Chapter 53 - Fears
So I'm absolutly terrified of flying so this chapter is kinda bassed off me or anyone who hates flying. Author-chan =)
I dragged my suitcase out in front of the building. A limo with tinted windows pulled up. I loaded my suitcase and jumped in. "Next stop my place." I turned to L. "I feel kind of bad. I haven't spoken to my parents in ages or seen them."
"It's ok, that's life."
"Yeah I guess." I sighed. We reached their building. I got out and L followed.
"You don't mind if I come?"
"No, not at all." We entered the lift and it took us up to the penthouse. I knocked on the door and smiling faces greeted us.
"(Y/N)! Ryuzaki! It's such a pleasure to see you two again. Come in, come in."
"Thanks mum." She shut the door behind us.
"So what brings you two love birds here." I started to blush furiously.
"Mum please!" I whispered. L slinked his arm around my neck. I blushed even more. She laughed.
"Oh relax, I'm teasing you." I chuckled nervously.
"I came here for my passport."
"Going out of the country are we?"
"Uh, yeah. The flight leaves in three hours." She trotted off into another room and returned with my passport. She handed me the Japanese passport. "Thanks mum." I gave her a hug and went to leave.
"Where are you going."
"England." L replied.
"Well, have fun." She waved goodbye and we headed for the airport. Once we checked in our bags we made our way to customs. Everyone was shooting L weird stares. He was wearing what he would normally wear but had grey shoes on, no socks of course. I glared at them which caused them to look away. I took our my passport and showed it to the man. L took his out as well. It was an English passport.
"An English passport?"
"Yes I am from there."
"Huh? I'm forever learning new things about you." After the security personnel let us through we sat down and waited for the plane to be ready. My hands became sweaty and I felt a rush of heat come to my head. I fidgeted.
"Is something wrong (Y/N)?"
"N-No, yes. I-I'm s-scared of." I paused. "F-Flying."
"Really, I wouldn't have expected that from you. Why?"
"Well in year ten I went to an exchange program in Australia for a few weeks and joined our sister school. On the way back the flight was very scary. Lots of turbulence and everything. It just took the joy out of flying for me."
"That's understandable. But it's an extremely low percentage that a plane will crash."
"W-Well what happens if we are that percentage!" (Guys this is actually what goes through my head when flying. This year I'm going to Japan on an exchange =) YAY, minus the flying.) The intercom told us to start boarding. As I entered the terminal I stopped. "I-I don't want to go. I'm scared." I started breathing heavily, my heart was pounding.
"You'll be fine!" L grabbed my arms from behind me and with great struggle managed to finally get me seated. I took deep breath in and tightened my seatbelt. I tried yanking at it but it would go no further.
"Ryuzaki, can you tighten it for me." He looked at it.
"(Y/N), it can't go any tighter. It's already cutting the circulation off on your legs. I glared at him.
"Does it look like I care?!" He shook his head. Even on the plane he was still crouching. "C'mon, please." He rolled his eyes and attempted to tighten it further. The plane started moving backwards and the flight attendants started the safety messages. I shut my eyes and plugged my ears with my fingers. This part if anything made it worse, it reminded me of what could happen. It was time for the plane to take off. I took deep breaths in as it lifted off into the air. I gripped at my seat as it bounced through the clouds. A tear escaped my eye. I would rather row there in a canoe than fly in a plane. I felt arms wrap tightly around me.
"Everything will be alright, just focus on me." He whispered. I looked up at him and nodded. "(Y/N), look out the window. What does that cloud look like?" He was trying to distract me.
"I know what you're trying to do and I do appreciate it but I'm not sure it's going to help."
"No seriously, look." I sighed and looked out the window.
"It looks like a shark."
"What does that one looks like." He said pointing to a small cloud.
"A Heart."
"Exactly." He turned towards me and kissed my forehead softy. "Feeling better?"
"Slightly, keep distracting me. It works." He nodded and smiled at me.
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