Chapter 7 - Hole in the Wall
Sometimes, a feeling has been brewing in a person for a long time.
Under a flame in the mind, it simmers, simmers, simmers.
If continued, it bubbles up like a brew.
If on full heat, it may even bubble over completely. Tarnishing the scene around it.
You only find out when you read about it in the news later. The shocking, catastrophic results of that feeling having burst. Exploded.
We rarely understand these people. Psychotic, we say they must be. Crazy, of course. Out of their minds.
We hear of the event, yes.
But have you ever been told the long, winding backstory behind it? The flame that caused the pot's contents to simmer?
Perhaps one day we'll realise that the one who killed, had been emotionally abused by the victim for a long time. That the culprit's life didn't feel worth living, with the source of their misery always present.
It is not an excuse. It is the reason.
A reason we remain oblivious to.
Such was the case with the world and Lyla Hamad.
The dark-haired girl, cheerful and bright in front of the world, wasn't lacking her own cauldron of troubles.
And they finally burst.
A knock sounded on Arifa's door. The girl herself went to open it.
There was a flushed Lyla, who rushed in as soon as the door opened.
"Can we talk?" Lyla said hurriedly.
"Uhm, sure." Arifa replied, confused.
They both soon sat in Arifa's room, while Lyla told her all.
"I didn't get in to be an Air Force Cadet!" The three-months younger girl burst into tears as she revealed the news.
Arifa cocked an eyebrow.
Was that all?
She thought too soon.
"So I kind of... " Lyla tapped her two index fingers together, wondering if she really should reveal all.
"I packed up. Left a note on my mum's desk. Said I'm running away. Threw away all my stuff that I didn't need for my new life on the road."
Lyla looked up at her friend nervously.
"I just came to say bye. Before I go."
Lyla's eyes were tearing up.
"Don't miss me too much Arrie! Work hard now! Pray all your prayers! You'll become a travel guide, or whatever you want to be (no offense but you change your mind pretty quick). When you're famous, remember me!"
Lyla wiped her eyes fashionably like she'd seen in k-dramas.
Arifa scoffed. "That's no way the real reason, Layls. Spill. What sh** did you do?"
Lyla looked up guiltily.
"I lost the golden bangles my mum bought for me."
"But that's not even the half of it!" She lamented.
"Then I lost her car keys. In the same week! I've dug my own grave, Arrie!" She looked dejected.
"She hates it when I get things wrong! If she spots me not writing in cursive, she makes me cook cabbage soup for a week as punishment! If I forget to feed the fish, I have to eat the fish!"
Lyla clutched her hijab-covered head in her hands.
"What am I going to do?! I better leave soon, she's going to hunt me down to kill me as soon as she realises." Lyla scrambled towards the door.
Arifa couldn't believe what she was hearing.
"Honey, she's your mother. C'mon. Listen to yourself. I know she's strict but..."
"She makes those army generals from movies look like fluffy marshmallows!" Lyla moaned. "Pfft, forget my dad, even my 6'5 granddad's scared of her!"
"You're exaggerating." Arifah pointed out primly. "Here, I'll go with you to make things right."
"She won't listen!" Lyla shrieked.
"Will you do it for a Scooby snack?"
Arifah held up a dairy milk chocolate bar, smirking kindly.
Lyla's eyes grew round and shiny.
And that's how the London Post featured an article about a mother who'd blown a hole in her wall, out of outrage at her teenage daughter's antics.
Little did they know the hole was Lyla's last, hastily hidden mistake before trying to run away.
Poor girl, she'd really hoped her mum wouldn't notice.
Too bad the whole city did.
Next Time:
"Where should I put it?"
"On my head!" Arifa huffed.
"Duh, in the basement!"
"We're not in America, there are no basements here!"
"Well MAKE one then!"
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