Prompt 8: Death
Loki awoke from his nightmare. This one was worse than the last two and was surprised he even escaped from it, given the circumstances. Strangely enough, Beverlee was not in this nightmare, and he was eager to tell her that his strategy must have worked.
But where was Beverlee? She wasn't on his bed, and... what was he doing on the floor?
He soon realized someone had turned on the lights... then noticed the state of his quarters - it was like someone had ransacked the place, there was major damage almost everywhere.
Was that Bruno lying on the floor by the closet? What was he doing here?
What happened?!
"Beverlee?" He called out, desperately trying to find her.
There she was - she was also sitting on the floor... near a body?
He then felt his dagger in his hand and looked at it.
There was blood on it. Fresh blood.
His knuckles were also raw and bleeding.
He could now hear Beverlee sobbing.
What did I do, he questioned in his mind.
Dropping the dagger on the floor, he crawled towards her.
"What - what happened?" Loki asked, feeling very nervous. He looked over to the body, and he knew right away who it was.
Doctor Tom Lowenstein.
"Beverlee?" he said in a very small voice, it surprised him he could speak at all.
Beverlee turned around to look at Loki.
Loki was really scared - had his nightmares actually been portents of the future? He was ready for the worst.
But Beverlee didn't say a word.
She simply pulled him into a tight embrace.
He discovered they both were trembling.
Loki clung to her as if his life depended on it - and it most likely did now.
"What- what happened?" he asked, finding it hard to speak, "did I, did I... do this?"
"It's- it's not your fault, it was an accident," Beverlee whispered, "I don't blame you at all. But I have to, have to..."
"Call Coulson." Loki finished for her, "it's okay, Beverlee, I know the procedure. But please also contact Thor?"
"Of course I will."
Within ten minutes, SHIELD Agents and Med Center technicians were in Loki's quarters examining the 'crime scene.'
Loki and Beverlee were made to wait outside in the corridor, with two SHIELD Agents guarding them. As if they would run away - where could they go?
Beverlee was still only clad in the t-shirt Loki had given her, and she was shivering as the corridors were drafty. She hugged her arms, attempting to gain some warmth.
"Excuse me," Loki said, trying to keep his voice as polite as possible, "my friend is feeling the cold, could one of you be a lamb and spare your jacket?"
Both of the Agents were unyielding.
"It's okay, Loki," Beverlee said, "thanks for trying. I guess they think if they give me a jacket, it might be part of some ruse to escape."
"I'm sorry, Beverlee," Loki said, looking very sad, "I've now made your suffering twofold, because of my reputation...."
"You've done nothing of the sort - you tried to help me. It's these Agents that have made my suffering twofold."
Loki gave Beverlee a small smile.
"BROTHER!" Thor boomed as he came up the corridor, "what's happened?"
"Yes," another familiar voice spoke from the other direction in the corridor, "I'd like to know as well."
It was Agent Phil Coulson.
Agent Coulson and Thor with armed security brought Loki and Beverlee to the briefing room. Before discussing the matter, Coulson had his trusted team members bring Beverlee a blanket, dispatch a nurse from Med Centre to dress the wounds on Loki's knuckles, then delivered a carafe of steeped tea with two big mugs for both of them.
Beverlee spoke first and she was emphatic, "My word probably doesn't count for squat because I am most likely considered a biased party or even in collusion, but I'm going to say it anyway. Loki didn't break his probation. What happened was an accident. He wasn't even awake when it all happened."
"What Beverlee said is the truth," Loki said quietly, "I didn't know what happened... until I woke up... and saw the bodies on the floor."
"Easy you two," Coulson said, "it's well documented that you both had a very good rapport with Tom. Also, he sent me an email yesterday, a progress report for the Initiative. He did mention in a vague way there was something he was investigating related to you, Loki, but you can be assured he didn't violate any physician-patient privilege." Coulson gave them both a look of sympathy, "he wasn't only your friend, he was also was mine - and many others'. So with his unexpected and accidental death, you'll understand when I ask of you to start at the beginning and don't leave out a single detail."
Loki looked at Beverlee with apprehension. When it came to Coulson, he represented an unknown element, an element that could easily change his life for the worse.
This also felt like he was experiencing what the Midgardians called, 'déjà vu' but far more serious.
He then felt Beverlee's hand slip into his and grasp it.
"Never going to happen," she whispered.
Loki gave her hand a squeeze, then faced Coulson.
"It started when I had this nightmare," he began.
Putting her arm around Loki, Beverlee was in tears when she learned what happened in his latest nightmare - it was how he was captured by the Children of Thanos.
Thor moved from the table to put a supportive hand on Loki's shoulder.
Even Coulson looked visibly moved. It took him some time before he finally spoke, "after hearing all that, you are not at fault here, Loki. And once my team of agents and medical specialists finish compiling the information, I suspect the evidence will mesh with your story. As soon as this is dealt with, we can then move on and take time out for grief." He then pulled out a smart-device that was vibrating from a pocket in his jacket. Looking at the screen, he said, "I've just been informed that Bruno sustained some bruising and minor cuts, but he's going to make a full recovery."
Beverlee and (especially) Loki breathed a sigh of relief.
Returning the device to his pocket, Coulson looked at Loki, "with this investigation, you can't go back to your quarters, and you can't stay here, so I regret you're going to have to be placed in a-"
"NO!" Beverlee almost shouted, then stood up defiantly, "you can't do that."
"What do you mean, Beverlee?" Coulson said, annoyed his authority was being questioned.
"I'm sorry," Beverlee softened her voice, not wanting to make things worse, "that was rude of me. What I meant to say is that..." she looked at Loki then back to Coulson, "Lowenstein had a special standing medical order for Loki. I understand it's only available for those who need to know, but I'm pretty sure he would have made you aware of it."
"And that is?"
"Loki can't be put in confinement, it's not conducive to his mental health."
"All right," Coulson said, "then where should he be placed? And no, Beverlee, he can't stay at your domicile, it's out of our jurisdiction."
"He... can stay with me."
It was Thor who spoke, and everyone turned their heads to look at him.
"You realize Thor," Coulson said, "in doing this, you are taking responsibility for him and any other further actions."
"I'm already doing that with being a member of the Initiative." Thor said matter-of-fact, "if there's nothing else, I'll to take them to my quarters now."
"No, go ahead." Coulson said, "they will be under temporary facility custody until this matter is resolved. They are not to leave your quarters unless you contact me first for special permission."
"Thank you, Son of Coul," Thor said, then turned to Loki and Beverlee, "Let's go."
It took a moment for Loki and Beverlee to process what just happened. They looked at each other, then looked at Thor with awe.
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