Silly Capitol Movies.
The second day of training was a piece of cake compared to the first. On the first we pushed our bodies to the absolute breaking point then stopping only when needed. I took one break, Peeta on the other hand took many, I made him on account of his leg. We ate a lot those days, stocking up on carbohydrates and proteins. Peeta pulled an unthinkable stunt and brought me a piece of bread.
Instantly I started balling my eyes out like I did when he proposed. After we had calmed down he lit the fireplace and we toasted the bread together. And in twelve, that would mean we were married. Sure some of the richer people in our district would have actual weddings; which I'm sure if we live Effie will make us have.
After we we had done the toasting. He asked me if I was ready for .... You know. I told him I didn't know, and even if I was ready I didn't want my first time to be here. He understood completely and told me that after we get out, he'll make it the most special time ever. I wanted to tell him I wouldn't be going back to twelve ever. That I would be dying within a week, but I stopped and started talking of his love life.
He tried speaking of mine, but it was completely nonexistent. He told me Gale was kind of my love life, but I laughed and told him I never ever thought of him that way. He would always kiss me sure, and maybe sometimes I would we jealous when he was with other prettier girls. But I never wanted to marry or date him. We where too much alike, and people already thought we were cousins. It would be weird if we started randomly dating.
Peeta and I also did a lot of talking about what we wanted out of our lives. I told him I wanted to keep him alive and prim and all of our friends alive, even if it meant me dying myself. When I asked him he said he wanted to marry me and have children, and live a long happy life by my side. Then I changed my goals to the same as him. Although I'm not to sure I want children, but if Peeta does I'll almost have to. Because of all he's done for me it's the least I can do.
We have a few hours left of the day before we have to head to the Capitol. I was told if we were actually able to get Snow, to call to Coin because she wanted to be there for the execution.
Peeta and I plan to spend our last remaining hours as a married couple together. I had brought use two helpings of breakfast each and we planned on locking the doors behind us. We relit the fireplace and snuggled together. He told me he loved me every other second, kissed me in between.
"Is it weird to know that in within a week I'll be dead?" I whisper into his chest. He shakes his head and kisses me.
"You won't be dead. Your a fighter." He continues to fill me with confidence. I frown.
"I'm not. I'll be dead Peeta, snow wants me dead and he'll stop at nothing. You know that."
"Let's just not talk about it Katniss." He shushes me. "We only have a few hours left together, at least until I get to the Capitol. It will be two days."
"We'll be okay Peeta." I assure him. There's a knock at the door and we both frown. "I'll get it."
"No, please."
"Fine." The knocking persists and I yell for them to come in loudly
Gale walks in the door, he sits next to Peeta.
"Can I talk to you quickly?" He asks Peeta.
"Yeah, Katniss?" He looks to me and I walk from the room and into my mother compartment.
Prim and my mother are both sleeping. So I write a note telling them where we are going tonight. I said I love you, kissed their foreheads then got out of there as fast as I could. I didn't want to be there for their wake, just like when I volunteered there would be tears.
I found a bowl of fruit an pull out a few pieces for each of us. I knock on my door to make sure I can come in.
"Come in." Peeta signals. I walk in and Gales still there.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you'd be done, I'll go back out."
"I'm done Catnip." Gale nods. I half smile and look towards the door. "I'll get going now, everyone's meeting downstairs in three hours to send you guys out. And a quick debriefing. See you then.."
I nod and he leaves. "What did he want?" I ask sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Nothing dear.." He grabs me by my waist and pulls me towards him. He starts kissing me slowly, and suddenly I want all of him bad.
As he's kissing me his hands slide under my shirt and I let them. I break the kiss and he keeps kissing my face. "I wish I could just do it. We could die tomorrow." I murmur into his neck.
"It's okay Katniss, I understand. Your scared."
He chuckles. "Katniss, the girl on fire. Killed people, is a fighter, leading the entire nations rebellion ..." He sighs. "But she can't loose her virginity.."
"Stop." I smack his arm.
"I'm just joking."
"Whatever." I laugh. And suddenly courage builds in my stomach. "Do you want to?"
"To what?"
"Do it."
"No Katniss. It wouldn't be special."
"Yes it would. It'd be with you."
He thinks a moment. "Well, as lovely as that sounds we only have three hours and I want to wait and really sweep you off your feet." I nod grateful he wants to wait and impress me. No one has ever tried to impress me like he has. No ones ever loved me like he has. "I have an idea." He whispers.
"Let's watch one of those silly romance movies the Capitol makes" he suggests.
"No, let's watch our quarter quell, we can tell each other exactly what we we're thinking then." He nods happily.
"That sounds fun."
He puts it in and it starts immediately following the Capitol logo and promotional video they show before each game. You know, the one starting with 'war, terrible war.' All that bullcrap. The camera pans to me showing a frail scared girl, you can just barely hear me whisper 'Peeta'.
"Did you say my name?" He asks.
"Yeah... I was scared when I couldn't find you right away."
It shows random tributes running and fighting, then it shows Finnick and I's first encounter with each other. "I honestly wasn't even listening to him. I as worried about finding weapons and finding you."
The fight between Peeta and the district six man shows in the water.
We take advantage of those last three hours together as one. Fifteen minuets before, we stopped talking. He helped me dress, and braid my hair. I put on his shirt I took from twelve under my suit. I showed him the tiny pearl before I shoved that in my pocket along with a picture I have of him, my mother, and prim. He asked me why I'm taking all my stuff. And I answered 'I'll never be back here, I might as well die with at least a memory of my loved ones. And my lover.
Peeta held my hand tight as we walked, we stopped outside the door and I hung my arms around his neck. He places his on my waist. "You look fierce, and brave. And determinated." He says as he kisses me shortly. I nod.
We walk inside and everyone instantly looks saddened. "Let's start." Boggs says shortly.
I look around. Coin isn't here. "Coins not here?" I ask shocked.
"She was too busy" Boggs tells me.
I scoff as Peeta and I make our way to the group. They go over the same things we already went over two days ago. The meeting ends all too soon which means I have to leave Peeta.
After everybody loads the hovercraft Peeta and I are granted two minuets alone. "I'm gonna miss you." I whisper into his chest.
"I will too, but we'll be together in two days."
"They can't come quick enough.." I reply.
He kisses me slowly. I try to take it in so I'll remember later what he feels like. He hugs me once more.
"Katniss, when I see you again. It'll be a different world...
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