12. protecting what we love
Freed meets Ivan for the first time and things don't go well.
a/n: this chapter is concurrent with the first chapter of 'crash & burn'
tw for physical/verbal abuse, assault, injuries, and homophobic language
Five Years Ago
Freed yawned, dropping their head down on their textbook and wishing that they could just absorb the information rather than reading it. They glanced up at the corkboard on their wall, smiling at the picture that greeted them. Ever had taken in the first summer that Laxus had come back - it was the two of them at the beach, Laxus' arms wrapped around Freed's waist, Freed gazing at Laxus adoringly.
The first year apart had been the hardest. They'd texted and e-mailed and Skyped nearly every day, but Freed had spent many evenings curled up their bed (or on the couch between Bix and Ever), crying and missing Laxus harder than they thought they would. Laxus had done his best to keep the scary parts of his life from Freed, but Freed could always tell when Laxus was exhausted or afraid.
The years had flown past. Freed spent their time between university and working at the bookstore, and growing from a participant to a volunteer at the Pride Center. Every summer was spent with one week at camp, and the other seven weeks enjoying the limited time they had with Laxus.
Laxus' most recent departure had been a difficult one. They weren't teenagers anymore – Freed was twenty and Laxus had just turned twenty-one in August – and they had spent most of the summer in serious discussions about their future. Freed struggled with the secrecy of their relationship. On the one hand they didn't want Ivan to know, but it was still unfair. Uncertain.
"Freed!" Bix's voice came up the stairwell and Freed heard the patter of feet running up the stairs. A golden retriever barreled into their room and placed her head on Freed's lap, tail wagging frantically.
"Hey, Baby," Freed said softly. It was still bittersweet to see her instead of Lily, even though Bix had brought Baby home several months ago. Lily had passed away a year or so ago from an unexpected tumor, and Freed still felt the ache of missing her keenly. Bix had been devastated, but Baby was a welcome addition to their family.
"What's up?" they shouted back, rubbing their face. There was no response. Freed sighed, standing from their chair and making their way down the stairs. They could see a light dusting of snow falling through the window – unseasonable for November. Christmas was coming up soon, which was always an emotional time for Freed.
"What's up, Bi-" Freed blinked. Laxus stood in the front entrance of the house, hair wet from the snow, cheeks pink, grin on his face. "Holy shit." Freed skipped down the last few steps, dashing down the hallway and throwing themself at Laxus. "Holy shit, what are you doing here?!"
"I missed you, too," Laxus replied, pressing a kiss to Freed's hair. "I have a surprise for you." Freed leaned back and looked at him curiously. "I'm, um... I'm back." Laxus swallowed. "For good."
Freed felt like they couldn't breathe. Were they dreaming? Laxus... back for good? No more leaving with Ivan, no more late nights texting and crying and missing each other?
"You mean you're staying? Here? In Magnolia?" Laxus smiled, hugging them tighter.
"Yeah." He kicked his shoes off and grabbed Freed's hand, heading into the living room and flopping down on the couch. Freed immediately curled up between his legs, resting their head on his chest.
"I missed you so much," they whispered, running their hand up and down his side. Laxus sighed into the touch, pulling their hair out of its ponytail and carding his fingers through it. "You're really staying? How'd you convince your dad?"
"Gramps did," Laxus replied, the words rumbling through his chest. "I got most of my school stuff done on the road, but Gramps found this program so I can finally get my diploma. I start in a couple of weeks at the youth center here."
"Wow," Freed said, still amazed that Ivan had agreed to it.
"Dad wasn't gonna come back at first," Laxus continued. "He was pissed. But..." Laxus sounded embarrassed. "I told him I was gonna leave. Hitchhike and take a bus or something, like you did." Freed wrapped their arms around Laxus and squeezed him, resulting in a soft oof. "He didn't like that." Laxus sighed. "He still wants me to be like him, but I convinced him that having my diploma was a good idea."
"Are... you still going to live with him?" Freed asked cautiously. They had offered numerous times for Laxus to move in with them, and they knew that Laxus' grandfather had extended the same invitation. Laxus had always declined.
"For now," Laxus said quietly. "H-he needs me." The words sounded weak, and Freed knew that Laxus didn't entirely believe them anymore. "B-but I've been thinkin' about gramps. He said we could both stay there if Dad stops drinkin'. Dad doesn't want to, but..." His fingers stopped moving in Freed's hair and they nudged him. "Honestly just having a normal bathroom would be great."
"So, what's this program about?" Freed asked, changing the topic of conversation. They knew when they could push the subject of Ivan, and when to back off.
"It's kinda silly," Laxus mumbled, burying his face in Freed's hair. "'m only doing it 'cause Gramps went outta his way. And I wanna graduate." Freed stayed quiet. "It's called 'Creative Expressions'," Laxus said eventually, and Freed could feel him blushing. "Like, painting and shit. And talking about feelings."
