A message for the city
It was morning time in Gotham City, the weather was just fine and there was not too much noise early on
Most people would love to spend the morning in bed, going out with a loved one or just rest from their usual activities
And then there is you, who were currently training with a punching bag, giving it everything you got
While your body was concentrated on the task at hand, your mind, was somewhere else
It had been a couple days since you got the news that there was a big threat coming, and Gotham would be unprotected against whatever might try to take advantage of this
Your group and you were really concerned about this, but not losing hope or anything like that, on the contrary, if a war is to take place in the city, you are what stands between the chaos and the people
But, what happens if you fail? Or what if the threat was too big for the heroes to handle?
Many different things could go wrong right now
So you could not hesitate for a single moment about what you're doing for the city
Strike after strike, you didn't even get tired of this. However, it was a familiar voice the one that made you snap out of it
Kate: Can't sleep?
You stopped training and looked at Kate, wearing the bathrobe she used mostly in the morning. You two did had a lot of trust in each other, and for a long time, so she was not very picky about her clothing when you two are alone
There were even times where she was drunk and tried to tease you, but the vast majority of those attempts ended in you guiding Kate to her bed so she can sleep and stop flirting with you
Your friend was leaning on the doorstep as she watched you train so recklessly
You: No...Yes- You sighed in defeat at this
She giggled due to your way to express it and walked closer to you, grabbing and tossing you a towel
You: Thanks, Kate. Did you sleep well?
Kate: Well, can't complain, I slept for long enough
You: That's good to hear...Wait, what time is it?
Kate: About 9:30. You have been training non-stop for hours, Y/N
You: It's not that bad
Kate: It's not? Just look at your knuckles!
You did so and found them very worn off, there was even a little blood
You: *Sigh* Damnit, I forgot the bandages
She put a hand on your shoulder while giving you a concerned look
Kate: What is the problem? You know you can share it with me
You really wanted to tell her, but this was a situation that had to be handled as quietly as possible, and if she becomes aware of it, she will also become a possible target of your enemies
You: *Sigh* It's... It's complicated, Kate
Kate: Y/N, nothing in our jobs is simple
You: Right... Wait, what is your job?- Her eyes widened because of this, you could already tell how nervous she was
Kate: Uh... Well, I-
Then, the doorbell rang, making her sigh in relief, but also get curious about it
Kate: Thank God...
You: Who could it be at this time?
Kate: I don't know, I'll go check out
You nodded and then you two proceeded to walk out of the room and towards the door. However, once Kate opened it, both of you were shocked to find none other than the warrior princess standing in front of her
Kate: Wow...
She looked back at you, finding you a little nervous about the situation
Kate: So this is the beautiful Amazon you told me about?
Your face got warmer as it got red as well, struggling to keep it together, and this was not unnoticed by Diana herself
Diana: Have you talked about me?- It was barely noticeable, yet you could have sworn to have seen a smile on her face
You: O-Once, yes- Slowly but surely, you were regaining your composure
And then you remembered, you didn't even introduce them yet
You: Right, sorry, Diana, this is Kate, my roommate. Kate, this is Diana, the woman who saved my life
Kate: A pleasure to finally meet you
Diana: Likewise- She stated with a smile before noticing your outfit
Diana: Y/N, were you training?
Kate: For hours, they are very tough
Diana: Is that true?- She looked at you with visible curiosity
You: Well, I wouldn't say I am that strong
Kate: Then what would you say you are?
You:...Above average, I guess
Kate stared at you with disbelief, while Diana just smiled, as if she had remembered something
Diana: I think I would like to see that for myself
You: Wait, what?
Diana: Yes, show me how you fight, without fire guns
You:...Are you sure?
Diana: Absolutely
Kate: This is going to be good, I'll go make some coffee
She walked towards the kitchen
You: Alright, then, over here
You guided her to the room that you use for training
Once there, she looked around inspecting the room and the equipment you had stored in it before looking back at you
Diana: This is interesting- She proceeded to lift a barbell with one hand
You: In a good way?
Diana: You could say so
You: Why thank you, so, do you really want to do this?
Diana: Why are you doubting my actions so much?
You: I'm not, I just find it...Weird
Diana: Why?
You: I mean, you just got here
Se realized that and you could see her shocked expression
You: Don't get me wrong, Diana, I appreciate your visit, but wouldn't you like to talk first or something?
