Chapter 78 - The End of the End Part 1
I am so so sorry that it's been for ages. It's getting really hard to write these chapters and I appologise if they get really shitty. I am trying my hardest. I have a few new x reader stories out if you like Dan and Phil. Also don't forget to check out my YouTube GraceTheSquid =) Author-chan.
I would also like to thank all of you for being patient and AWESOME!!!!! U guys are the best!
I can't feel anything, not even his tight caring arms around me. The world feels heavy and dark. My feet move and I just keep on walking down the hallway, walking numbly. I look out the window at the end of the hallway. A gloomy thunder storm passing by. The loud rain and booming thunder strangely comforting but I feel scared. "Lawliet?" I whisper.
"Yes." His deep voice says quietly.
"I'm scared." His grip tightens as we look out onto the grey sky. I felt alone, but only connected to one last thing. One last person.
"Those fears, if they want to get to you they have to go through me." I give him a small sad smile at the cheesy line. He uses the sleeve of his long white shirt to wipe away a single tear falling from my eye. I heard some shouting coming down the hallway. I look behind me and see doctors rushing a patient into another room. The wheels of the bed squealing across the lino floor.
"Get well soon," I say faintly, the world falling out of my mouth. L tilts his head at me.
"You don't even know them, why say such things."
"There will be things that you will never understand about others..." That person probably has a family and now I know what it's like to lose one. I turn and look at L. But I still have him.
"Let's go, I hate seeing you like this." He starts to gently guide me towards the end of the corridor. Watari is waiting for us at the entrance and is holding a black umbrella out for us. As he drives us back to headquarters a single thought rushes through my head.
I purse my lips and close my eyes out of anger. My sadness is washed away and anger takes its brutal place.
(Time Skip – Back to headquarters)
The lift doors slide open and the first thing I see is Light working at a computer. "(Y/N)!" Matsuda rushes over to me. I brush him away by turning my shoulder almost making contact with him. I walk over to Light's chair and turn it suddenly so he faces me.
"What the-" I cut him off and clench my fist around the collar of his shirt and pull him up. I feel strong, the strongest I have ever been. With my other hand I lunge at his throat and start to choke him. Everyone comes rushing up to me but I glare at them and they back off.
"GET OUT!" I yell at them. The immediately leave and I turn back to the gagging Light. "You killed them didn't you...DIDN'T YOU!!!" I scream at him. A cruel smile is plastered across his face. I tighten my grip on his throat, he doesn't do anything to stop me. "WHY?" No reply.
"You...Wouldn''d....just end" He chokes out.
"Yeah?! Well, it'd be worth it." His face starts to turn purple and blue and fear flashes across his eyes.
"(Y/N)! That's enough!" I look at L who's face is emotionless but his words powerful. I look back at Light and narrow my eyes then release my grip and walk over his heaving body and walk into another room which was only lit by light coming from the small window. The room contains nothing and is completely empty. My fist hit the wall, over and over again.
"AGGGGG!" I scream out in pain as I continue to punch the wall. My foot gets involved and I painfully kick it. Anyone could've mistaken me for a five-year-old having a tantrum. Wet salty droplets trickled quickly down my face. "WHY, WHY ME. WHY CAN'T MY LIFE GO RIGHT FOR ONCE!" KIRA, I HATE YOU, I WISH YOU BURN IN HELL!!" My voice stumbles over every word and cracked. I stand there, my hair falling in front of my face, completely alone and my ears ring from the utter silence. I sluggishly hit my back to the wall and slid down it wrapping my arms tightly around my knees, I rest my forehead against them. My knuckles sting and are raw. My body heaves with my uneven breathing. Anger and sadness mixed together is a dangerous mix, one that should never be seen. The worst it can bring out of people. The door creaks slowly open and a tall silhouette casts a shadow over me. He crouches down next to me and slings an arm around my shoulders. I lean my head into the welcoming smell of his white tear stained shirt. I want him to say something but at the same time don't. My breathing evens out and he speaks softly.
"He isn't worth it (Y/N). Your plan is coming into action very soon; I am proud of you. But that was no way to deal with your problem. You could have killed him."
"Yeah, I know." I wipe my eyes with my sleeve. I stand up suddenly. "But just keep him away from me for the next few days, otherwise he might end up dead in a cupboard or something," I say as I walk towards the door. He lurches forwards and grips onto my hand. I freeze and stare deeply into his dark insomniac eyes. He pulls me in closer until our lips meet softly.
"Just promise me that you'll be ok." I use my index finger to brush a strand of his raven hair from his eyes.
"I promise," I whisper. He lets go but I grab onto his forearm and pull him up. "Please don't leave me alone." I look towards the floor and feel arms wrap around me. We just stand there as countless time passes. He kisses my forehead gently.
"Tomorrow, just wait until tomorrow then all will be at rest."
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