"It'll be good for you," Freed murmured, turning so that they were lying over Laxus' chest. They leaned up and kissed him gently, running a hand down his jaw. Laxus made a soft sound into their mouth, wrapping his arms around them and running his hands down the back of their thighs.
"Y'know what else is good for me?" He asked, voice teasing.
"Get a room!" Ever's voice came from the kitchen. "You're gonna make me blind and Bix blinder."
"Okay, mom," Freed laughed, pushing themself up and off of Laxus. They grabbed his hand, grinning at him and lowering their voice. "Why don't we go upstairs and I'll show you how much I missed you?"
"How was the group?"
Freed sat down at the kitchen table in the motorhome, watching Laxus rifle through his dresser. They had never been in here, but Ivan was out of town for the week and an accident at the coffee shop had necessitated a new shirt for Laxus. It was surprisingly spacious – Ivan's 'room' was above the driver's area, complete with a queen-sized bed and wardrobe. They had to share a shower and small bathroom, but Laxus had his own room at the other end of the motorhome with a loft bed and a closed door for privacy.
"Fine," Laxus said begrudgingly. He'd spent the last two weeks complaining about it, and had been incredibly nervous this morning. "Coupl'a guys my age, some younger kids."
Laxus paused, tugging off his shirt. Freed took the opportunity to admire the muscle that had built up in his shoulders over the years, making him nearly as tall and as broad as Bix. They were disappointed when Laxus pulled on a clean sweater.
"They just wanna... talk about stuff." Laxus looked uncomfortable.
"Mmm." Freed stood from the table and moved over to Laxus, resting a hand on his arm. "I know that's hard for you. You okay?"
"The lady running it... we had to say what we needed." Laxus grasped Freed's hand tightly and his voice was low. "I said I needed to get outta here. Move in with gramps."
Freed's eyes widened. They'd been telling Laxus that since they met; since they found out that Ivan abused Laxus in more ways than one. Even four years later it was a big admission.
"I'm so proud of you," Freed murmured, stepping closer to Laxus and wrapping their arms around his waist. Laxus sighed, burying his face in their hair.
"I know."
"Did you just Han Solo me?" Freed asked, leaning back to see a small smile crawling across Laxus' face. They pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth and he sighed into it.
As Freed went to slide their hands up under the back of Laxus' shirt, there was a rattling sound at the door. All the color drained from Laxus' face and Freed felt their heart stop.
"Shit," Laxus whispered, pushing Freed behind him protectively. "Shit, he wasn't supposed to be back until Friday. Fuck, you have to hide, just... in the closet if you can fit." His voice was low and panicked and Freed nodded, backing into Laxus' room, but it was too late.
"Laxus." Between Laxus and the doorframe, Freed could see a thin sliver of the man he'd come to hate over the years. Dark, close-cropped hair blended into a neatly-trimmed beard and mustache, and the man's thick eyebrows were furrowed in irritation. He wore a neat, dark blue suit but had pulled the tie out and was holding it in one hand. His eyes were glassy and he looked unsteady on his feet – Freed assumed he'd been drinking.
"D-dad," Laxus said softly. "I f-finished classes, I was gonna go... to..."
"Who. Is. That." Ivan's face slid into a mask of anger as he caught a glimpse of Freed. They swallowed, heart rabbiting in their chest, as they stepped forward slowly. They could feel fear and tension radiating from Laxus – Freed knew that Laxus wanted to protect them but didn't want to touch Freed in front of his father.
"Good afternoon, Mister Dreyar," Freed said with false friendliness. "I'm Freed, one of Laxus' friends. It's nice to meet you." They stuck out a trembling hand but Ivan ignored it.
"What have I said about bringing other people here, Laxus?" Ivan spit. He turned back to his son with anger in his eyes. It was like a storm in the tiny room – sparks of anger and fear crackling between Laxus and Ivan. "I believe the exact word I used was 'don't'."
"I'm sorry," Laxus said, dropping his gaze to the ground. It broke Freed's heart. His boyfriend was brave and strong and protected people, and he didn't deserve this. Freed could see redness flushing across Laxus' cheeks and up the tip of his ears, and his fingernails were digging into the palm of his hands. "S-someone spilled coffee on me. I needed a clean shirt, I had to come home to change."
"So you brought your friend to watch?" Ivan sneered, taking a step towards Laxus. In the small space he seemed to tower over both of them, larger than life. "Another faggot like you?"
Freed flinched at the slur – it had been a long time since someone had said something like that to them. They could take it, though. For Laxus.
"Don't call Freed names," Laxus said quietly. Freed blinked, glancing over at Laxus. He still looked petrified, but his jaw was set in determination.
"Excuse me?" Ivan snarled, stepping even closer.
"I said, don't call Freed names." Laxus dared to peek up at his father, his face flickering between terror and anger. "They've never done anything to you. Let them leave and you and I can talk."
