Chapter 1 - The Bullies
My back slammed into the brick wall behind me. I sunk down, wheezing and gasping for breath. No, not again, please no. I felt the collar of my shirt being tugged at and I was lifted into the air. The blond haired boy threw me at the wall once more. I felt dizzy and had no strength left in me, I tried my push myself up but fell to the floor. They towered over me, their shadows casting over my face. "HEY, STOP THAT". It was Light, my only friend. The boy and his friends turned their heads towards the running figure.
"Hey, what's up Imagay", the boy sneered. Light just grunted and ran to my side. The boys walked off snickering down the hallway, occasionally laughing so hard that they would bend over.
"(Y/N), are you ok?". He slid my arm over his shoulder and pulled me up.
"Yeah", I managed to squeak out. "Thank's Light, I didn't want to end up with a concussion again like last week". He chuckled softly.
"Easy", he said as my feet tripped over themselves.
"I'm ok now". He shot me a glare. "Seriously it's fine". I straightened my aching back with one hand on Light's shoulder for support.
"Ok, whatever you say boss", he joked. I gave him a soft punch on the shoulder with my other hand and smiled. I have always considered him a friend, a best friend to be exact. I had known Light ever since Elementary School, he always stood up for me but he never got bullied, sure they would call him Imagay but that was only a minority, the rest loved him. A straight A student so was I, but why couldn't I be liked. The girls would always get jealous of me because I was close to him, sometimes I even got death threats. They all through that we were going out, but no matter how much we would tell them they didn't believe that we were just friends. Light broke the silence.
"You know, you should really tell your parents about this". I stopped,
"No". He sighed gently.
"I've kept it a secret for almost 12 years now, I think it's time". His brown eyes glanced at my (E/C) eyes.
"No, high school is almost over, in a few weeks I won't have to ever see them again. I'd prefer to just wait until this hell is over".
He looked shocked. "I thought you liked school".
"Oh, don't get me wrong, I love all my classes, but I just don't like the people". He stuck his bottom lip out and pouted. "That includes you", I chuckled while pointing to his face. He grinned widely and moved his brown hair out of his face. The bell rang through the hallway.
"Well, I'd better be off", he said giving me a playful pat on my head, he then walked off. I looked at my watch and my eyes widened. I was going to be late again. I picked up my pace and started jogging to my classroom. I entered just in time and breathlessly took a seat at the back of the classroom. If i had been late again they would've made me go to the guidance counsellor and he would tell my parents about the bullying. I didn't want them to be troubled by my problems.
The teacher started calling names out, I phased out and looked out the window. "(F/N) (L/N), (F/N) (L/N)!"
"Oh, here", I stuck my hand in the air and returned my attention to the window. The teacher babbled on, this was so easy. I could've graduated in the 9th grade. I shifted my weight into the back of my seat making myself comfortable. I phased out every lesson but never, never lost marks. I was still the top student in this school, with Light in 2nd place. "
"(Y/N)", the teacher called out to me, he knew I was not paying attention and tried to catch me out. "What was my question", he smirked. I grunted and stood up.
"Sir, your question was, what are the colours of the visible spectrum on the electromagnet spectrum". His face looked disappointed.
"Then what's the answer. You can take your time since you never seem to listen during my lessons. Oh, and feel free to ask for help", he mocked.
I signed bored tone and replied instantly. "Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet".
"Very well done. If you are so smart, then tell me what order the waves go in", he said in a cold voice. Even the teachers mocked me, but luckily for me, only a few weeks of school left then I can leave this place forever.
"Radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet waves, x rays, gamma rays". I smiled at him and returned to my seat. The lesson continued. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something fall from the sky into the courtyard. Huh, what's that? I became agitated and weaved my pen through my fingers. I hated not knowing things, it bugged me. This is partly the reason why I wanted to become a detective, but my parents never approved. They told me I was too smart and should do something more in science and maths. If it came down to it I was sure they would support me anyway. The bell rung again, I swiped everything into my bag and ran into the courtyard. There was Light, standing over the spot where the item dropped. It wasn't there.
"Hey, Light", I waved. He turned around slipping something into his bag.
"Oh, hey (Y/N). How was class?"
"Easy. So are you still up for hanging after school today". His fingers fidgeted.
"Ummm, yeah about that. I'm so sorry. M-my mum just called and said that I need to b-babysit Sayu". He was hiding something, he seemed nervous. He must have the thing that dropped from the sky.
"Are you ok Light".
"Ah, yeah. I'm great. Well, have a nice weekend (Y/N)". He then walked off. Ugh, he has the item and I know it. I would ask him about it but I know it would start an argument and I value our friendship. I'll just have to let it go. I sighed and made my way to the bus stop. As I entered the busy city centre I saw my apartment. I could see that my mum was on the balcony drinking a cup of tea while reading a book. I pushed the top floor on the elevator and made my way up to the modern penthouse. I opened the door.
"Mum, I'm home", I called cheerily as I placed my bag on the kitchen counter.
"Oh, hello (Y/N). I made tea, want to join", she beamed.
"Happily". I sat down and smiled at her.
"How was your day".
"Normal. The classes are way too easy, I should've graduated in the 9th grade", I chuckled.
"Yes, you are quite the miss smart pants". She placed her book down and we had an endless conversation into the night. I look out at the buzzing city, it's neon lights made me smile. The city had always been so happy and lively. Up high, it was hard to hear the traffic to we lust listened to the warm breeze in silence. The stars shone brightly and wisps of clouds came past.
I sighed. "When does dad get home". She was about to answer when the door slid open.
"Speaking of the devil". She stood up and gave the tall man a quick kiss. All I noticed was the white plastic bags filled with steaming containers. I rushed over to him grabbed the bags and went to the kitchen. My mother looked confused at me.
"Dad brought home take-out". I grabbed plates and set up the table. We all enjoyed the meal and laughter went on late into the night.
I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter since the holidays are 1 week away and there is practically no school left I can post a couple times a day. I'm gonna go write the second chapter right now since I'm enjoying this so much. And sorry to all the American readers for my Australian spelling. Please VOTE =) and support my story, it's the first time I've ever written a fanfic. Oh, I almost just lost this fic, whoops.
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