Not as planned
Black doors were forcefully kicked open to reveal an Amazon and a masked mercenary breaking into a building occupied by common, yet annoying enemies
The moment they saw you, they aimed their weapons at you and didn't hesitate to open fire
Of course, Diana blocked it with her shield, covering both of you
You: You take the ones on the left, I'll take the rest
She nodded and right away threw her shield at the enemies shooting you. Taking advantage of the situation, you rushed to take down the rest of your enemies
You jumped over a utility table to kick down and stun your foes.
Right away you blasted one away with the shotgun you brought with you and proceeded to strike the next with the stock of the weapon before taking out a knife and stabbing the last one, taking him down
Ever since this war started, many gangs had taken over different parts of the city (Although none of them were able to even step into Wayne's building, nor his manor)
Even if you had taken out a big part of their weapons supply, that didn't mean you wouldn't have to face armed foes
These ones had taken over a corporate building, but they were setting up a bomb to bring the whole thing down, which of course, you wouldn't allow
While Diana and you took them out, others were taking back some strategic points in the city, lesser in importance, but the more of the city you could secure, the best
You looked back at Diana herself to find her triumphant over the rest of the goons
You: Everything alright?
Diana: They didn't even put a fight
You chuckled at her statement, moving your head from side to side
You: I doubt anyone could give you a challenge
She chuckled at your statement, while funny, it was true, even Superman had a hard time trying to beat Diana in a fight
Diana: How many rooms left?
You: One and then, the bomb
She nodded and readied her sword as well as her shield
Diana: Ready?
You got behind her, gun in hand
You: After you
Without further do, she kicked the door in front of you and guns started blazing at your direction again
While they were distracted by the Amazon warrior assaulting them, you took advantage of this and quickly disposed of them without even giving them a chance to react
In fact, you heard footsteps coming from behind so you moved so swiftly that you were in one knee and facing the other way, immediately shooting down the enemies that tried to surprise you
Diana: You keep surprising me, Y/N
You: Why thank you, ready for the big one?
She nodded and stored back her sword as you stored your weapon
You: Remember to do it exactly as we planned.
With that said, Diana ran off the scene and you simply opened the doors, raising your hands in surrender
You saw that they had turrets on the sides, the bomb being in the middle of the room and three people inside it.
As you saw it in the cameras of the building, there was a window just behind the desk where they decided to put the bomb on
However, they did not shoot you once they saw you had your arms raised up, you wouldn't even fight them back
Thug: Surrendering so quickly?
You: Well, what can I say, even I recognize greater firepower when I see it
Thug: Yeah, that's what I thought
The men operating the turrets stepped down, getting a better view of the scene
You: I mean, of course, I could take you all down right now, but where would be the fun in that, am I right?
Thug: Ha! You think you can take all of us down? We have turrets dude, turrets
You all shared a laugh, they were all distracted and without moving at all, you simply replied:
You: Yeah? Well I got an Amazon
Without further do, Diana came crashing through the window, taking them off guard by such display of power and using the same technique, you got out your handgun and shot them down
One by one
Once the room was cleared, you motioned Wonder Woman to proceed and she then threw the bomb out of the zone, allowing it to explode without really harming anyone
After that, she returned to the room to find you sitting on the desk reloading your gun
You: Great job, Diana.
Diana: You know? It is true what Danielle says about us
You stopped your actions to focus entirely on the woman
You: What is it?
She then walked towards you and sat beside you, smiling
Diana: That we are able to work together so well, it is intriguing, to be honest
You: And why is that? Because you're working with a regular person?
Diana: People still think that bigger firepower will bring victory with it...
You: Well, not many people like to get so up-close and personal
Diana: ... And then there's you, that do both ranged and close combat
You simply shrugged in response. It was your job to be prepared, after all
Shortly after, then reached out to your communicator and looked away from the Amazon
You: Sector One cleared, how are the others?