The way that Laxus pleaded to let them leave left chills running up and down Freed's arms. Their hand twitched towards their phone in their back pocket. Should they call the police? They'd heard some stomach-wrenching stories from Laxus, and the idea of being caught in the middle-
"You watch your mouth, brat," Ivan hissed, storming forward and backhanding Laxus before Freed could even blink. Laxus took the hit with barely a wince, stepping backward into the doorframe. "You don't get to tell me how-"
"Leave him alone!" Freed's body was working faster than their brain and before they could process what was happening, they were in between Laxus and Ivan, pushing Ivan backwards as hard as they could. Ivan stumbled in surprise.
"Freed, no," Laxus gasped, grabbing their shoulder, but then Freed looked up and a fist slammed into their cheekbone, smashing their head back into the wall as they staggered sideways. This close Ivan reeked of alcohol. Freed shook their head, quickly grabbing their phone in their pocket and pressing the side button rapidly, then swiping the screen to call the police.
"Don't you ever tell me what to do," Ivan growled, yanking Freed's wrist. Freed tried to scramble further backward, but Ivan's grip was bruisingly tight and their phone dropped to the ground, screen shattering. Ivan twisted Freed's arm and shoved them sideways, and bright lights of pain sparked behind their eyes as their temple slammed into the edge of a shelf.
"STOP!" Laxus roared and Freed barely saw him move, but then Ivan was off of them and instead lying on his back on the floor, a shocked expression on his face. Laxus placed himself squarely between Freed and his father, snarling down at Ivan. "Don't you ever touch my partner ever again, you piece of shit."
"Your... partner?" Ivan snarled, staggering to his feet. His face was twisted in fury. "You lying little asshole," he murmured, gazing curiously at Freed, who felt like they might pass out. "Of course that's why you wanted to come back to this awful town. You just wanted to fuck your stupid-"
His tirade was interrupted by Laxus lifting him up by the front of his shirt and slamming him against a wall. Ivan looked genuinely startled by his son's strength.
"Shut your mouth," Laxus growled. "Shut your goddamn mouth. I'm so sick of you and... and your..." He was crying; heavy tears that dripped down his cheeks and onto the floor. "I've given up so MUCH for you!"
"Laxus," Freed said softly, sliding down the wall. Something warm dripped down the side of their head – blood, they registered faintly. Everything felt wobbly and their wrist hurt.
"Freed, oh my gods," Laxus whispered, dropping Ivan to the floor and rushing over to Freed. "Shit, fuck, this is all my fault." He grabbed his coffee-stained shirt from the floor and pressed it gently against Freed's temple. Freed winced.
Sirens were audible in the background, now, but Ivan hadn't registered them yet. Freed gave Laxus an apologetic look.
"'m sorry," they murmured, gesturing to the pieces of their phone. "...was scared."
"I know, baby," Laxus murmured, pulling Freed tighter to him. "It's okay. It's gonna be okay." Freed wasn't sure it he was reassuring them or himself.
"You... dare..." Ivan sputtered, scrambling to his feet again. Laxus looked up at him, eyes dark. "We are leaving this town and never coming ba-"
"You can leave," Laxus growled, cradling Freed in his arms. The sirens were louder now and Ivan's eyes widened as he glanced toward the window. Freed could dimly see blue and red lights flashing along the wall. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm done with you."
"You- you can't..." Ivan began backing towards the front of the motorhome, where the driver's seat was. A sharp rap on the door made him stop short and he turned to snarl at Laxus. "You keep your mouth shut, boy, and let me do the talking."
"Magnolia Police, open up." A sharp, feminine voice caused Ivan to swallow heavily.
"No, that's not- we're fi-"
"HELP!" Laxus shouted. Freed felt Laxus' voice vibrate through them. The back of their head was starting to throb from where it had hit the wall, and a stinging pain bloomed across their cheek.
"Sir, open the door." The woman's voice came again and Ivan's eyes widened in panic, tapping his pockets as if looking for something.
"Everything's fi-"
"Help, please," Laxus said, voice exhausted. "My p-partner's bleeding. Please." Ivan looked murderous and began to stride over, fist raised, when the door flew open with a bang. A female officer stepped inside, gun drawn, and pointed it at Ivan.
"On your knees, hands on your head," she commanded, glancing behind her at Freed and Laxus. "Keith, get these two out of here." Ivan dropped to his knees slowly, hands held up in surrender, lip curled in a sneer.
An older officer with grey hair and kind eyes stepped into the motorhome, then crouched down next to Freed and Laxus. Freed could feel Laxus' heartbeat pounding through his sweater. He was shaking, fingers trembling where he held the shirt – which was rapidly soaking up with blood – against Freed's head.
