Chapter 19 - Evidence and Sad Fluff
I'm sorry if this is depressing. I promise that I will write some happy fluff soon. Author-chan =)
I regained consciousness finally, I was in L's arms being carried towards a couch. "L?" He looked down at me lovingly. He sat down on the couch, laying my head in his lap. He kissed me on the forehead then wiped my tear stained cheek. I opened my mouth to tell him about Light and Ryuk.
"No, tell me later. Let's watch a movie." I gave him happy but sadden smile and nodded. "Watari please fetch (F/M)." Watari came back a few moments later with my (F/M) and placed the disk into the DVD player. He then walked back into the kitchen where he was preparing a chocolate cake.
L ran a hand through my hair and traced the outline of my ears. Watari came back from the kitchen with the chocolate cake on a platter. L handed me a slice, "Apparently chocolate is mean to help with such feelings as depression and sadness." I munched on the cake, it was just right, not too sweet and not too rich. L poured a cup of tea and put twelve sugar cubes in it, each one making a small splash.
After the movie finished I sat up and turned to him. "Thank you, I really needed that." I breathed deeply in. "I'm ready to talk about it now. It's to do with the Kira investigation." His eyes widened and a smirk crept onto his face. It was like every time something to do with a case would give his body a rush of energy. He leant further into his hunched posture, his hair falling in front of his eyes.
"Please, continue (Y/N)."
"I know that Light is Kira and I have evidence to prove it." L jumped off the couch out of what I was pretty sure was excitement. He reached into his pocket pulling out a strawberry lollypop. He unwrapped it and stuck it in his mouth. "Light has something called a Death Note and when I touched it a Shinigami appeared, its name was Ryuk." This seemed to intrigue L even more.
"Yes, I've heard of them but never actually had it confirmed," he mumbled.
"Light also told me that he was Kira. He said that he killed all those people for me. So no one could ever hurt me again." I trailed off and I felt my heart sink. I closed my eyes and let a single tear roll down my face. "I didn't want Light to be Kira." I felt something tap on my nose, it smelt so sweet. It was another strawberry lollypop that L had unwrapped for me. I kindly accepted and stuck it in my mouth, twirling the stick around between my fingers.
"Is there anything else he said to you?" I thought for a moment and shook my head. He paused, "You don't have to do this if you do not want to."
"No, I have to. We need to solve this case. I will do anything for it."
"Even sacrifice yourself." His voice sounded sad.
"I guess. If it will bring Kira to justice." He grabbed my hands and pulled them up to his chest, where his heart was.
"Some people say that I have no heart, but I do. I will not let you die." I hung my head at this and leant into his chest.
"I'm sorry if that was not the answer you wanted to hear, but it is the truth."
"I won't let it be the truth. I know that it feels right for you to say that but in a matter of fact, if someone were to die, it would be me." I was deeply saddened by this, now I knew how he felt when I said that I would sacrifice myself if I had to.
"I'm sorry L, I was being selfish." He shook his head and wrapped his arms around me. I looked up to see Watari starring at us with a smile on his face. I think that he was oblivious to what our conversation held, but at least someone was happy. I nestled my head back into L's baggy shirt, I closed my eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep.
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