Chapter 66 - Walk for Love
"Let's sit you up." The nurse said while removing my blankets. She held a hand gently behind my back and slowly helped me sit up straight. I winced in pain as my muscles that hadn't been used in three years started to move again. L was crouched on the chair opposite my bed and had a concerned look across his face. She moved my legs so I was sitting on the edge of the bed. The nurse then wheeled in a wheel chair.
"Where am I going?"
"To the rehabilitation wing." She then looked over to L. "Mr Ryuzaki, could you please lift (Y/N) into this wheel chair?" He immediately came to my side and slipped one arm under my legs and the other behind my back. I smiled weakly into his dark insomniac eyes. A strange feeling overcame me, I felt like I had abandoned L and everyone else. He placed me in the wheel chair and bent down and moved my legs onto the footrests.
"I-I'm sorry Lawliet." He looked up at me.
"For what?"
"For abandoning you, for l-leaving you." He hunched over and planted a kiss on my forehead.
"(Y/N), you did nothing wrong. It is all my fault, if I hadn't of gone off on my own and listened to you we wouldn't have been in this situation. So I should be the one apologising." The nurse smiled at us and started to wheel me out of the room. L followed next to me and I took his hand in mine. He was slouching with his other hand stuffed in his pocket. I looked down at my ghostly figure. I had lost all my muscle tone and I felt week all over. My fingers were bony the hospital gown I was dressed in made me feel depressed.
"Nurse, can I get someone to go to my place and pick up some clothes for me."
"Sure, that can be arranged."
"Thank you." She pushed open a door and we entered a largish office. One of the doctors from before was sitting behind the desk. He smiled at the nurse and she left.
"Please, take a seat." He pointed out a chair next to me for L to sit in. He crouched down and the doctor frowned at him then shook it off. "I'm Doctor Macfe but you can call me Mac. So (Y/N), how do you feel."
"I feel weak and tired plus the fact that these clothes are really depressing doesn't help. And surprisingly my head doesn't hurt."
"Well that's to be expected. Well (Y/N), I must say that you are a fighter. If it weren't for your fiancé here, you would be dead. We were going to shut off your life support but it seems that you pulled through. He stayed by your side 24/7 for three years. He sure is a keeper." I turned my face to L who smiled at me and moved a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Yes, he certainly is." I whispered.
"Anyway, shall we move onto your rehabilitation." Out from behind him he pulled a walker and moved me to the back of the room then positioned it in front of me. I gripped onto the handles and attempted to pull myself up. I fell back into the wheel chair. This time L came behind me with his hands on my waist and supported me. "Now what I want you to do is shuffle and move the frame." I nodded and with the support from Lawliet I started to slowly shuffle my feet. It hurt like hell.
"(Y/N)! Are you ok?!" L asked worriedly. I shut my eyes tight together and nodded. With a deep breath I lifted the frame up and put it down further away from me.
"Very good job (Y/N), you are doing remarkably well."
"I guess I'm not scared a flying anymore. If I survived this, I can survive anything." Mac and L chuckled in response.
"Is all you can think of (Y/N)?" Asked Mac. I nodded.
"Now that sounds like my (Y/N)." L smiled. Eventually I brushed off L's hands and made it to the other side of the room. I was sweating, who knew walking a few steps would be so hard. Once I stopped L embraced me and whispered in my ear. "I'm proud of you." It made my heart flutter and I felt my cheeks heat up.
He placed me back in the wheel chair and took me back to the room and lifted me up onto the bed. He tucked me in and bent over. "Remember when I said that no matter what happens we will get through it?"
"I meant it." With that he pressed his soft pale lips to mine. I welcomed the familiarity of its sugary taste and slid my arms around his waist. I was so lucky to be alive, I had been given a second chance and I was not going to waste it.
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