"Can you walk, son?" Freed blinked a few times when they realized the question was directed at them. They nodded slowly, wincing at the pain in the back of their head, and stood slowly with Laxus' arm wrapped firmly around their waist.
"You're going to regret this, Laxus!" Ivan shouted as they made their way down the stairs. Freed felt themself flinch at his voice and Laxus' arm tightened around them.
The officer guided them to an ambulance that was parked on the street, lights still flashing, and had Freed sit in the back, legs hanging over the edge. A few of the neighbors had come out to stare.
"Can you tell me your name?" A young man appeared in front of Freed, looking into their eyes with a penlight. Laxus stood next to Freed, holding their hand tightly.
"F-freed," they responded, the shakiness in their voice more from fear and adrenaline than pain. "I'm... I think I'm okay." They winced when the man began pressing his fingers around the back of their head.
"You're going to need stitches here," the paramedic said, gesturing to Freed's temple. "It's fairly deep. We'll bandage it up for now and then take you to emergency. Do you know where you are?"
"Laxus' house," they murmured, blinking a few times. "I'm just a little dizzy, that's all."
The paramedic pulled out a first aid kit and began cleaning the area of the cut on Freed's temple. Freed had no idea how large it was, just that blood had dripped down the side of their face and the cleaning wipes were coming away very red.
"Laxus! Freed!" A deep voice shouted and Freed flinched, but when they looked up it wasn't Ivan. Laxus' grandfather Makarov stood in front of them, white shock of hair flying in every direction, mustache quivering. The motorhome was parked on his driveway - he must have seen the police lights. "What's going on? Are you hurt?" He reached out and touched Laxus' arm.
"No, dyudya, I'm okay," Laxus said softly, bringing his fingers to his cheek. It wasn't bruised yet, just reddened. He glanced over at the motorhome where the female officer was guiding a cuffed Ivan to her car. Ivan still looked like he couldn't quite believe what was going on. "H-he hurt Freed."
"Oh, Laxus," Makarov sighed, gripping his grandson's arm tightly. "I'm so sorry. Are you all right?" The last question was directed at Freed, who blinked up at him, still in a daze. They'd met several times over the past few years, always in secret from Ivan, but Makarov had been nothing but supportive of their relationship with Laxus.
"I'm f-fine, grampa," they said softly, wincing as the paramedic finished applying the butterfly bandages across the wound. They were handed an ice pack, which Laxus took and gently held against the back of their head. "Just a headache." Their wrist throbbed and they could see red fingerprints, stark against their pale skin.
"I'll drive you two to the hospital," Makarov said, voice quiet and sad. "I can't believe him. Was he drinking?" Freed nodded, leaning into Makarov's hand on their arm.
"I'm sorry," Laxus echoed and Freed turned to him, saddened to see tears trickling down his cheeks again. "I'm so sorry, this was all my fault. I shouldn't have asked you to come back here, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
"It's okay," Freed whispered, leaning until their foreheads were touching. "It's not your fault. It's his fault. I'm sorry I got in the way."
"You're so brave," Laxus hiccupped, trailing a gentle hand down Freed's cheek. "You're so brave and he hurt you, and I just..."
"Sir?" Laxus sat up and wiped his face, turning to see the female officer standing behind him. "I'm Sergeant Delling. I'm going to have Constable Almsworth meet you at the hospital to take a statement. Is this man your father? He didn't have any identification on him."
"Y-yes," Laxus said hesitantly. Freed placed a gentle hand on his back. "His n-name is Ivan. There's a lockbox under the t-table in the motorhome. It's got his license." Sergeant Delling nodded.
"We're going to process him, and then give you some option-"
"I want to press charges."
Freed blinked, feeling their mouth dropping open in a soft 'o'. Makarov looked similarly surprised. Freed leaned gently against Laxus, trying to give him comfort.
"Is this the first time this has happened?" Sergeant Delling asked, looking like she already knew the answer.
"No," Laxus replied honestly. "I mean, it's the first time he's hurt someone other than me." He rubbed his cheek again, and Sergeant Delling looked sympathetic.
"All right, we'll take your statements at the hospital and help you two look into getting a lawyer," she said, rubbing her face and glancing over at Freed. "Take care."
Laxus nodded as Sergeant Delling turned back to her car. Ivan's face was just visible through the rear window of the vehicle, set in a stony grimace. Freed shivered, squeezing Laxus' arm.
"It's going to be okay," they whispered, pressing their face into the fabric of his shirt. "It's going to be okay."
The wait in the ER wasn't as long as Freed had expected. By the time their stitches were done and their sprained and wrist was bandaged, Bix was texting them that he was in the waiting room.
"Are you okay?" Bix said frantically when Freed touched his elbow. He pulled them into a tight hug, kissing the top of their head. "I was so worried, I got the text and I had no idea what happened, and then you weren't answering your phone..."
