Chapter 77 - The Middle of the End Part 2
Hey Guys, I have started a youtube channel called GraceTheSquid if you could all go check it out that would be AWESOME XD. Ok, now the long awaited chapter. Also I should just say that the next one will be up soon and there will be bonus chapters where they get married and stuff. =) Author-chan
P.S. This is the last time I'll mention hospitals for those who don't like them. Warning: This chapter may be depressing but is required for me to make the ending more emotional.
I go downstairs and open my computer. Near had already replied to me. I open the email and make sure to angle the screen so Light cannot see it. L walks up behind me while munching on some sugary treat and reads the email with me. The email talked about how they would switch out the notebooks. It also provided us with an address, date and time. "Well then..." I say quietly.
"Yes, this plan will work." He looks over at light, his dark bags and rigid jawline making his face look all of a sudden sinister, almost scary. "I shall inform Light, of, different arrangements." He walks slouched over to where Light is sitting. I stare into his dark brown eyes; the wild look of victory flickers across them. Oh the things he didn't know. I wonder what was going to happen to him after all this is over, death sentence probably. It's what people like Light deserve. I clenched my fist. No, that was Light's way of thinking, not mine. All this was to take place one weeks from now. My heart jumped a little at the excitement of the case finally coming to a close but also at the dread of what was going to happen to Light, my first real friend. I continue to work like nothing is wrong as Watari walks up next to me. He puts a hand on my shoulder.
"(Y/N), can I speak with you for a moment."
"Yeah." I close the email and follow him into a small conference room with glass walls looking into the main area. He had a look of sadness on his face. "Watari, what's wrong."
"Your parents were in a car accident."
"What! Are they alright."
"It doesn't look good. I suggest you see them before; you know..." He trails off. I feel my heart sink down into my chest as tears start flowing down my face. My world becomes heavy and dark. He takes my arm to steady me. I nod.
"Ok. Take me there."
"Would you like Ryuzaki to come with you?"
"No, I need to see them by myself. I don't want him seeing me like this."
(Time skip – Hospital)
I practically sprint to the intensive care unit. I push the heavy door open and look in every cubical for them. My heart pounds heavily in my chest. I see people surrounded by families, unconscious people, I see myself. I pause and stare in the empty one, that is where I was. I see my reflection in the glass as time slows down. I see myself on the bed with doctors rushing around me. I quickly shake the thought away and keep searching. I find them, both of them are in the same one. "Mum, Dad!" They open their eyes weakly.
"(Y/N)." She whispers. I feel more tears come down my face and tightly grip both of their hands.
"W-What happened." I look up at the doctors.
"A truck collided front on with them, the driver died instantly." One of them replies. I look back down at them. They have blood stained faces and trembling hands. I feel my father brush a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Be yourself, and be happy." She whispers.
"M-Mum what do you mean, no. If they saved me they can save you!" I hear my voice rise.
"Shh, everything is going to be alright." She smiles at me. "It's too late anyway and you are the perfect daughter, I am happy." My head turns to my dad.
"Hold onto Ryuzaki, he understands you. Don't ever let him go, promise?" I nod and wipe away the tears with the sleeve of my shirt.
"I promise... I love you..." I whisper to them. Their hands go limp and the dreading continuous beep of the monitor goes flat. "Mum, dad..." No reply. "MUM, DAD!" I scream. "WAKE UP, please..." I break down into a frenzy of tears. "No." I sob. I glare up at the doctors. "How come you could save me and not them. I WAS SHOT IN THE HEAD AND YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT YOU CAN'T SAVE THEM!!!!!" One of the doctors held me back as I tried to lunge out at them.
"Miss, calm down, please."
"NO, I'LL NEVER BE CALM." I shout out of anger. The doctor pulls me out of the room and sits me down outside.
"Stay here." He walks back into the room. I press my hands into my face, covering my eyes. What felt like hours passed. My family gone, all that remained was L. I feel someone rest a hand on top of my head. I look up and see the tall and slouched figure look down at me with tired eyes. I jolt up and wrap my arms around his torso.
"Lawliet." I cry into his shirt. He slides his arms around my back.
"It's ok." He tightens his grip. "I know exactly what you're going through, I am here for you." He kisses my forehead.
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