Naruto-mini story (SasuNaru)
It was the day after the kyubi festival, and I was walking down an alleyway. As I walked down the alleyway I saw a horrible site. It was a boy who appeared close to deaths cold embrace. The young boy was covered in blood and bruises ; his lower half was nude with white stuff all over his privates. I thankfully located the boys underwear and shorts near him. He seemed to be asleep so I grabbed his underwear and shorts a put them on him. I then carefully picked him up bridal style. I carried him out of the alleyway. I rushed toward the forest located near the village. I weaved through the the trees, jumped over plants an fallen trees until I reached a large tree with a well hidden tunnel located just under some of the trees big roots. As I entered the tunnel I was carful not to further injure the boy in my arms. I finally made it o the end of the tunnel an entered the beautiful meadow. I gently set the boy on a patch of soft grass. I thankfully new some medical ninjutsu. An quickly got to work healing the wounds on the boy. Sadly I wasn't strong enough to prevent the wounds from scaring. Soon after I was finished healing the boy he started to wake up. Once he spotted me he started to panic. screaming and crying and beg me not to hurt him. His actions saddened me. I slowly place my hand on his shoulder causing him to flinch away from my touch. Sighed and then spoke in a soft voice. "Hello I'm Sasuke Uchiha, what's your name?" "M-my n-na-name I-is N-naruto. Please l-let me leave" "Naruto would you mind answering a few of my questions?" "N-no I don't m-mind" he said his fear slowly disappearing. "Ok, so how old are you? I'm 7" "I'm 7 too" 'he's 7 but he's to small to be 7' Sasuke thought. "why were you in that alleyway?" "Because the villagers hurt me again." "What do you mean" "oh o-ok,um well they cut me, hit me, kicked me, a-and th-they r-raped me," his voice seemed to get quieter the longer he talked. Once I realized what the white stuff on his lower half was I gave a quiet gasp. I slowly reached out and touched the young boys shoulder. This time he didn't flinch away, but instead watched me cautiously. I then leaned towards him a gently hugged him. Once he realized what I was doing he quickly embraced me in return. Sobs began to rack his small body as he released all the motions he had been holding inside. Once his loud pain full sobs began to stop he started to fall asleep. I gently smiled for the first time since my clan had been massacred. And slowly I also fell asleep.
Time skip- morning
Still Sasuke's POV
I had woken up with Naruto still in my arms. I gently carried Naruto to the large hot spring in the clearing. I un dressed myself and then I carefully undressed Naruto. I carried him into the warm water. I had bought body wash plus shampoo & conditioner. Which were located on a rock next to the spring.
Time skip before the mission to the wave/right after the bell test
Suddenly the door to the hokaga's flew off its hinges creating a extremely loud crashing noise. This caused all the ANBU in konaha that weren't on a mission to suddenly be located in the hokaga's office. "THIS IS THE LAST FUCKING STRAW HE'S IN A COMA!" "What are you talking about Sasuke" the hokaga asked in an all to calm manner. "ITS NARUTO! I HAD TO PUT HIM IN A MEDICALLY INDUCED COMA BECAUSE YOU CAN'T KEEP YOUR GOD DANM VILLAGERS IN CHECK!" I screamed. "Sasuke please, explain what happened calmly" the hokaga said. I took a deep breath and then being to speak. "You're god danm villagers almost killed Naruto AGAIN. They injured him so badly not even Kurama could fully heal him he barely managed to stop the bleeding" I stated. "Sasuke is he ok?" "WHAT DO YOU THINK, I HAD TO PUT HIM IN A FUCKING MEDICALLY INDUCED COMA SO HIS BODY HAD TIME TO HEAL!" "Sas-" "No. You WILL fucking listen; If this happens again I'm leaving this GOD FORSAKEN VILLAGE. And. I. WILL. Take Naruto with me.
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