Diana: I...I'm sorry, Y/N, I didn't mean to act like this, but there is just not enough time
You: Hey, whatever happens, we will deal with it as best we can, we might not have superpowers, but we sure as hell are not weak
Diana:...Then prove it to me
She got herself into a fighting stance, any objection would be futile from that point
You: So be it, then
You rushed at her with a punch merely to start the fight, which of course she dodged and grabbed you quickly before throwing you to the ground
You rolled back to avoid another hit from her, so you got back up by pushing yourself forwards and managed to tackle her briefly before she moved aside and kicked you back
Diana: Good, but not can be better
She jumped towards you with another strike, you barely dodged this but took advantage of this and swept her legs, making her fall down for a moment
You: Better?
You smirked, but she got back up by kicking forward with both legs and resuming the duel between you two
You two held each other's hands with force, both of you standing your ground for a couple seconds before she threw you to the ground yet again and she was going to do the next move, but it was then, that a stomach growled, certainly interrupting the fight
You: Someone's hungry- You stated jokingly, earning a small laugh from your friend
Kate: Would you like some breakfast, Diana?- The expression on her face suggested that she liked the idea, but then got a little troubled by it
Diana: I don't know...Would that be okay with you two?
Kate: Hey, don't worry, any friend of Y/N's is a friend of mine
You: So, would you like to stay for breakfast?
Diana: That does sound like a good idea, Y/N
You: Great, then let me go prepare it
Diana: Wait, do you know how to cook?
Kate: You'd be surprised!
With that said, you got up and proceeded to make breakfast for everybody. Going as fast as your body allowed you to.
You had just fought against an Amazon, after all
Kate gave you coffee and you were the one that cooked the breakfast, as you had already stated. Interestingly enough, even Diana was delighted by your abilities to do so
Diana: By Hera, you are indeed very skilled in this, Y/N
Kate: I told you so!
You: Well, coming from an Amazon, that does mean a lot
You shared a laugh, then, your phone vibrated, revealing a message saying:
"The rest of the team is here, need you back in the base to coordinate the defense"
You got up from the table as soon as you read this, accidentally startling the ladies
Diana: Is there something wrong?
You: No, but my team needs me ASAP. Please excuse me, girls
Kate: Hey, work is work, be careful
You nodded and left the room. Went to a shower to clean all the sweat from the fight and then got ready. Due to how frequently these situations took place, you had enough practice to do that rather quickly
In no time, you appeared back in the kitchen and drank something quickly before putting a jacket and grabbing the keys to your car
You: Well, I have to go, the team says they need to discuss something with me
Kate: Good luck out there
Diana: Good hunting, Y/N
You: Heh, thank you, I'll try to be back soon
You waved goodbye before closing the door and leaving the place
They were left alone, drinking the coffee Kate had prepared for them while sitting in the chairs that were around the table
Diana: So, Ms. Kane, does Y/N know?...
Kate: They don't, I don't intend to tell them anytime soon
Diana: Good.
Silence slowly filled the conversation, but Kate's curiosity kicked in yet again
Diana: Yes?
Kate: May I ask you why did you do that? Challenge Y/N to a duel?
Diana: I...
I wanted to make sure they are strong enough...
Last night, Watchtower
...And that is how we will proceed to eliminate this threat but remember to maintain it as far from Earth as possible, or it would cause destruction unlike anything
You are dismissed
After those words, the various members of the Justice League stood up from their respective seats and began to walk away, preparing for the upcoming battle
But Diana didn't, she took advantage of this and went to Batman, a.k.a Bruce Wayne, to discuss an idea that she has come up with recently
Diana: Bruce, I need to speak with you- The man turned around to face the Amazon
Bruce: What do you need?
Diana: Do you remember the wounded person I brought back a few days ago?
Bruce: Yes, Y/N L/N
Diana: Well, Y/N happens to reside in Gotham City, and they believe that once we go out to face this threat, the villains in the city will unleash hell upon it
Bruce: What do you want with my city or L/N?
Diana: I want to help them...- Batman got intrigued by this
Bruce: Why?
Diana: Y/N is a formidable warrior, and they won't let the place go down without a battle, I believe they have a chance to win, but they need help too
Bruce: But what about this threat? This is no simple task, Diana
Diana: I am sure the league has enough potential to stop them, and besides, you got that boy with you, he has a lot of potential
But as soon as I hear your call for assistance, I will attend it. I promise
He remained silent for a moment, with his hand on his chin but then looked back at her
Bruce: I will put them to test, then we'll talk about it
Diana: Fair enough, I am positive about the results
The man nodded without making any different expression whatsoever
"I'll be the judge of that"
Back to you
You were driving on the streets, caught in the middle of a traffic going very slowly. You took advantage of this and answered a call you had
Frank: Hey, boss, where are you?
