Chapter 7 - Trust
I have written 7 chapters in one day, woah. I think there will be a total of 8 or 9 tonight.
I lay in bed, the sun was not up yet. I looked sideways at the radio clock and read the time. 3:39am. Great. How did I end up here, the last thing I remember was being carried by L. Wait, L carried me. I silently fist pumped the air in joy. My stomach was rumbling. I walked towards the door and entered the main room. There he was, L was sitting in his usual crouching position in front of a computer. He was surrounded by dirty dishes and wrappers. I took another step towards him, the floorboard creaked.
"Why are you up at such an hour?" He asked.
"I woke up, and I'm hungry."
"Here," he said as he stuck out a container filled with cake. I chuckled softly and dug into the cake. After a few minutes of silence. "Are you ready to tell me yet. After all, relationships are built on trust." I blushed a deep red, I could feel my cheeks heating up.
"It was just a nightmare."
"It was about Light." I sighed. "He was being a total creep, and it was scary. T-then." I was deciding whether to tell him the rest or not.
"(Y/N), you don't have to tell me the rest if you don't want."
"I'll tell you. It would make me feel better to get it off my chest." He nodded. "The bullies turned into wolves and were about to pounce on me, I could not move nor scream. But then they never attacked. Everything became brighter and I was in the arms of-o-o-of." I trailed off. "You," I whispered under my breath. I knew that he had heard me because of the way he stopped tapping at his keyboard, but then returned.
"Please tell me the other thing as well."
"What other thing." I asked in confusion. "There is nothing else."
"I think otherwise." He stood up from his chair and walked over to me. I shot him a confused look. "(Y/N), I know how to read people's emotions, after all, I am the best detective in the world." He let a small grin grow across his face. I smiled and looked down at my lap, my face heating up. He reached out for my hand and caressed it gently across his cheek. "Your hands are really soft." He said in a quiet tone. I stayed there for what seemed forever. I never wanted to move, I wanted to savour this moment.
"(Y/N), do you trust me."
"Yes, why wouldn't I."
"I really hope your not Kira." He said almost sheepishly.
"Why do you say that."
"I don't know." He smiled and let my hand go and returned to his desk to continue work. I sat in my seat for a while just savouring the moment, trying to realise what had just happened. The man that I was in love with, maybe liked me back. I stood up and walked over to him, giving him a hug from behind. He flinched but then relaxed, "Good night L." I whispered. I then left and retired to my, well his, bed and fell asleep.
Sorry for the short chapter. It's currently 11 pm. If I last any longer I will write more but I don't know how far I will get. I PROMISE I WILL WRITE OVER 4 CHAPTERS TOMOROW. Enjoy =), please support my story by voting, it would be much appreciated. And already 16 views, that might not seem a lot but it makes me happy to see people are reading my stories.
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