Danielle/Betta: I have reports.of sectors four and five cleared as well, two and three are on their way back to the base. Good job, Alpha
You: Right back at you
The call ended and you turned around at Diana
You: Well, let's get back, "Oh mighty warrior"
You joked at her and earned a giggle from the brunette
Diana: I agree with you, "Mere mortal"
Without further do, you went back in order to leave the building and taking anything useful along the way
Needless to say, your relationship with Diana had improved considerably as you fought alongside her on the battlefield
But also, as just a couple of people trying to find the light side in the literal war, they were fighting
Even if you had your squad and part of the GCPD at your side, you felt that the Amazon was the most approachable out of them all
She just had something to her that inspired trust in people, it really helped to keep them all motivated to wage this war on the criminals
After all, hope is what most soldiers feed on to keep giving their best
The Lair, 3:40 PM
It was the designated time for people to eat, the place was big enough to have place for all of your forces, but the supplies were rationalized for them to last the longest
The missions so far were successful, they were baby steps, but you could feel the city slowly coming back to the people instead of the criminals using it as a war zone
Even if you were nowhere close to figuring out who started this mess in the first place, the ambient sure felt less tense than how it was when it began
You were currently in the "cafeteria" room of the base, serving two plates of the same thing before walking away, overseeing the scene:
Perhaps they started out as enemies, but by the looks of it, the GCPD had gotten along with your unit, going as far as befriending some of them, that was not something you get to see every day
That did wonders for their performance in missions, Batman was right about them after all
Frank: Hey boss, wanna join?
The man asked you while raising a beer, much to your delight
You: Maybe next time, still got some things to do
He spotted the extra plate you had and immediately realized what you meant by that, his grin gave it away
Frank: You sure are busy, huh?
After that, you chuckled while moving your head side to side
You: You have no idea
Letting them to their own business, you left the room as you walked through the base, stopping once you entered the rooftop to find the person you were looking for
That of course, being Diana herself. She was sitting on the edge of it, overlooking the city
You: Not much of a social butterfly, huh?
The Amazon didn't look back at you, although she was happy that you decided to make her company
Diana: Not really, I spent so many years hiding from the world *Sigh*... It takes even more to get back into it
You: Well, I'm no immortal myself, but I can imagine it's harsh as hell to do so
Diana: You have no idea
You sat next to her and gave her one of the plates you had, much to her surprise
Diana: It's not necessary
You: Come on, I made them myself, I know you like my cooking
She was caught off-guard by this, perhaps Kate told you that after you prepared something for them
Diana: That I can't deny
With a smile, she accepted the food and started to eat it gladly
Proud of your work and the fact that even an Amazon enjoys your food, you decided to look at the city as well
You: So, what's on your mind?
Diana: Not much, the experiences I've had, how my fellow Justice League members are doing without me, but strangely... I'm also thinking about what Danielle said about us
You stopped your actions to focus entirely on the woman
You: What would that be?
Diana: Well, that we are able to work together so well, it is intriguing, to be honest
Hearing that made you chuckle, especially the way she said it
You: And why is that? Because you're working with a regular person?
Diana: That too, I just didn't expect I would end up fighting beside you, for the heart of a city
You: Well, that's life for you, never ceases to throw surprises at you
A couple minutes passed and both of you had finished your meals, talking about some random topics. Interestingly enough, Diana had a thing for ice cream, who would have thought
However, life interrupted you to remind you, that you still had a war to win.
And that reminder came in the forms of Danielle and Batwoman, who had just entered the scene by opening the door that led to the rooftop
Danielle: I am sorry to interrupt you, but could Wonder Woman come here for a moment? I need her assistance with some of the gear
She looked at you for a moment and smiled before standing up, heading out with your teammate.
However, Batwoman approached you instead, not good
She stood there, looking at the distance
Batwoman: Quite the view you have here
You nodded in response, just playing along with her, but then you noticed, she was looking at an abandoned building in particular
You: Okay, drop the act, what is going on?
Batwoman: I suspect Black Mask has civilian hostages
You: What!?
You stood up immediately after that. The redheaded vigilante made a gesture with her hands to tell you to calm down
Batwoman: Quiet, I don't want this to be more complicated than it already is
You: ... You really want me to keep the fact that people's lives are at stake quiet?
Batwoman: Yes, because if everyone finds out, they'll make a mess trying to rescue them. If Black Mask sees them coming, he'll kill them without hesitation, so we are the ones that need to do this, nice and quiet
She was not wrong, Diana was not known for subtlety, and it was better not to find out if the GCPD has ever been successful in rescuing hostages. Working with her would have to do
You: *Sigh* ... Fine, gather the team in the Briefing room, we got some assignments to give
Briefing Room, 8: 50 PM
All of your squad, some representatives of the police including James Gordon and Diana were all in the room, ready for whatever you might have for them
Ophelia/Omega: Alright, boss, what do you have for us tonight?
