then on the face, tossing you away with ease
The warriors cheered by this behavior, fueling the woman's desire to fight
Alexa: Get up and fight!
You spat out some blood as you managed to get back up, rising your guard shortly after
You: Now you've done it...
You threw the punch this time, only for it to be caught
Alexa: Come on, did you se-
She was cut off by the elbow from said arm hitting her jaw
Once your hand was free, you got them together and swung back at her using the combined mass of your fists together
Your strike was strong enough to make her step back, but she immediately tried to sweep your legs. You jumped back, avoiding her hit and charging at her right away
When she recovered, you had already pushed her away using your own body. However, she used her elbows to hit you on the back again and again until you were forced to release her
She threw another punch at you, but you caught it and pulled her towards you, meeting her with a knee to the stomach and throwing her down with both of your fists
Alexa let out a pained groan after feeling this. The crowd was surprised by your movements before you were trying to hold back, but she was not.
Since she was an Amazon, she could take more than a regular person, so there was no need for you to hold back either
You: Are you done?
But then, she was thrown a sword by one of her friends. No doubt they were wanting her to win this fight
Without thinking it twice, Alexa go back up while trying to hit you with the sword multiple times until she created enough distance
She aimed the sword at you, glaring and clearly not wanting to end the conflict with you standing. Normally, you would talk your way out of this, but not today
Today, the last thing you wanted to deal with was an Amazon with a short temper who kept insulting your fallen friends. She was practically asking to be killed
And so, Alexa charged at you with her sword in one hand. Just as she was about to strike you down, you grabbed her hand, twisting her wrist as you scooped the sword away from her. She tried to approach again, so you instinctively hit her with the hilt of the sword and kicked her away with force
The Amazons stopped cheering when they saw their "sister" getting beaten by a stranger, but they did not interfere
Alexa looked back at you, wiping the blood from her busted lips and glared at you yet again, but this time, you could see that her taunting nature had vanished, in fact, you could even see fear lurking deep within her being
And so you raised your sword and looking down at your foe, Alexa herself closed her eyes in anticipation for what could very well be a finishing blow
A blade was heard hitting something solid, followed by many gasps from the crowds...But Alexa could still fell herself breathing
When she decided to open her eyes again, she saw her own reflection in the blade of the sword, nailed at the ground, barely missing her head
She felt her heart stopped beating for a second as the realization hit her, she could have indeed lost her life at that moment. The brunette looked at you, noticing the cold stare you were giving her
You: See that sword? I could have killed you if I wanted, but it's not worth it, you are not worth it
Then, you walked up to the sword and retrieved it, leaving the Amazon in the ground, still shocked
You: Now, I would really appreciate it if you stopped insulting my friends, thank you
You gave the sword back to the woman who gave it to Alexa in the first place and made your way through the crowd, all of them silent now
???: What is the meaning of this, Alexa?
Everyone looked back at the woman who said that, being the queen herself (who you were told was Hippolyta) accompanied by a rather surprised Diana and Elene, so that's where she went...
Fortunately, you didn't something as bad as actually killing Alexa, even though you wanted to
Alexa: My queen! I-I was challenged to a battle by them, I had to comply- She admitted while she kneeled to her
Hippolyta: From what I have heard, it was the other way around. In fact, you went as far as to dishonor the memories of a fallen warrior, am I wrong?
Alexa:...No, my queen, you are not
Hippolyta: Y/N L/N and their allies might originate from the world of man, but that does not make them any less of a warrior than we are. Their decision to spare you can confirm this
The queen then looked at you. You would expect her to be angry at you because of what you just did, but you found her proud
And honestly, it was disconcerting
Hippolyta: I will take care of the situation from here, I am sorry for her behavior
You nodded at her before turning around and leaving the scene without waiting for any of your own allies to try and reason with you
Diana: Y/N!
The princess tried to go after you, only to be stopped by her mother
Hippolyta: I think it is better if you leave them be, for now
Diana: *Sigh* I'm sorry for this, mother
Hippolyta: Don't, Alexa brought this upon herself, besides, it was enough proof to me of what kind of person Y/N is
She watched you walking away
"And we are fortunate they are on our side"
Night time arrived and with it, the celebration for Diana. It was mostly a giant dinner more than anything, still, everyone seemed to be having a blast, even Dani was in a much better state now than how she was earlier.
