Chapter 67 - What I Missed Pt.1
There was a knock on the door of the private room that I had just been transferred to. "Come in." It was great to be out of that white washed intensive care room. In walked Matsuda.
"Hey (Y/N)." He smiled and held up a pack of cards. "Where's Ryuzaki."
"Raiding the sweet supply." I chuckled. "Matsuda, can you help me." I said swinging my legs over the bed.
"Yeah s-sure." My muscles weren't strong enough yet for me to walk without L's help and the walker. I put an arm around his shoulder and he helped me down into the wheel chair. The pain wasn't nearly as bad as when I first moved. I attempted to move myself but only got half a meter before I had lost nearly all my energy. "Y-You know you shouldn't tire yourself out, wait until you're stronger." He said kindly. Matsuda then pushed me over to a small round table, he took a seat opposite me.
"I've been thinking about something lately and it's really bothering me."
"What is it?" He said as he dealt out the cards.
"Well, it's not really anything important but I feel like I've missed so much and that I've let everyone down."
"O-Oh it's not your fault (Y/N), a-and it's not Ryuzaki's either. It was the bad guys, and you aren't bad." He scratched the back of his head. "But (Y/N), they told us that you were never going to wake up, and the fact that you are alive is a miracle. You had a bullet in your brain for god's sake and you have no brain damage. You are absolutely amazing (Y/N), and so is Ryuzaki. If it weren't for him, you would be as dead as dead can be."
"Thanks Matsuda, you are a great best friend." He gave me a genuine non-nervous smile.
We played for hours and hours until it was dark before L returned. "See you later (Y/N)!" Matsuda waved cheerily and left. L opened the curtains and wheeled me over to the window. He slid his arms around me weak body and gazed off into the neon city with me.
"Lawliet, can you tell me what happened." He nodded.
(Flashback L's POV) – Sorry that this is a POV change, I'm only doing it for the flashback since you are kind of unconscious for three years. =) Hope you understand.
"(Y/N)!" I shouted out as she fell to the ground. Anger boiled through my blood, no one was going to hurt my (Y/N), I wouldn't allow it. I ran to her side and glared up at Jack. "HOW COULD YOU!" I yelled at him. At that exact moment the Task Force arrived. Matsuda saw what had happened and out of pure anger he killed them all. It was surprising that someone so underachieved was capable of such measures. I had underestimated his friendship towards (Y/N). I pushed my fingers into (Y/N)'s neck and felt for a pulse. It was faint.
"No time for questions, get an ambulance. Now!" I ordered. I looked down at (Y/N) and kissed her forehead. I grabbed onto her hand and circled my thumb around the beautiful engagement ring. "Everything will be alright (Y/N)." I knew the chances of her surviving were practically zero but I was not going to let that happen. She was strong and I believed in her. Within minutes the paramedics had arrived but it was too late. Her heart had stopped. I immediately started CPR, nothing. They arrived with a defibrillator. I chewed on my nails as I watched her body jerk with each pulse.
"She's back!" One of the medics yelled. I didn't know what to do for once in my life. I had never been in a situation like this. I was helpless and so was she. I followed them to the ambulance.
"Do you know her?"
"Yes, I am her fiancé."
"Very well." He pointed out for me to go into the back so I obediently sat next to her body and held her hand while they worked around her. The sirens wailed and the ambulance bounced and rocked as we sped to the nearest main hospital. I felt numb, everything seemed a blur. I had never had such a feeling like this since my parents died. It was illogical yet logical. They rushed her into the operating room, I was forced to wait outside.
I crouched on one of the chairs and hung my head low so my black hair fell in front of my face. If I lost her I wouldn't know what to do with my life. I could just do what I always so and solve cases but it would never be the same. There would always be a part of me that would be missing. I had never told her directly but I did want to one day have a family with her. She is the most amazing person in this universe, more amazing than me. (Y/N) would make a great mother and a great detective, but only if she were to live.
I gripped onto my knees tighter. I didn't care if Light knew that I was still alive. All that mattered was (Y/N). "Ryuzaki." It was the Task Force.
"Y-You're still alive?!" Light almost seemed scared. Right now I didn't care if he was Kira or not. I pointed to the surgery room.
"Don't ask about myself. It's (Y/N) who you should be worried about." Since I am insomniac I don't have a great sense of time but these twenty-one hours was the longest of my life. A doctor finally came out of the room.
"I am Doctor Macfe but call me Mac." I nodded and stared up at him.
"How is she." I mumbled.
"Not well. She has been moved to the intensive care unit. We have managed to remove the bullet and fix as much damage as possible but the chances of her ever waking up are extremely slim. I wouldn't usually use these terms but there is no hope. I'm sorry but the decision is up to you. Turn her off and let her rest peacefully or keep he going but she will suffer in the long term." I shook my head.
"No, I could never forgive myself. She is strong, I know she will wake up and when she does I am going to be there."
"Very well, the decision is yours. I also must say and I know it's something that you don't want to hear right now, but it will be very expensive."
"I can afford it, trust me. C-Can I see her now?"
"Yes but you might not like what you see." I nodded and followed him into a white washed room. I looked upon my beautiful (Y/N). She had tubes sticking into her arms, throat, nose. There was a small green machine next to her, a ventilator. The only thing that was keeping her alive. Her life depended on it and I depended on her. She was my motivation. Wires were stuck underneath the gown and the room was crowded by various machines. There was a massive bandage wrapped around the back of her head. I was overcome with emotion and started to cry. I gently stroked her bruised face and sprinted out of the room. I didn't know where I was going but I just kept running. I eventually burst into the reception room and fell to my knees in front of everyone. I cried out but all I earned was the sympathetic looks of patients.
"Sir, visiting hours are over. I must ask you to leave." A rude nurse said to me.
"What, no. I'm not leaving, you can't stop me!"
"Security." Her arms were folded behind her back as security grabbed me by the arms and started to drag me to the exit.
"Hey, stop that now!" Max's voice boomed. I was dropped to the floor and I just lay there sobbing. (Y/N) had unleashed the emotional side of me, a side that very few knew of. He walked over to me and helped me up. "This man is allowed to stay, his fiancé was just shot in the back of the head and is on life support. You and me will have a talk afterwards." He said to the rude nurse. She knew she was in trouble. He led me back into the room and pulled up a chair next to her bed for me to sit on. I took (Y/N)'s hand and crouched down on the chair.
"I'm so sorry (Y/N), could you ever forgive me?"
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