You tapped something on the table and a holographic image of the city was shown, highlighting some particular places
You: First, there is a report of one sector of the city getting violent, Omega and the GCPD squad are going to investigate that
She nodded in response, so did the policemen
You: Next, a poisonous gas has covered the Amusement Mile, no need to tell who did it
Then, your gaze turned to the Amazon
You: Diana, since you are naturally immune to poison, I'll send you and Sigma to take care of it
Diana: Consider it done
You: Right. Beta, you'll be my eyes in the sky, if anything goes wrong with any of the missions, you'll be the first to know and thus, notify us.
Danielle/Beta: Of course
Diana: And what about you?
You: Me, Delta and Batwoman will recover possible hostages that didn't make it to the evacuation. This will be a stealth mission since they'll most likely kill them if they see us bursting through the roof
Even if it looked like they were going to argue, they knew that it was true, too many people in one operation was too risky
You: Alright, then, let's move, everyone, we have a city to take back
Unknown building, 10:21 PM
You sneaked inside using a window, immediately taking out the person standing next to it, Frank shot the other one with his silenced gun and you saw that the last one was eliminated by Batwoman herself. It was raining outside, so there was not much of a problem with the gunshots
Batwoman: Everything cleared
You: Right, the hostages should be on the lowest level, just four more floors. remember, we do not want them to see us
Floor after floor, you took out every single one of the enemies. While they were well-trained, they were no match for two mercenaries with practically military training and a bat-vigilante
But oddly enough, there were not as many as you thought there would be
Eventually, you made your way down to where the hostages should be, finding what appeared to be an exit door at the end of the hallway
However, once you opened it, a giant hand grabbed you and threw you into the room, hitting a pillar shortly after
Delta: Alpha!!
Once you regained consciousness, you quickly got up and aimed your handgun at whoever did that
You looked up to see a bald man with a sledgehammer, huge in size and certainly not to be taken lightly
The thug grinned at you, tightening the grip on his weapon as a way of taunting you
Then, a flash grenade was thrown his way, blinding him while your friend came in to assist
He helped you up before looking at the man who did that
Delta: Woah, who's that?
You: Just take him out!!
the man swung his sledgehammer at you, only for Batwoman to come in and kick him in the face. He took a step back and the moment he did, Frank stabbed him on the side
The man groaned and punched him away, only for you to come in and hit him on both sides of the neck, stunning him long enough for the redhead to use her grappling gun and tie the man's feet and thus, making him fall to the ground
Before the fight could go any longer, you used your handgun and disposed of him
You: Well, that was... Unnecessary, everyone okay?
They nodded, but still took them some time to regain their breaths, it all happened so quickly
Shortly after the incident, you found a lone room at the end of the hall. Before actually entering the place, you looked back at your comrades for confirmation
Batwoman: This should be it
Delta: Then they'll be waiting for us
You: Everyone ready?
Delta loaded his rifle and Batwoman got out a couple Batarangs
You: Alright, let's continue
Without further do, you kicked the door open, immediately rising your gun to inspect the room, the others following close
There was nothing there except for boxes and of course, the hostages tied to a column, but none of them appeared to have been injured, fortunately
Instinctively, you ran towards the hostages, taking out your knife to cut the ropes holding them in place
Odd, why was there nobody to guard them in the room?
Returning to the matter at hand, you looked at one of them, ensuring the civilians that you were friendly
You: Are you alright?
Woman: Y-Yes...
You helped her stand up and the others too, but once they were able to walk, the metal doors closed on you, almost as if someone had made it just in time
When you looked back at the woman, she had a handgun and proceeded to shot you in the shoulder, forcing you to drop your weapon
Woman: Ha! Gotcha!
Before she could do anything, Batwoman swept in and kicked her away from you as she helped you walk into the area Delta was currently occupying
the other "Civilians" suddenly grabbed other weapons and started to open fire on you without even hesitating to do so
Delta was shooting at the civilians, who now you understood, were actually thugs that just kept appearing again after one of them was killed
You then picked up another handgun and with the aid of your other arm, you began to take out other criminals, ensuring you would not get flanked
Batwoman: It's a goddamn trap!
You: You think so?