"I'm fine," Freed said softly. "Just some stitches and a sprained wrist. I'll live." Bix sighed again, squeezing them tightly. Baby whined and Freed crouched down to pet her, ignoring the rules for today. She licked their face and Freed felt some of the tension leave their body.
"Where's Laxus?" Bix asked.
"Here." Laxus' voice was soft and sad. While Freed had been getting stitches, Laxus had been filing the police report, and Freed could tell he was exhausted. "I'm so sorry."
"C'mere," Bix said, reaching out to where Laxus' voice was coming from and pulling Laxus into a hug. Laxus was stiff for a moment, but Freed could see him relax slowly under Bix's hand. "Nobody blames you. I'm so sorry you've suffered by yourself for so long. You're welcome to come stay with us. Whatever you need."
"Thank you," Laxus whispered, pulling away from the embrace and wiping his face. Freed stood up slowly, letting Laxus help them, then leaned against him.
"Let's go home," they said softly, tapping Bix on the arm. "Is that okay?" Laxus nodded, eyes vacant, fixed on a point far away.
When they finally got back to the house, Freed led Laxus to their room, tugging him until he was lying down on the bed and facing them. Laxus' eyes were still brimming with tears that slipped out when he blinked, and Freed placed a gentle hand on his cheek.
"None of this was your fault," they said softly, running a hand through his hair. "He's been abusing you for years and finally got caught. You didn't do anything wrong."
"I c-can't... I just..." Laxus' voice broke and he leaned forward, pressing his forehead to Freed's and taking a shaky breath. "H-he hurt you. I was so angry, I just- I didn't even think, and I n-never want to see him again." He rubbed a hand over his face but the tears kept coming. "I p-put you in danger, and I h-hate him so much..."
The last word was a sob, and then there was another, and another, and then his face was buried in Freed's chest as he cried. His shoulders shook and his cries were loud, anguished and full of pain. Freed felt their own tears coming as they stroked his back, kissing his head and whispering soft words of comfort.
A dip on the bed startled Freed until he realized it was just Baby, crawling in between them and nuzzling Laxus. She licked Laxus' face, whining softly until he ran his hand through her fur.
After a while his tears subsided and he rubbed at his face, looking up at Freed. They loved this side of Laxus – soft and trusting and not embarrassed to feel things. They just wished it hadn't been precipitated by this. Freed leaned down and kissed him gently.
"I love you," they murmured, running a thumb over his cheek. "It wasn't your fault. We're gonna get through this, and I'll help you however you need it, okay?" Laxus nodded miserably, brushing a few strands of Freed's hair out of their face.
"I love you too," he murmured. Baby sighed contentedly and snuggled against them both, making herself comfortable. Freed shifted – the stitches were aching and their wrist was sore, and the painkillers were starting to wear off, but they didn't want to remind Laxus and upset him again.
"So, you think you're gonna do it?" they asked, entwining their fingers with Laxus'. He sighed, rolling onto his back.
"Yeah." He ran a hand over his face. "I'm so done with his shit. I could- I've never raised a hand to him before. And I could kick his ass if I wanted. I dunno why I've never stood up for myself." Freed stayed quiet, running a thumb over Laxus' knuckles. "And I don't want to fight him. But if they let him go, he'll just keep hurting people. He might try to hurt you again. And I can't let that happen."
"Oh, love," Freed murmured, bringing Laxus' knuckles to their lips and kissing them softly.
"They're charging him with assault. They said he could get out on bail but he doesn't know anybody with that much money." Laxus sighed. "I'm gonna go move my stuff to gramps' place tomorrow. They asked me to testify against him." Laxus sighed, closing his eyes. "They're gonna ask for you to testify as well."
"Of course," Freed said automatically, resting their injured arm on Laxus' chest and pillowing their head carefully in the crook of his arm. "Whatever you need."
"Don't you ever tell me what to do," Ivan snarled, and his fingers were so tight around Freed's wrist. His nails started to grow, turning into sharp edges that dug into Freed's skin.
"I'm sorry," Laxus whispered, kneeling on the floor and shaking his head. A growling sound drew Freed's attention and they saw Baby, standing in the doorway and snarling at Ivan. But... when had she become a wolf?
"You'll never take him from me," Ivan hissed, rank breath hot on Freed's face. "He'll always choose me. You're nothing." Blood dripped into Freed's eyes and they shook their head. "Are you LISTENING TO ME?" Ivan shouted. "YOU'RE NOTHING!"
Freed's eyes flew open and they shot up in bed, clapping a hand over their mouth before they woke up Laxus with their shouting. The feelings from the dream lingered on their skin and they had to wipe their eyes several times and feel around the bandage on their temple to reassure themself that they weren't still bleeding.
They glanced over at Laxus. He was fast asleep, mouth slightly open, brows furrowed even while dreaming. Freed smoothed their fingers over his cheek and his expression softened slightly. They took several shaky breaths, then swung their legs over the edge of the bed and made their way out of the room.