But you weren't at peace
Even if you hated to admit it, Alexa's words did have an impact on you. What she said was not the first time you had been told something like that, but being reminded of it was not pleasant at all
But that didn't mean it wasn't true to some extent, while you were "winning" the war, you suffered more casualties than you expected. Contrary to what most people thought, you weren't fighting to protect the superheroes' true identities, you were fighting for Gotham itself and the ones that couldn't stand for themselves
But now, it doesn't look like a battle worth fighting... Only Danielle and you remained from your original team and you barely even made it out alive, all for a city that would probably be in chaos the very next day
The people of this place, they looked at Diana s their champion, proud of everything she achieved
But you, you were fighting over one of the world's most dangerous places to be in and the people still think you are a mercenary, an outlaw that is no different from any villain
Hell, maybe they think Batman is the one that brought the city back like usual
And so, without thinking about it much longer, you got up from your seat and left the room used for the celebration and soon enough, the place itself. Among all their cheering, you thought no one would notice you leaving, but you were noticed by the one person you wanted not to be noticed by
???: Y/N
You turned back to find Diana herself, looking at you with worried eyes. You tried to act normal in order to ease things up
You: Oh, hey Diana, good to see you again. I'm just tired, don't worry about it
But of course, she did not believe you at all
Diana: You're lying
You: No, it is true. I'm tired, tired of that "you're not enough to save people" bullshit they keep giving me
This statement caught the woman off-guard
Diana: What? Who said that?
You: Don't you think I know what happens to the people like me, Diana? We try to make something worth living for until someone gets an excuse to put us in jail! We are no heroes
Diana: That is not true, why would the police arrest people like you?
You: Because we do their work better than they do! They want to make themselves look like the good guys without actually doing shit!.
Diana: But you can't just give up now! Gotham, its people need you to be the one to save it!
You: Screw that! I just lost it all trying to save a city that is clearly better off in the chaos that it is in right now
Her eyes went wide as soon as she hard this from you. The exact thing she was praying not to hear
Your surrender
Without hesitating, you turned around and started to run away from the scene, as far from everybody as possible, their presence could only make things worse
However, by running away, you also left behind a shocked Amazon, still reacting to the sudden outburst you had.
Diana: Y/N...
Her eyes started to get wet, tears were threatening to emerge due to sadness overwhelming her, and she could have just let them fall down
But by doing so, she would have accepted your defeat
And if there was something that Diana hated to see, was a broken soul, especially when they're trying to save something that might as well be even worse the day after
She was all too familiar with this feeling, she would not allow you to be consumed by it
And so, without thinking it twice, she jumped as far as she could, trying to reduce the distance between you two, completely abandoning the celebration that was meant for her
The woman discovered that you had not wasted any time while running, you were nowhere to be seen
But in this place, the island she calls home, there is nowhere to hide
Eventually, she found you sitting on a hill, under a lone tree. With your knees resting on your chest
Diana landed carefully as to not make much noise, you didn't even flinch by this act
She made her way to you until she was in front of you, with the most caring expression you had ever seen
As she saw your eyes, those sore orbs of yous, she found you tired of battle, pain, loss...
As much as you were hurt, you could tell Diana herself was making her best not to break by seeing you like this
You: I just...I can't be like you, Diana, I can't, trust me, I tried
The sound of your voice comforted her, didn't hesitate to talk back right away
Diana: You don't have to be like me, Y/N. You are unique in your own way
You: C'mon, you're a goddamn beacon of hope, not only do you save people, but you make make us see our better side
She was rather surprised to hear this, from you nonetheless
Diana: ...Is that's your perception of me?
You reacted slightly once you realized what you have just said to her, words that came from your very own heart
You: Well, y-yeah but... I just don't have any hope left, not anymore...
The woman finally sat beside you, gathering her strength in order to pull off her greatest geat yet:
Putting you back together
Diana: *Sigh* I know you won't believe it from someone like me, but I know what is it like to lose hope in humanity
You: ...What?
Diana: Yes, when I thought I saved them from a great war, they ended up making one that was somehow even worse.
