Chapter 65 - Awakening
"S-SHE'S AWAKE!" A familiar but faint voice said, it was L's. I felt cold bony fingers intertwine with mine. I heard footsteps rush near me.
"(Y/N)." It was my parents this time. It sounded like they were crying. What was happening, I was confused.
"Lawliet." My parted lips whispered. My eyes fluttered slowly open and all I could see was a blinding bright white light. My vision adjusted and I looked out into a white washed intensive care room. "W-Where am I?" I managed to make out. It was like I had just woken up from a bad dream. My eyes focused on L's face. "What happened? W-We w-were. I-I was..." I trailed off panicked.
"(Y/N), please try to stay calm." A nurse said. "You are in intensive care."
"You were shot in the back of your skull, the bullet went into your brain. You are extremely lucky that you have no brain damage." My eyes opened wider. I looked up at L then he placed a gentle kiss on our intertwined hands. I was not in my own clothes, all I had that was mine was the red string and the beautiful engagement ring.
"I will tell her." He said without looking up at the nurse.
"Tell me what? Lawliet, tell me what?!"
"You have been in a coma for just over three years now. You were shot on your 20th birthday." Tears welled up in his eyes.
"I'VE WHAT!" My husky voice yelled out. He ran his finger through my hair. "H-how old am I?!"
"Twenty-three." He whispered. All I could think of is how I missed my 21st.
"Hey! I missed my 21st, I was looking forward to that!" He chuckled with tears in his eyes.
"They were going to turn your life support off but I could not let that happen."
"Thank you." I whispered. "Where is the task force."
"They are outside. I should tell you that I am no longer dead, they know of my existence but do not know my real name and I would like to keep it that way." I nodded. Out of nowhere he broke down into tears. He rested his head on my chest and sobbed into the sheets. I brought a weak hand up and stroked his silky raven hair gently.
"What's wrong."
"They said that the chances of you waking up was less than one percent. But (Y/N), you always seem to defy the odds." I smiled at him and wiped away his tears then looked up at Watari.
"Watari?" He came to my side. I reached over to find some scissors and cut the red string from my wrist. "I'm sorry that it's three years late." I handed it over to him. He put it on the table next to him. I turned my head to my parents. "Mum, dad." I whispered. They ran over to me and held my other hand. I was surrounded by my family and I was happy.
"Oh (Y/N), we have lots of catching up to do. We should do it over some tea one afternoon." I nodded.
"I like the sound of that. Lawliet, have we caught Kira yet?"
"No, the investigation has been put on hold so we could take care of you, please do not be mad."
"Ok, I promise. Can I see my friends now?" The nurse opened the door and Light ran to my side.
"Hello (Y/N). It's great to see you." His voice was not cold but warm and friendly.
"Hey Light." I spoke to them all for hours, they had been telling me how they came and saw me every single day and how L had never left this room since I had come here. The threat had been destroyed and Jack was dead.
"Visiting hours are over." The nurse stated. Everyone except L said their goodbyes and left.
"I'm really happy that you get to stay here Lawliet."
"Well the first time the police had to escort me out." I laughed but it then turned into a cough.
"When will I get to walk again?" I asked the nurse.
"Tomorrow we will start rehabilitation, so you will be in a wheel chair for a few months. Just to be on the safe side. It would be good if you would allow us to run some tests right now, is that alright."
"Yes, thank you." Some doctors piled into the room.
"We are going to take some blood." I nodded and the tests begun. Another hour passed before they left.
"Lawliet, can you lie down next to me." He crawled into the hospital bed. "Thank you for never leaving my side. You saved my life. I love you Lawliet." He smiled and passionately locked lips with mine. I wrapped my arm around him which were filled with needles giving me medication and sustenance. The capillary tube pressed into my skin. (That's the clear tube thing that gives you oxygen.) I never wanted to let go. I loved him so much and wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.
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