Bix's room was down the hallway and Freed felt their way along the wall, not wanting to turn the light on and risk waking up Laxus. Their hands were trembling and they forced themself to keep breathing. Part of them felt foolish – they were an adult, they should be able to deal with their nightmares without running to their friend's room in the middle of the night. Another part didn't care.
When they reached Bix's room they knocked softly on the half-open door.
"Bix? It's Freed, can I come in?" Freed heard a soft shuffle as Baby jumped down from the bed, padding over to them and nuzzling their hand. They petted her absently.
"Freed? You 'kay?" Bix sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes, and Freed made their way over to his bed, sitting down next to him and trying to control their breathing. "Bad dream?"
"Yeah," Freed whispered, leaning into Bix as he wrapped his arm around them. Tears were spilling from their eyes now and Freed wiped them away furiously. More took their place, tracing hot tracks down their cheeks. "I d-didn't want to wake up Laxus, h-he already feels bad and h-he needs to sleep b-but I d-dreamt about him and I c-can't stop thinking about..." Freed's words were interrupted by a sob and they buried their face in Bix's chest.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, shhhh," Bix whispered, stroking their hair. "It's okay to be scared. What happened today was really, really scary and this is a totally normal reaction." Freed shuddered, feeling their chin and neck becoming wet with tears.
"B-but Laxus lived w-with that for so long," they sobbed, feeling like something heavy was pressing on their chest. "H-he must have been s-so s-scared every d-day and I d-didn't d-do anything."
"You did," Bix said softly, tugging Freed closer to him. "You listened and supported him and offered him solutions. It was up to him, though. You couldn't have made that decision for him. We tried reporting it, remember?"
Freed nodded, remembering the first summer that Laxus had come home and had accidentally rolled up his sleeves, exposing fingerprint-shaped bruises to Ever. She'd told Bix, who had told a miserable Freed that it was his responsibility to report any kind of suspected abuse. However, the police had told them that Laxus, who had just turned eighteen, was a legal adult and was capable of making the decision to remain with Ivan.
"I was s-so scared," Freed sniffed, rubbing their face and pressing themself closer to Bix. "He was s-so angry, I thought he was going t-to kill us."
"I'm so sorry," Bix said gently. Freed sat up a little, wincing at the pain in their temple. Everything ached – their head, their wrist, their shoulder where it had hit the wall. "Do you need some painkillers?"
"No," Freed shook their head. "I took them before bed. It's only..." They glanced around before remembering that Bix didn't have a clock in his room.
"Three-thirty," Bix said softly, running his fingertips over his watch. "Do you want to go back to bed? Or are you too wired?"
"I don't think I can sleep," Freed admitted, pulling up their shirt to wipe their face and neck. They felt a slight flush creep up into their cheeks. "C-can you... do you min-"
"I'll read to you," Bix said gently, and Freed could almost hear him smile. Freed knew that Bix generally listened to audiobooks but would occasionally take out books in Braille from the library. He'd tried to teach Freed to read Braille a few times, but they'd always ended up cheating and peeking under the blindfold. "I actually found some Douglas Adams, how's that sound?"
"Mmm." Freed flopped down on the bed, scooting up until they were laying on the pillow facing Bix, who sat against the headboard and ran his fingers over the book on his lap. Freed could barely see him – it was so dark in here – but his voice was soft and comforting.
"The story so far," Bix began, fingers flying across the page. "In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move."
Three Weeks Later
"They found him guilty." The words tumbled from Laxus' mouth as soon as Freed opened the door and they breathed out a sigh they didn't realize they'd been holding. "They only gave him six months, but... he's going to jail."
"C'mere," Freed whispered, tugging Laxus inside and pulling him into a tight hug. They could feel him shaking under their fingers. "It's okay," they murmured, running their hands up and down his back. "We're okay." Laxus nodded into their shoulder and Freed could feel their shirt becoming damp with his tears.
"I can't... I dunno how I feel," Laxus said after a moment, wiping his face and following Freed into the living room. They sat down on the couch and he brushed Freed's hair out of the way, a guilty look flashing over his face as he ran his fingers over the red mark on their temple. It had healed well over the last few weeks but would likely scar. The bruise on Freed's wrist was almost gone, and the sprain had healed completely.
"I'm fine," Freed said gently, wrapping their hand around Laxus' wrist. They leaned forward and kissed him gently, running a hand through his hair. Laxus sighed, looking down at his lap. Freed frowned. "Is something else wrong?"
Laxus shook his head, running his hands over his jeans. He briefly ran a finger over the scar on his left wrist, then sighed, nodding.
"One of the kids... from group..." He hesitated. "He tried to kill himself."
"Oh gods, Laxus," Freed said, reaching out and touching his arm. "Is he okay? Are you okay?"