You: I'm stuck in the traffic...
Frank: That sounds terrible
You: It is
Frank: Oh...Anyway, I got some info that might come in handy the sooner you received it
You: I think I have some spare time while I get to the base so...Go ahead
Frank: Ophelia managed to sneak in a reunion and turns out, the many job offers we got from Gotham's rogue gallery was because they all got a message
You: Huh? What message?
Frank: They got a letter with "War is nigh, embrace it" written on it
You: Who send it?
Frank: That's the interesting part, no one knows who did it, but they are ready to claim this city at any moment now, we have to be careful
You: Damn, we got an anonymous person pulling the strings, then.
Frank: Yes, and the sooner we discover who is it, the better
You: Good job, keep me informed
You ended the call and saw that the traffic hadn't moved since the call started
You: *Sigh* What the hell is wrong with the town today?
But then you realized, there was nobody in the vehicles, to begin with. Curious by this, you stepped out of the vehicle and inspected what could have caused this
You saw that a crowd was forming around a giant screen, the Gotham Square one, to be precise.
This was typically used by the GCN or even the Gotham Gazette to broadcast news to the people
You made your way through the crowd and spotted the giant screen, with the message "For the people" in it
You: What the-
???: Ladies and gentlemen of Gotham, I know you are busy people, so I'll be brief with this
The screen turned into a silhouette of a person talking with multiple voices at the same time
Immediately, you reached out to the earpiece you had all the time with you
You: Guys, are you watching this?
Ophelia: Yeah, it's on every single screen in the place!
Vincent: Who is this guy?- He asked through your communicator
You: I don't know, but if it is being broadcasted, it's obviously nothing good. Dani, can you pinpoint the signal's origin?
Danielle: Sure thing
Back home, Kate and Diana were also looking the transmission on the T.V, surprised by what was going on
???: The world is filled with corruption, no doubt in that, and the people that had sworn to protect us is gone in a grandiose battle, so we are left alone and I wonder
...Who is going to do the first move?
Now, I am not here to wage war against you, not at all, but I am here with an offer to the city, an offer for the true ruler of Gotham
We all know that it isn't the mayor who runs the place
You have different factions that believe themselves to be the authentic kings, so I will be benevolent and give you one month.
Only one faction will be left standing by the end of it. What the price is for this, you may ask? That is quite simple:
The identity of every metahuman that has made the mistake of existing
Kate: Oh my God...
Diana wasted no time and began to walk away from the TV
Kate: Where are you going?
Diana: To help Y/N
Kate: Then you'll need this-She handed her one of your communicators and put it on
Diana: Thank you, Kate
Kate: Just...Please, bring Y/N safe
Diana: I'll do my best
She turned around and left the place and once she did so, she started to jump as high and far as she could, focused on only he objective
Diana: Hang on, Y/N
"I'm almost there"
Back to you
You reached for your earpiece again, getting worried by this announcement that was being broadcasted live
You: How's the analysis going, Dani?
Danielle: On it!
???: Just think about it, since they arrived, everything has gotten worse than before
Do I have to remind you how close the humanity is to the edge of extinction on a regular basis? And not only metahumans but those allied to them
Think about it, Gotham, are you really save under the Bat's wing? Or is he just imposing a new government on you?
You have your champions, and I will allow them to clash against each other, but you, I will give you time to get out alive
I'll be waiting...
The transmission came to an end, leaving just static once again for a brief moment before it showed a countdown with the title "Run from the storm".
The people started to panic and you immediately rushed to your car before anyone else
Danielle: Y/N, I got it, it's being broadcasted in one of the city's news studios, sending you the location
You: On my way
The traffic was still terrible, but you managed to sneak your way down the streets to arrive as soon as you could
You stopped when you arrived at the building's parking lot.
You: *Sigh* I knew this was going to happen...
You got out a handgun and loaded it before stepping out of the vehicle
Danielle: Y/N, where are you?
You: Just arrived at the location, and you?
Danielle: I am sending Vincent to help you, but he reports that the streets are paralyzed
You: The effect of fear, Dani *Sigh* the effect of fear...
You entered the place and found just corpses of employees everywhere, not a single soul to be found.
