Chapter 42 - Childs Play
Yess!, luckily my dad's hotspot works so I can upload still. I really hope you are enjoying this story. It makes me really happy to see people supporting it! Thank you soooo much!!!! Author-chan =)
I looked at the clock on the wall, it read 11pm. "I'm going to bed, I'm tired." Light also looked at the clock.
"Yeah same." He started to walked towards the lift until he was pulled back by the chain.
"Not now." L commanded.
"But Ryuzaki, unlike you we need sleep to function." He ignored him and kept on tapping away at his keyboard.
"Please." I begged. L groaned and picked up his laptop and walked to the lift with us. Where are you guys going to sleep?"
"Your room." L said while pushing the button. I looked at him confused.
"W-what do you mean my room."
"I'll have a single bed moved into the room so I can sleep next to you and he can sleep opposite me." I nodded, slightly uncomfortable about Light sleeping in my room. I should just think of it as a sleepover, like we used to have when we were younger. I took a deep breath in and entered the lift.
"Hold on, did you just say that you were going to sleep?!"
"Well, occasionally I do sleep. Just not all the time like regular humans."
"Ok if you say so." I chucked. The doors opened and I made my way through the dark trying not to bump into anything. Eventually I found the bedroom door and opened it. The light already on and there was another bed pushed up practically next mine. L walked in and pushed it to the other side of the room making the distance as far as possible. After getting changed into pyjamas I slipped under the covers of my queen sized bed. I turned on my side to face L who was crouched. I glared at him and he hesitantly extended his legs so he was lying like a normal person. His arm was pinned behind him because the beds were too far apart. He jerked his arm and Light fell out of the other bed.
"Hey, Ryuzaki. Do you mind!" Light said agitated. He pushed the beds closer together until they could both freely move their arms. L wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my nose.
"Goodni-" He was cut short and pulled out of the bed. Unfortunately for me his arms were still around my waist which also caused me to fall onto the floor. L groaned and tugged violently at the chain. Light then hit the floor.
"Ryuzaki, stop it!" He shouted.
"It's not my fault, you started it." He said sheepishly.
"No I didn't, you did!"
"No, you started it. If you weren't Kira we wouldn't be in this current situation." His voice was low and soft.
"That's it!" Light stood up and went to punch him in the face, L grabbed his shirt. I pushed him back.
"STOP IT, BOTH OF YOU!" Their head instantly snapped towards me. "Why can't you just get along for once in your goddam lives!" I had finally snapped. I was fed up with their fighting.
"But (Y/N), he doesn't love you like I do."
"That includes you Light. I'm fed up with all you flirting and trying to win me over. News flash; it's not working ok?! I don't like you in that way and I never will, my best friend, nothing more. Get it through your head already!" I looked over to L who was smirking. "You too Ryuzaki. Stop. Provoking. Him!" I took a deep breath in, calming myself. "Now shake hands and make up." They both groaned and stood up. They shook hands but while they were shaking L tightened his grip causing great pain to Light.
"RYUZAKI! Stop it now!"
"I'm sorry." He paused and stared Light in the eye. "It was an accident." I sighed.
"Fine fine, whatever. Just go to sleep already. Maybe you two might have grown up when you wake up." I went back to bed and L slipped in with me. He brought his hand up and extended his pinkie.
"I promise I won't do it again. I don't like it when you are stressed out." I we intertwined pinkies and I locked my lips in his. I pulled away.
"Goodnight (Y/N)."
"Goodnight-" I lowered my voice to the lowest possible volume. "Lawliet." He smiled and kissed my nose.
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