"I dunno too much, I guess he, um, he took some drugs and cut up his wrist." Laxus took a shuddering breath and let it out softly. "One of the girls who knows him, she said he'll be okay. He was bein' abused too." He winced at the word. "He's stayin' with another guy from the class. I don't even really know him, I dunno why it's botherin' me."
"Yes, you do," Freed said gently. "And that's okay. You're allowed to be upset that it brings back bad memories. That, and your dad going to prison, is going to take a toll on you." They pressed their forehead to Laxus'. "You're allowed to feel whatever you need to feel."
"Thank you," Laxus whispered, running a hand through their hair and squeezing his eyes shut. "Can... can I stay here tonight?" Laxus had moved into his grandfather's house but had spent several nights with Freed since the incident.
"Of course," Freed murmured. "You can stay here anytime. You don't even have to ask."
"I know, just... Bix and Eve-"
"I know I'm eavesdropping, but I want to echo what Freed said." Bix appeared in the doorway to the kitchen, gaze resting in the general direction of the couch. "You're family, Laxus, and you're always welcome here."
After saying goodnight to Bix and Ever and closing the bedroom door, Freed was surprised by Laxus grabbing them around the waist and carrying them to the bed. He leaned over Freed, running a hand into their hair and kissing them deeply. Freed moaned underneath him – they hadn't had sex much since the incident with Ivan, and now their skin was feeling sparks wherever Laxus touched them.
"I want... I need..." Laxus stuttered, exhaling in frustration. Freed touched his face, gently, fingertips exploring the raised edges of his scar.
"I know," they whispered, pulling him down for another kiss. Laxus made soft noises into their mouth, reaching down for the hem of their shirt and tugging at it questioningly. Freed sat up and raised their arms, letting him tug it over their head and throw it to the ground. He immediately removed his own shirt and moved to kissing Freed's neck, trailing his tongue over their collarbone, nipping at the spot behind their ear that made them weak.
"You're gorgeous," Laxus murmured and Freed could feel the words against their skin. Laxus pushed their binder strap out of the way and kissed their shoulder, down their bicep, into the ditch of their elbow, in a gentle line over their forearm until his lips reached the palm of their hand. "You're perfect an' I want to keep you safe. I love you so much."
"Laxus," Freed whispered, the sensation of Laxus' lips on the sensitive skin of their palm sending tingles up their arm. They were beginning to get wet, a tightness gripping their groin and making them spread their legs under Laxus. He took the cue and rocked his hips forward, dragging himself along their cunt and making them moan. "Y-you... nggn, I want..."
Laxus cut them off with another kiss, running his hand down their side and to the front of their jeans. Freed shifted their hips upward and Laxus made quick work of the zipper, slipping the pants and boxers over Freed's hips and down to the ground.
"Please," Freed whined before Laxus could ask, and he hummed, sliding his hand over their clit and dipping a finger inside them.
"Fuck, you're so wet already," Laxus murmured, running his finger up and down and flicking at Freed's clit. "Can I... between your legs?"
"Mmm, yes... but c'mere first," Freed gasped, fumbling with the button on Laxus' pants and shoving them down. They tugged him up until he was straddling their chest, cock at the perfect angle for them to swallow him down.
"Chrissssst, you're good at that," Laxus groaned, grabbing a handful of their hair and tugging lightly. Freed hummed around his cock, bringing a hand up to fondle Laxus' balls. He groaned and leaned forward, gripping the headboard while Freed licked and sucked at him. They dragged their tongue piercing under the head of his cock and he swore, bucking his hips forward.
"Up," Freed murmured, sliding down until they could press soft kisses to the underside of Laxus' scrotum. Laxus trembled over Freed, thighs shaking, and cried out when they pressed a finger against his entrance. They didn't slide it in, instead replacing it with their tongue. They knew Laxus' face was bright red right now – this was something they'd only recently discovered that he enjoyed. He panted and shuddered as Freed pressed their tongue against him, dipping it inside and then swirling it around again.
"Fucking... ngggnnn..." Laxus ground out, spreading his legs farther apart. They hummed, spreading his cheeks apart and continuing to lick and thrust their tongue into him. After a second, Laxus grabbed their wrist gently. "Get on top of me."
Laxus swung his leg over Freed, grabbing them by the hips and moving them out of the way so he could lie on his back. He stroked his cock a few times, gazing at Freed intensely as he grabbed the lube from the bedside table. Opening the bottle, he drizzled some over his cock and more into his hand. Then he spread his legs wide and Freed slid in between them, moving their own legs apart enough for Laxus to spread the lube over the inside of their thighs.
"I love you," Laxus murmured as he tugged Freed forward. They closed their thighs around his cock, exhaling sharply at the sensation of it dragging along their cunt. Leaning forward, they felt his arms wrap around their shoulders, one hand playing with the hair at the back of their head.