The place itself was silent, very unusual for a place that is dedicated to spreading rumors. There were even claw marks on the walls and in some of the corpses, but also bullet holes
Your grip on your gun tightened by this, whoever did this, must be around
Danielle: Any luck?
You: No, just dead bodies everywhere, this guy really didn't care if someone found this
Your instincts led you to the room where the transmissions are made, the studio.
Unfortunately, what you found were again just corpses, this time, with a few bullet holes in the walls as well
But the screens, they had different words on them, forming a whole message for you
You tried to ignore that while investigating the scene as best you could until you heard a beeping noise in the room and that, was the one thing you couldn't just ignore
Danielle: What is that?
You: I seriously hope it isn't what I think it is
Carefully, you looked around to find the source, but growing nervous each time that thing made a sound, it could very well be a bomb.
And you wouldn't like to die just yet
Vincent: Hang on, boss, I'm almost there!
After a few minutes of non-stop research, you finally found the device and it was indeed, a bomb with a timer nearly done
You: Uh... Dani?
Danielle: Yes?
You: I think I found out why the person was so careless about the evidence
A deafening noise filled the room, with fire, imminent destruction following closely. The building had effectively collapsed entirely
Vincent had just arrived on her motorcycle but stood still in fear of what had just happened
There was just static could be heard between all of you. He kneeled in front of the building, seeing as it was now just a pile of rubble
Vincent: No...-He couldn't even move because of all the rush of emotions going through his body at the moment while he stared in shock at the scene
Smoke was coming out of the place of impact, like a beacon to horror
However, among the silence, the destruction and wreckage, emerged a figure, a female one
When Vincent looked at the figure, he recognized it as Diana herself, with a few scratches carrying your unconscious body in her arms
Amazed by this, he ran to your aid, helping the Amazon to put you gently on the ground to give you some space to breathe
Vincent: H-How in hell...?- He asked your savior, astonished by her actions
However, before she could answer, you began to cough and react roughly as you woke up.
You: I... I am alive?- Diana smiled tenderly when she saw you open your eyes
Diana: Yes, yes you are
You recognized your partner and he put his arm on your shoulder, with an actual smile on his face
Vincent: Hey partner, next time, wait for me, will ya?
You: I'll t-take note of that
He thanked Diana and sighed in relief by seeing that you were in fact, alive... Mostly
After coughing a little more, you chuckled at this and once you could speak normally again, you looked at the warrior
You:... Do you sense w-when I'm facing an impending doom or something?
Diana: What?
You: Nothing, you arrived just in time, Diana... T-Thank you
You groaned in pain right after and coughed again, as a result, alarming them both
Vincent: Boss!!
Diana picked you up again, trying not to hurt you in the process
Diana: We have to get them to the hospital
Vincent: I wouldn't trust society right now, they're panicked
Diana: Then what are we going to do?
Vincent: I'll come up with something, don't you worry...
Your eyes slowly opened to reveal yourself in a room with medical equipment installed all around you, with its sounds being the only noise in the room
Once you regained your consciousness completely, you recognized this room as the medical bay you had installed in your base
Shortly after you woke up, a noise was emitted by one of the machines and some people entered the room: Ophelia and Frank
Frank: Hey boss, how are you feeling?
You were handed a glass with water, and you drank a little from it before staring back at your allies
You: Well...I certainly feel better than a couple minutes ago
Ophelia: Good to know, you took one hell of a hit, you know?
You: And talking about it...How did I get here?
Ophelia: That superhero friend of yours brought you here with Dani's help
Frank: Boss, not to bother you, but we still have to plan this whole thing out
You: About that, do you have something to write on? I came up with a couple strategies along the way
He handed you a tablet and you began to type on it, putting your thoughts on a document that they could use later on
Ophelia: You really don't waste time, huh?
You: Not in situations like this, Ophe
Once you stopped typing, you handed back the device and drank some more water
Frank: I'll go tell Danielle you are awake, she said she found something she wants to share with you
You: Sure, thank you, guys
They left the room and your redheaded friend entered shortly after
Danielle: Thank God you are alive
You: I guess it takes more than that to kill me...And also, Diana kinda saved me so, yeah. I am alive
Danielle: I see your sense of humor is still intact
You: What can I say. Anyway, Frank said you found something
Danielle: I did. When you were investigating the place, I searched through the cameras and found who killed that people
You: wait, before than anything, Vicki Vale is still alive, right?