Then, a grenade landed near you, forcing you three to run to another place for cover while returning the fire as a way to avoid getting shot yourselves
You shot at one of the thugs that appeared from one of the catwalks above you, they really had everything planned, but their constant pressure made it harder to find a way out, especially when the enemy was focusing on eliminating every single way that you had come across as useful
You had taken out Black Mask's main source of money, of course he would be pissed at you
The bullet in your shoulder was something that bothered you a lot when it came to shooting, but you still were able to put up quite a fight without holding anything back
After countless minutes of non-stop firefight, you were able to overpower the thugs and managed to secure the room for a couple minutes, however, you were now locked inside it
Once given the chance, you reached out to your communicator but only static was heard
You: Damn it! I can't contact Betta! The signal's jammed!
Batwoman: Then what are we going to do?
Frank: You see that window over there?- He pointed at a window that was near the end of the room
You: Yeah, It's armored, but it could be useful
Frank: By the looks of it, a hit big enough could break it. It might not be a lot, but it's what we got to get out of here
You looked away, trying to look for something else that would help until you saw Frank actually taking off his mask
You: But even if we do, they'll just follow us and chase us down in no time, damn it
Frank: That's when I come in
You: You're not thinking-
Frank: I am, and it better be worth it
You directed your full attention to the man, he was going to risk everything just to get you out of there
You: Frank you're insane!
Frank: I know, now GO!!
He then picked up the bombs and started to work on them, eventually making a vest with them
You: Ain't leaving you here!
You tried to reach out to him, but he just kept walking back, away from you
Frank: Not like you have a choice, Y/N... You know? If it wasn't for the circumstances, we might have been the good guys
Even now, he was still maintaining his attitude. Footsteps could be heard nearby, another wave of thugs was getting your way
Frank: Goodbye, friend- before looking at you with a sad smile before nodding to someone else
Before you could react, you were thrown out of the building through the window by Batwoman herself and back into the rain-covered streets
Once you grabbed a hold of the situation, you quickly got up and ran back towards the building, only to be stopped by the heroine
Batwoman: It's too dangerous!
You managed to get free from her grip but by the time you faced back at the building, it was suddenly covered by flames and smoke as a monstrous sound came out as well
Batwoman stepped up and got you away from the explosion, getting you to safety yet again
The damaged sustained by the structure made it crumble down in a matter of seconds
And thus, giving you a time to breathe, to escape such place
But at the cost of one life
You: FRANK!!
You fell to your knees, just staring at the ruins of the building. It was a victory, but why didn't it fell like one?
Because you lost one of yours, there was a death in the family
Not too long after silence returned, Diana herself arrived at the scene.
She had received word of your inability to communicate with the base, so she logically would come to your aid
If only she had arrived a moment earlier
She saw you on your knees, staring at the building and with a wounded arm, shocked
Diana: What happened here?...
She got no reply from you, nor from Batwoman
Instead, the redhead walked towards you silently and put a hand on your shoulder. Her attempts to comfort you were somehow familiar, but you didn't care
After a while, you looked down at the ground, with an empty expression
You: Are you hurt?...
Batwoman: No
You: Great
You looked at her with hatred in your eyes and by pure instinct, you threw a punch at the accountable for your salvation, making her take a step back in consequence
Diana stepped in and kept you from delivering another punch to her by holding you with her arms landing on your shoulders
Diana: Y/N, stop!
She looked at you directly in the eyes, only to find the remains of a broken person, hatred hiding grief
The pain of losing a brother during the war
While Batwoman had enough training to avoid a hit and in even less time to do so, but she was caught off- guard
By the looks of it, the punch did seem to have hurt her, but she didn't say a word about it
You then grimaced at her, breathing heavily but still trying to maintain your composure, otherwise, you would lose two people that night if you kept acting for instinct.
Without saying a word, she stood up and raised her grappling hook, shooting it towards a building ready to leave but not before looking at you for a moment
Batwoman: I'm sorry, Y/N...
That voice
It sounded like... No, it didn't matter right now. Now was the time to attend "other" situations
After she exited the scene, you were left with Diana, the one person that you could trust
And as a result of this trust, you buried your head in her shoulder, embracing the stabbing pain that was keeping you awake and ignoring the pain of your own wounds
And the only thing that the warrior princess could do, was to hold you tight into a comforting embrace, letting you know that you were not alone
Diana: Come on, Y/N, we have to go
Before you could do something else, you felt yourself being lifted off the ground as Diana gently took you away from the scene
And yet, all you did was stare at the destroyed building. The fire that was consuming it, now being extinguished by the unstoppable rain that kept pouring down on you
That was not how this was supposed to be...
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