Why is the internet so shitty these days?
Why is the world so fucked up?
If you google how to kill yourself, ads for sleeping pills appear before the suicide hotline. The world is literally trying to suck out everything we're worth before it considers us as as real human people.
Topics that ive been taught are serious are turned into memes and jokes so much that i cant tell what's legitimate anymore.
Someone says that they're going to hurt or kill themselves, and instead of offering support someone says "same lmao".
No one can be negative anymore. You cant be sad or angry without someone saying "just be positive". Negative emotion are just as important and valid as positive ones. There are no "bad" emotions. Only human ones. Being told to be happy and bottle everything else up makes us less human.
You open a magezine and see an ad about how you're beautiful the way you are. Turn the page and you see a different ad for makeup or weight loss or a workout plan to help achieve ultimate beauty.
We're told to be ourselves and express who we are, be individual, and immediately after we are made to fit society's mold of the "right" way to think. Instead of being able to express creativity our ideas are shaped and limited.
Money is the only thing that matters anymore, everything revolves around money: freedom, love, material worth, expectations, standards, life itself. Why cant people just live and be happy?
I dont get it.
I dont understand how people can be like this.
No one can have an opinion anymore.
No one can have beliefs anymore.
No one can be emotional anymore.
No one can be themselves anymore.
No one is brave enough to speak up anymore.
No one is happy anymore.
Everyone hides behind a mask because showing our true faces makes us strange, weird, different. And different is shunned. Because different doesnt benefit anyone. Different is bad.
We are all being herded along to go make money and be successful for the higher ups and then led to our deathbeds instead of being given free range of life's gifts. Because everything good is stupid and pointless. Good wont help anyone.
And we cant do anything about it. The world is too busy digging itself to it's grave to listen to a cry for help or a voice step up and try to make a change.
I dont want to work in and sustain the society we live in, but i know ill be forced to regardless. Because we know nothing else but this. We'll never know anything but this.
I wish there was another way to live, a way or a place where we could be happy. Be human. Be ourselves.
But no such place exists. Because no one can break the conformity and make a change. We just arent strong enough to. It's no use. All we can do is follow the rules and try to get by as best as we can. Even if all of life's worth was just beyond the horizon we would never be able to get there. We wouldnt be allowed to get there. We would be shunned for trying to get there.
We just want to be happy.
But no one dares to try and reach it anymore.
And nothing matters anymore.
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