If you still have questions feel free to ask them, ill reply in the comments.
BUT ANYWAY *amazing game show fanfare*.
1. What is my real first name, or is Crystel my actual name?
Crystel is not my actual name, just the name i prefer to go by and be called online. My real name is Rebekah. Nice to meet you!
2. Art tips?
To improve overall art quality and appearance i would suggest doing two things in your free practice time.
1. Sketch a lot. You dont have to complete the picture, it doesnt have to be a specific character and i would say the rougher the sketch the better. Use very basic guidelines and block in rough shapes of the character. This can help develop anatomy and art style. Rough sketching will help you practice and build anatomy, shaping, and posing. When sketching imagine your character as a 3d model built up of simple shapes. Trust me, it will help your art a lot.
And 2. On the contrary to sketching, practice free-hand drawing. Especially faces. It can help with symmetry and proportians of the face. Drawing without a sketch or with the most basic guidelines only will greatly help develop art style and will also teach you more about the anatomy, physics, and flow of your art style. It will help your posing look less stiff and more natural. You dont need to see the character's entire skeleton to have a basic knowledge of how the body can bend and contort. Practice extreme posing and focus on still making the pose look possible even if strange.
3. What is my opinion on socks?
I mean
I like socks
I dont like wearing them inside at ALL
Unless its really fking cold
4. What am I like in real life?
Similar to how i act here on wattpad, but a lot more antisocial.
Im REALLY quiet. I say as i type in all caps-
Im actually kind of emotionless because 90% of the people i end interacting with are total idiots
But if i decide i like you I will be ver friendly, supportive, and im super loyal to the point it can be considered bad.
Basically if i dont like you or dont have an opinion on you, i dont care about you (unless ur crying or something then ill aks whats wrong) but if i do like you and consider you a legitimate friend i will be by your side even if we're forced through hell and back.
5. How to draw furries tutorials?
Ill do another chapter for that at some point-
Also can i have some specific species? Cuz my drawing process and commentary is different for different species
6. When did i realize I was a furry?
Well since i first got onto the internet i kinda knew what furries were but didnt give it much thought or consideration. When the undertale fandom rolled into my life I took my old character Crystel who had been created for the game Wolfquest and i made her stand on two legs and slapped some clothes on her so she could be my undertale persona. At that point i started practicing drawing furry characters to help me get better at drawing more human-like characters. I considered Crystel a furry character but i didnt consider myself to have the furry lifestyle yet. Then i found fursuiting videos. The very first furry video I watched was of a really adorable and well made fursuit and character called Ahkara. I thought it was super cute and fun. You get to walk around and make people smile by acting like a cute walking floofy stuffed animal. From there i discovered the conventions and the furry species like sergals and dutch angel dragons. Then i was sold. I proudly considered myself a furry and i want a fursuit of Crystel in the future.
7. Does my family know I'm a furry?
Yep. My older sister is determined to believe it's weird and gross no matter what I tell her, my brother doesnt care as long as I keep my furry business to myself, my dad supports me on it for the most part even though he still considers it kinda sexual, and my mom basically has no opinion. Yay XD
8. How many non-furry and furry friends do I have?
Welp i only have 1 non-furry close friend who isnt really into my fandoms either, but ive known her since 2nd grade. She isnt my best friend (that title would go to sora) but shes been around for longest and I know i can depend on her if i need her.
And I have 2 1/2 furry friends. Why half? Cuz i have two furry friends, Sora and someone else, and another person who is a furry, but not much of a friend.
9. Do I have any pets?
*spits out drink*
14 CATS AND A TEMPORARY FOSTER CAT (no joke, i can name and describe all of them)
And a bunch of other side animals like some goldfish and a bearded dragon
And we have chickens too
10. What drawing program do I use?
On my laptop i have MS paint which im actually good at-
I used to just draw on flipaclip but i decided to get myself an actual art program, now I use IbisPaint X. Its really good i recommend it
11. When will requests start back up?
When i decide they do
So basically idk-
12. What are some tips to make characters more diverse?
Even if your character doesnt wear clothes I would suggest giving them accessories like jewelry (piercings, necklaces, etc) , really noticable and defining scars (like scars on the face, torn ears, or on any places easily seen or not covered by clothing like the arms), or little color details. If you want your character to have a natural color pallete then add a contrasting light or dark colored detail that stands out. Or on a naturally colored character you can throw in bright unrealistically colored details like brightly colored nose, paw pads, tongue or inner mouth, or really contrasting eye colors. On an unnaturally colored character instead of turning to ugly neon colors like you can with a natural color scheme, just make markings more unique and less common than what you would see elsewhere.
13. What do I do if I have too many design ideas or keep redesigning, then neglect the character's design or bio?
I have 3 solutions for this:
1. Develop a design you like, even if it isnt perfect, and stick with it, only altering or adding on small things at a time. Try to keep a design 'theme' with the character and designing and redesigns will be a lot easier.
2. Ignore the design, and make the bio FIRST. Creating the bio first can help you build and create the character later. Places the character lives can help the character's mood and details. If the character lives in a cold place give it warmer clothing or longer fur/hair. If the character lives in a warm place do the opposite. If they live somewhere harsher like cold mountains where there isnt much food and survival is more difficult then make the character look tougher and more sturdy. If the character lives in the city make them look more classy. If they live closer to nature you can make them look more down-to-earth. Use their lifestyle to build their attitude and appearance. If the character has a background of fighting them give em some scars or physical differences. Use the bio to build the personality and design and it will make a way more believable character.
And 3. Theres a thing called doodle characters ya know! Little character that sometimes have altering designs, but still have personality and character. They dont need a bio or a "reason to be", they exist just cuz. These are the characters you can get real crazy with, and i think they're super fun. My character Neptune is a doodle character, she doesnt have a background or home, and is basically crazy. Shes the Pinkie Pie of my characters. She breaks all the laws of physics, breaks the fourth wall, and has a very unrealistic design. A character doesnt need a complicated and have a fully thought out bio to still have a ton of personality and mean a lot to you.
14. What do I do if I don't make bios well or don't spend a lot of time on them?
As mentioned before, doodle characters, and also who said you NEED to spend a lot of time on a bio? Unless your character is dead you have to remember their story is still going on. You can give them a very simple bio and still have an interesting character. Dont force yourself to make your characters 'too much' cuz then you wont feel connected to them and will end up wanting to redesign and make yourself even more stressed.
15. I can never decide to scrap or redo old ocs. What do I do?
Leave em as they are. Theres nothing wrong with existing in the background. Or if you really want to keep them, ask friends or the public to help redesign them. If you dont want the character but also dont want them to go to waste, put em up for adoption or give them to a friend.
Anndnddndmdmdnddmdmdbdjsteevkeeiyeh THATS ALL THE QUESTIONS FOR NOW
Jaysus Chist (SoraTheDutchie hue hue)
Ive been writing for like 2 hours
And i was gonna post this tomorrow but wattpad has been glitching lately and i dont trust it to not delete my stuff so you get it now
Ok bai
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