She stared at the ground with some anger, remembering those dark times and the even darker consequences
You: Yeah, well, that's humanity for you...
Diana: However, in those times of turmoil, you get to see the better side of people, of those who won't allow evil to win. Everyone is as much of a hero as they chose to
You: ...So is that why you stuck with me, even when everything's clearly gone to Hell?
You looked at her looking for an honest answer, the way you asked her caught her off guard but she regained her composure in no time
Diana: After the great war was over, I...I lost someone I held dear, I closed myself off the world for a long time
When you called me 'angel' you reminded me of him, but this also made worse the fear that I had, so I closed myself again, but that was my mistake, I almost lost you too because of that
Then, she looked at you straight in the eye, not holding anything back
Diana: And I don't want to lose the people I love again, I won't let it happen...
This made your eyes go wide, such a thing to hear from her and yet, your mind could not bring itself to form a single word, so you stayed silent
Diana: Gotham is a bad place, yes, it is filled with bad people, but what place isn't?
There are also people that are willing to change the world for the better if they are only given the chance
And as long as they exist, I firmly believe that it is worth saving them, every drop of blood just to keep them safe
Your knees distanced themselves from your face, letting your legs to rest normally on the grass, sitting down as you kept listening
Diana: And you, you are one of the most surprising people I have ever met. You chose to stand up for an entire city when you could have just run away
And the price you are paying is just as great, and yet. Here you are
You were met with a hand placed on your shoulder and a sympathetic smile
Diana: I would be damned if I chose not to stand beside you
The weight of her words was colossal, something to meditate for hours and yet, you decided to talk, as doubt was slightly stronger this time
You: A-Are you sure about that?...
Suddenly, you felt a pair of arms wrapping around your neck, allowing you to be embraced in a strong, yet pure hug by Diana
Not only did you let her to, but you actually hugged her back
Diana: Yes, I am sure of it
You two remained silent for a moment, no words were needed right now. Who would have thought?
Weeks ago you have hated the metahumans with all your heart, and here you are now
Revealing yourself to one, your heart exposed to her entirely
But this was Diana, she was different from what you believed, in fact, she actually made you... better.
You: ...Well, I'm glad to know you still want to fight by my side, then
She broke the hug to look at you with a smile
Diana: You have given me many reasons to do it
It was there, that the night's firmament made its presence known via the greatest views nature had to offer, yet another reminder of the nickname for this place
However, the light also shined upon Diana's face, highlighting her already remarkable features
Her words and the heartwarming things she has done for you made it impossible to look at her the same way as before
No, she had earned a significant place, especially in a time like this
You didn't realize you were doing this, but your face was getting closer to hers, your body acting on its own, and even worse:
Her face turned around to meet your actions so calm as if she knew what was it that you were going to do
...And she didn't oppose
By the time you realized this, it was too late. Your were practically touching her smooth, beautifully shaped lips.
They were, so addictive, it was like kissing an angel, a feeling coursing through your body, something new, something better
Hatred, sadness, and impotence all went away as soon as you kissed her.
You didn't know why, but it happened
Despite what your mind told you, you decided to stay like this a little longer because deep inside...This is what you really wanted
However, doubt and anxiety forced you to break the kiss in the end, with a lot of embarrassment because of how sudden your actions were.
And so, you started to act very nervously, with your face feeling way warmer than before as you tried to explain yourself to the Amazon
You: I-I'm sorry Diana! I don't know w-what got into me
She put a finger on your lips, stopping you before another word could be said
Diana: It's okay, I allowed that
She mover her hand away to let you speak, but it only revealed a shocked, confused you
You: Wait...You did?
She laughed at your attitude before nodding in confirmation
Diana: Yes, yes I did
Before you could actually answer, another Amazon showed up, a guard, by the looks of her
She was down the hill, looking for the princess. As soon as she saw her, Diana stood up, leaving you as well
Diana: I'll be right back
You: Don't worry, take your time, I mean, it's your party
She laughed at your comment before she began to walk again, but your voice stopped her briefly from moving forward
You: Ummm...Diana?
Diana turned around, curious as to what you had to say
Diana: Yes?
You: ...I really needed that, thank you
Her expression turned into one of happiness, and her warm smile was the one to let you know
"There is nothing to thank me for"
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