Danielle: Don't worry, Y/N, your friend is still alive
You: *Sigh* Thank God
The woman handed you the device she was holding and you played the video that was on screen
Yet, what you found in it was somewhat hard to believe
It was Minerva herself, a.k.a Cheetah, and a small squad of mercenaries clearing the path by killing everyone on sight for somebody else. This figure was cloaked and wearing just black, so you could say it was trying very hard to remain anonymous
Danielle: I think I might know who the person on that cloak is
You: The very same person that appeared on the message
Danielle: What I don't really get is what is "Cheetah" doing there with them, what could she possibly gain from this?
You: I guess we'll find out sooner or later
Danielle: Given your history with her, I thought it would be fair to show you this...
You: So, training with an Amazon, almost dying from an explosion and now trying to find out what she wants with this city...*Sigh* What a day, Anyway, thank you for letting me know, Dani
Danielle: You sure are a busy man, but are you sure you can do this?
You: I wrote down some ideas and gave them to Frank about how to get ready, perhaps that could be of use
Danielle: We will check them out, try to rest now. You've done enough
You: You know I can't just stay here without doing anything
Danielle: I'll let you stay with one tablet while you recover yourself, but please don't push yourself too far
You: I'll do my best
She couldn't help but smile at your attitude and shook her head side to side before exiting the scene
You lied on your bed for hours, using a tablet to check on any important news over the last hours, most of them being reports of your actions back at the studio
None of them knew it was you the one in the place, and the recordings Danielle got were destroyed entirely (Except for the ones she got), so you were safe, but something was still not quite clear
Why would Minerva be interested in Gotham City? She was just fine in that jungle of hers
Your thoughts soon led you to drift away into the darkness, so comforting
So relaxing
2 Hours Later
Your eyes opened once again, you could already feel your body in a better state than how it was when you arrived, unfortunately for you, this day was not over just yet, ad this got clear the moment the lights went out and the doors of the room closed on their own, leaving you alone inside it.
You (In mind): Great, what now?
You grabbed your communicator and activated it right away
You: Hey, what happened to the doors?
Dani: Hold on, I'm trying to access them, looks like someone really wanted you trapped
You: *Sigh* Great
Frank: Just hold on, boss! We're getting you out one way or another
The call ended and the backup lights ignited, illuminating the place with red colors
You had your handguns with you while you investigated a way to leave the room
???: They say that a war is coming
Your eyes widened when you heard another voice from inside the room
You quickly turned around to find the source of the voice, but this one sounded almost robotic. Whoever this was, he was using a voice distorter
???: They say that you will stand up to save Gotham when this happens
You managed to spot the outline of the intruder, standing on a big pipe. You could have sworn that you saw it have pointy ears
You ignored this and proceeded to fight it right away, you took out one of your guns and pointed it at the silhouette
The man quickly got down and rushed at you, quickly cutting your time for action
You: What the hell do you want from me?
Then, he threw a smoke bomb, reducing the field of view even more
???: I am here to see if you can live up to the expectations
You were still, analyzing the room and searching for anything that moved among the fog
And your patience was rewarded, you managed to spot the figure.
By the time you did so, he was the one to come right at you with a kick that you barely managed to block and push back
When close enough, you two began to fight, sharing punches and kicks for a solid minute, not a single one of them landed on each other
Every time you tried to attack him from a different angle, he blocked
And so, every time he tried to force you to back off, you persisted
You were somewhat injured, yes, but you had way more physical resistance than what is believed
Despite not knowing who this man was, he clearly possessed an astonishing amount of skill to perform like that
But then again, you were trained by one of the world's best mercenaries, so you could stand your ground without any problem
He blocked a punch of yours by grabbing your fist, but you quickly hit the man with your elbow and kicked him back
You took out your gun and aimed it at the man, but he launched himself at you, disarming you in the process
Then, he grabbed your arm before throwing you in front of him, but you didn't waste any time and rolled forward to grab your gun and stood up to retaliate right away.
By the time you did this, the lights went back up and the doors opened, allowing your friends to come in
Danielle: Now!
Frank: Stand down!
Ophelia: Now you've done it!
Vincent: We got you covered, boss!...Woah
They entered with a very stern attitude, but it changed drastically, and now everyone had a shocked expression on their faces by what they had just witnessed
You had your gun pointed straight at the attacker's head while he had a Batarang near your neck
You had just battled the Batman and ended in a tie
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