"I love you, too," Freed whispered as they began to move their hips, moaning as Laxus' cock slid between their thighs. They didn't like being penetrated – they'd tried once, a few years ago, and it hadn't gone well – but this felt amazing. It didn't get them off, but the act of moving their bodies together like this made them feel so close to Laxus.
"Ahhh, you're so wet, I can feel you," Laxus groaned as his cock parted their folds, rubbing against their entrance for a moment before sliding back again. "I love... I get you like this. Hot and... nggnn ...wet an' turned on."
"You do," Freed whispered, thrusting their hips harder as they braced themself against the bed. "Ahh, yeah, right there." They angled their hips a little more until Laxus was brushing against their clit and they moaned, dropping their forehead to his chest. He was breathing hard, chest shaking, and they darted their tongue out, catching his nipple.
"Freed, I c-can't, I'm close," he panted, nails digging along the back of their chest.
"Then come," Freed whispered, leaning up and biting his earlobe. He tipped his head back, covering his face with one arm to keep quiet as he came, hips jerking erratically. Freed could hear his heartbeat pounding through his chest, stuttering as he shuddered a few times and then dropped back to the mattress, breathing heavily.
"Get up here," he murmured, tugging on Freed's hips. They had made a mess on the bedspread but he ignored it, pulling Freed up until they were straddling his face in a reversal of their earlier position. "Gods, you make me feel good." Then he darted his tongue out and flicked it across their clit.
"Please, I w-want..." Freed's words trailed off into a moan as Laxus drew his tongue through their folds and over their entrance, then dragged it back until he could press it against their clit.
"You want what?" he asked breathlessly, massaging his fingers into their hips. They were self-conscious about the slight curve there but Laxus loved it, running his hands over their thighs and back up their sides. "You wanna come?" Freed whined in agreement, pressing their hips down over Laxus' face.
He wrapped his lips around their clit, sucking gently and then moving back down and licking at their cunt. He reached his hand up and rubbed his thumb over Freed's clit.
"Can I go inside?" he asked, punctuating each word with a flick of his tongue.
"Yes, yes, yes," Freed moaned, biting their arm as he slid two fingers into them. "Fffffuck, ahh, Laxus." He grinned.
"I love watchin' you lose it," he said roughly, sliding his fingers out and in again. "You only ever swear when I'm fucking you."
Freed was about to argue but Laxus returned his tongue to their clit, alternating sucking and licking as he fingered them. He added another finger and they collapsed forward against the headboad, making incoherent panting noises as they felt themself getting closer.
"Lax... usss... ahhh..." Freed groaned, driving their hips down onto Laxus' fingers and pressing forward against his tongue. One more thrust of his fingers had them coming, letting out soft gasps and shuddering breaths as they felt their body flood with release. They let it wash over them, shaking and breathing heavily.
"You're amazing," Laxus whispered as Freed moved off of him and slid down on the bed, resting their head against his chest and shuddering. Laxus kicked the blanket over the mess they'd made, wiping a hand over his mouth and kissing Freed's forehead.
"Y-you're wonderful," Freed murmured, snuggling closer to him. They were quiet for a moment, listening to each other breathe. After a moment Freed spoke up quietly. "You don't have to keep me safe. We're here for each other." Laxus sighed underneath them, wrapping both arms around them and holding them tight.
"I know," he said softly. "I know it wasn't my fault. I just keep seein' him... hitting you, and shoving you, and then you were bleeding..."
"But I'm okay," Freed interjected. "We're both okay. And you're in a better place now, right?" Laxus nodded hesitantly. "You've got so many people in your corner. You can do this."
"I'm scared of when he gets out," Laxus admitted, voice so quiet Freed could barely hear it. "I feel like I'm scared so much. Everyone in this group is terrified of me. I can see it, 'cause I'm big and tall, and my scar, and they think I'm mean. But I'm just scared, all the time."
"Oh, love," Freed whispered, wrapping an arm around him and pulling him tighter.
"I feel like a scared little boy," Laxus continued, voice shaky. "I don't remember not being afraid. I mean, I do, when I was with akka and aja, but something always felt wrong, and then he took me and didn't let me say goodbye, and he was so... big all the time. Big an' angry an' mean." Freed pushed themself up on their elbow and stroked Laxus' hair soothingly. He sighed. "I'm tired of thinkin' about this."
"Wanna go make some popcorn and watch a movie?" Freed asked. Laxus frowned, glancing over at the bedside table which read eleven-thirty. "I know it's late, but I'm not tired. And you need to take your mind off things."
Laxus collected their discarded clothes and they both got dressed, then headed downstairs stairs. They snuggled up on the couch, keeping the volume low, and after half an hour Laxus had fallen asleep, snoring softly with his head in Freed's lap. Freed stroked his hair, ignoring the TV in favor of watching Laxus' chest rise and fall.
I'm never going to let him hurt you again, they thought desperately. I'll do anything to keep you safe.
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