Chapter 70 - My Sweet Warrior
Great news! I got over my fear of flying XD. Also my long distance glasses finally arrived so I can actually see now! I also cant believe that we have now reached over 3.3K this is so amazing. Thanks so much for your super constant support. If you are enjoying this story remember to vote and comment. Author-chan =)
"Good morning." L's monotone voice whispered in my ear. I slowly opened my weary eyes to look upon his pale face. I gave him a smile. I must have fallen asleep on the couch. My arms were still wrapped around his torso. He ran a bony finger through my hair. "I have a surprise that you might like."
"Oh?" I raised an eye brow.
"Well, you are bored aren't you."
"Mmhh..." He stood up and lifted me into his arms.
"How about going back to the Kira case?" My eyes lit up with enjoyment. Adrenaline went through my body, I loved being a detective.
"Yes yes yes yes yes!" I giggled. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself closer to him. His heart was beating fast. "The sooner we catch Kira..."
"We can be together in peace." He smiled as pink scattered across his cheeks. L placed me back in the wheel chair. "Enough time has already been wasted, wait. No, I should word it differently. The war has begun again and we must take arms and become justice once again."
"Sounds like a plan." I gave him the thumbs up and he tilted his head at me. "N-Never mind." I sighed. He shrugged and we left side by side. As we were passing reception a nurse called after us.
"(Y/N), where are you going?"
"Outta this place. I've been here long enough."
"But we still have some tests to run."
"If you want more tests you will have to come to my office. See ya." I waved to her and waiting for us was Watari.
"It's nice to see you again (Y/N). Leaving already?"
(Skipping the drive, back at Headquarters)
The lift doors slid open. "(Y/N)!" Matsuda yelled excitedly. I wheeled myself over to them. He bent down and gave me a friendly hug. "Are you just visiting or are you coming back to work?"
"I'm here to stay." L crouched on one of the chairs in front of a computer and pushed away a chair between him and Light. I wheeled myself into the space and turned my head to Light. "I didn't see much of you while I was in hospital."
"I'm sorry (Y/N). It's just I couldn't bear to see you like this." Sure thing Light, I totally believe you.
"It's ok. I-I'm guessing the real reason was because of Ryuzaki." He nodded slightly. "A-And you're probably mad at me for not telling you the truth about Ryuzaki either?"
"Well, I was but I fully understand why you did it."
"But don't you understand why Ryuzaki did it then?"
"I do, I'm mad at him though."
"Why?" He looked sideways at me. "Oh, the Kira thing." I shrugged it off and turned on the computer. How the hell was I going to prove that Light was Kira. Everything worked in my favour, except this. If only I could get my hands on his notebook. We all knew how the note book worked. I entered my user name and got half way through my password. (Which is something cute like (Y/N)xLawliet). Then all of a sudden I started to cry. Everyone rushed over to me.
"(Y/N), what's wrong?!"
"I-I don't k-know." I covered my eyes with my hands. What was happening, why was I crying. There was a strange feeling of nostalgia, why was this making me cry. Was it because I was happy, or was I sad? A cold thin hand intertwined with mine. L pulled it up to his face and kissed the ring then brought it to his chest. His slow heart beat was comforting and seemed to settle me. "S-Sadness." I whispered.
"What do you mean (Y/N)?" Aizawa rested a hand on my shoulder next to Matsuda's. He gave it a small squeeze then took it away.
"Sadness, that's what this feeling is."
"Why are you sad?" Soichiro said calmly. I looked up at L, he knew why.
"Maybe it's because of Kira." I whispered, I glanced at Light. "If it weren't for Kira I would have never of met Ryuzaki but I also hate Kira. For what he did, it was Kira's fault that I was in a coma. He needs to pay." My voice became more threatening as I kept looking at Light. The only thing good Kira ever did was bring together me and Lawliet but every single other thing I hated.
"Yeah, he does." Matsuda whispered angrily tightening his grip on my shoulder. L's grip also tightened. My eyes narrowed as I felt power run through me.
"Kira will pay." I sneered. I glanced sideways a Light. He had the look of fear in his eyes. He knew that he messed up and that now a whole new war had begun.
(Time Skip, after work)
"Good night my sweet warrior." L said as he tucked me in. He planted a gentle kiss on my forehead. I closed my eyes and smiled. It must have been world crying day because I felt a warm single tear drip onto my forehead. I opened my eyes and pushed away L's raven hair out of his face. His dark eyes shone in the moonlight. He quickly wiped it away.
"What's the matter Lawliet?"
"N-Nothing. I love you (Y/N)." He once again pressed his lips to my forehead but did not pull away for some time. "My brave (Y/N)." He whispered then walked out of the room.
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