Chapter 23 - The Caretaker
Yay, fluff time. Enjoy, Author-chan =)
That was strange, I wonder why L wanted everyone to go home. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door. I ran water into the bath then looked under the sink to find bubble bath. I poured the liquid in. Once the bath had filled and bubbles were floating on top of the water I got undressed and slid into the water. The bubbles came up to my neck and I let the hot water soak into my skin.
There was a rattling sound coming from the door, it opened and in walked L. Matsuda was on the other side of the door shouting at L. "Ryuzaki, I don't think that you should go in there." L turned around to face him.
"I can do what I want, she is my girlfriend after all," he said rather sheepishly. L then closed the door on Matsuda's face then locked it.
"H-How did you get in here, I locked that door." L held up a set of keys. "Oh, right." I mumbled. "Anyway, why are you in here."
"To help you."
"Huh?" He walked over to a cabinet and pulled out shampoo and conditioner, then a cup.
"Here, let me." I sat up and turned my back to him. He placed the cup under the water then emptied it onto my hair. He did this several times then squeezed some shampoo into my hair. L ran his fingers through my hair and gently massaged my scalp.
"Umm, L?"
"Thanks for being here for me. It means a lot." I could sense that he was smiling behind me.
"No, if anything I should be thanking you."
"Why." He paused.
"I don't know."
"Wow, did I just hear you right. Does the famous detective L have no reasoning." I giggled at him. I felt him tug at my hair. "Ow!" I yelped.
"Whoops, I must have lost my concentration."
"Fine you win." I crossed my arms. His hand covered my eyes to make sure none of the shampoo would get in it when he washed it out then proceeded with the conditioner.
"(Y/N), what were you thinking when you first heard of me?"
"Well, umm, I guess I felt intrigued, astounded. I'm not sure, I can't really remember."
"What about after that, when Lind L. Tailor was murdered."
"I admired you even more. I kind of developed feelings for you, but I always tried to crush them since we would never meet. But fate has its ways about defying the odds." He washed the conditioner out. "What about me?". He slid into the bath fully dressed. "L, your clothes." I said shocked.
"They don't matter, believe it or not I actually have more." I sighed at him as he slinked an arm around my shoulder. "What I thought about you when I first met you. I thought that you were Kira and could help this case."
"But, but after that I did develop feelings for you (Y/N). I've never being good around girls in general but you were somehow different." I glanced at him.
"Please don't take that the wrong way." I tapped his nose playfully and laughed.
"Don't be silly, no offence taken." A shiver went down my spine. "The water is getting kind of chilly. I'm going to get out." He nodded and stood up. Bubbled clung to his jeans and shirt as he stepped out. L grabbed a towel and opened it up for me. "Umm, L. Can you look away."
"Oh, of course." He turned his face to the side. I stood up but caught L glancing at my naked body. I went bright red.
"L!" I shouted.
"Sorry (Y/N)." He looked away again and I wrapped myself up in the towel.
"Do you think you could get me some clothes." He nodded and walked out and came back with baggy blue jeans and a white long-sleeved shirt. "L? Aren't they your clothes."
"I could not find any of yours." I laughed at him then told him to get out while I changed. I eventually walked out, the clothes must have looked good on me since L's eyes widened. I sleeves were way too long and I had to be careful not to trip on the extra-long jeans. "Y-You look r-really n-nice (Y/N)." He stuttered.
"Thanks." I smiled at him then walked out to join the rest of the task force. They all stared at me. "What are you looking at." They quickly returned back to work.
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