11. the places we call home
Pride Camp is here, and Natsu is having some self-confidence issues with his scars. Freed reminisces and meets someone new.
"Taylor Swift? Seriously?" Gray glanced over at Natsu from the driver's seat of the car and raised an eyebrow at Shake it Off. Natsu grinned back at him, flipping through his phone's playlists.
"Haters gonna hate," he said, turning up the volume and bopping his head along to the song. Freed rolled their eyes from the back seat – they knew that while Gray might put on a show of disliking Natsu's teenage-pop playlists, he actually found it endearing and likely knew all the words.
"You're a dork," Gray sighed, leaning over and kissing Natsu, then tapping the GPS and glancing in the rearview mirror. "Everyone good to go?"
Ryos and Freed nodded sleepily from the backseat, both with bleary eyes and coffees in hand. It was early – not even six yet – but they needed to get out to camp and make sure everything was ready for when the kids showed up in the afternoon.
Natsu gulped down his coffee and sang along to the music as they pulled out of the Pride Centre's parking lot. Freed envied his ability to be a morning person – or sometimes just to be cheerful in general. Ever since the outburst with their parents three months ago, Freed had felt like they had been irritable and on edge. Planning the camp had turned into a challenge, and it had been Natsu who had encouraged Freed through it. Since Natsu was off work due to his injuries, he had spent most of his spare time at the Pride Center with Freed, helping getting everything ready.
As soon as they hit the highway Freed felt themself starting to doze off, with Ryos already snoring and leaning heavily against their shoulder. They drifted in and out of strange dreams – in one, their father was teaching Laxus to play the accordion, and in another, Freed was wandering an empty beach, accompanied only by a dog that looked like Lily but wasn't her.
They woke eventually to hushed voices coming from the front seat. Freed opened one eye to see Gray reach across the console and grab Natsu's hand. Natsu's hand and entire left arm were now marred with twisting pink-and-white scars that made the skin rough and uneven. A large patch on his forearm was deep and darker than the rest – the doctors had told Gray that the skin there had been burned nearly to the bone.
"They're good kids," Gray said as he squeezed Natsu's hand. Natsu looked uncertain, knees pulled up to his chest, hoodie zipper caught between his teeth. "They know better than to bug you about it."
"That's not..." Natsu sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'm getting used to it, y'know? It's almost worse when they don't ask." Gray hummed sympathetically. "Like, there was this girl at the taco place the other day, and I was wearing a tank top, and she just wouldn't stop staring. If she'd asked I woulda told her what happened, but she just... wouldn't look me in the eyes."
"Would it be easier if Freed said something?" Gray asked, glancing over at Natsu. "I'm sure most of the kids saw the news story." Magnolia had celebrated Natsu as a hero for weeks after his release from the hospital, to the point where he'd started getting uncomfortable at any mention of the incident.
"Maybe? Ugh, I dunno." Natsu sighed, bringing Gray's hand to his lips and kissing it. "I think it's just... it's worse... on my face." He rubbed his upper lip self-consciously. The blackened skin there had peeled away, leaving pinkish marks around the left side of his lips and nose, trailing down his cheek and neck to join the scarring on his shoulder. "I dunno why it's bothering me again, suddenly."
When Natsu had first left the hospital, he'd been self-conscious to the point of not leaving the apartment for two weeks. Sting had been the one to eventually convince Natsu to go out for coffee with him. Over the past three months he'd eventually found his way back to his former boisterous, confident, outgoing self, but now it seemed the fears were reappearing.
"Is it because most of them know you from last year?" Gray asked. He let go of Natsu's hand for a moment to grab his coffee and take a sip, then entwined their fingers again. "So they'll notice a difference?"
"I dunno," Natsu said sadly. He sniffed, rubbing at his eyes. Freed was about to sit up and add to the conversation when Gray reached up to the music controls and turned up the volume a bit. A somewhat familiar pop song was playing, and Gray started to sing along softly.
"Baby, you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed." Natsu's cheeks and ears turned pink and he glanced sideways at Gray, who was giving him a silly grin. "But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell, you don't know – you don't know you're beautiful."
"I can't believe you know the words to this," Natsu muttered. "You hate One Direction." His lips were slowly curling up in a smile. Freed didn't move, knowing that Gray was self-conscious about singing and would likely stop if he knew Freed was listening.
"Mmm, but I love you," Gray replied, then continued singing. "If only you saw what I can see you'd understand why I want you so desperately." Gray slid his hand up Natsu's arm and carded his fingers through Natsu's hair. "Right now I'm lookin' at you and I can't believe you don't know – you don't know you're beautiful."
"'m not beautiful," Natsu argued, ducking his head down and staring at the floor. "It's... hard to look in the mirror sometimes."
"I know, sweetheart," Gray said, still humming along to the music and playing with Natsu's hair. "But you are beautiful, and brave, and a million other things, and I'm just gonna keep telling you that until you believe me."
Natsu sighed and leaned into Gray's touch. Freed smiled softly – they were glad they'd kept quiet. They always felt hopeful when they watched the tender way that Natsu and Gray interacted. Ryos shifted, snuggling into Freed's chest and they grunted, pushing him up a little so they could move. Natsu glanced back and gave them a half-smile.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop," Freed said, wincing at being caught awake. Natsu shook his head, smiling softly, while the tips of Gray's ears turned red. "Is there anything I can do to make it easier?"
"I'm not sure yet," Natsu admitted, picking up his frappucino and playing with the straw. "It's just been buggin' me the past few days. I'm sure it'll be fine. Gray's right, they're good kids." Freed nodded, leaning back in the seat and rubbing their eyes.
"Let me know if you change your mind," they said. Natsu smiled at Freed, then leaned his head against his window. Freed glanced outside – they were almost at the end of a gravel road that curved around Tortoise Lake. Sunlight reflected off the water that was visible through the treeline, and as Gray turned to follow the road alongside the lake, Freed felt a sense of home settle into their body.
"Wake up," they murmured, shaking Ryos gently. He yawned and stretched, grumbling until they saw where they were. Immediately he sat up, turning to Freed with a grin on his face. "We're here."
"All right everyone, come circle up please!" Freed shouted into a megaphone, drawing the attention of the fifty or so teenagers sprawled across the lawn in front of the main cabin. Backpacks and sleeping bags were strewn everywhere, and half the kids were already wearing their bright blue camp t-shirts. "I think it's time to officially open Camp Pride!"
The kids burst out in cheers, high fives and hugs, and Freed felt a smile tugging at their lips. They remembered being one of those kids – coming back every summer, seeing old friends, finally feeling at home with other people their age.
"Hey everyone, I'm Gray and I'm gonna be going over housekeeping," Gray said, standing on a picnic table to get the kids attention. "I know it's boring but listen up."
They all immediately went quiet and paid rapt attention to the Gray's words. Freed had a theory that more than one of the campers had a crush on him.
"All the bathrooms are gender neutral, no making out in them." A few teens giggled. "All meds are to be given to Bix, he'll make sure you get them. That includes painkillers, birth control and hormones. Pronoun badges are in the lodge, please wear them all the time, along with your name badge. Feel free to take more, make new ones, change your mind, just wear them."
Natsu joined Gray, leaning on the picnic table instead of standing on it. He was still wearing his hoodie with the sleeves rolled down even in the heat, but it was unzipped enough that the scar on his neck was visible. Freed had heard a few kids gossiping about the fire and had already gently reminded them that they needed to be respectful.
"I'm Natsu." A few kids cheered – Natsu's rambunctious personality was well-loved by the kids. He winked at them. "You can pick your own cabins, no making out in them either," he said, grinning. "Special meals are on the left side of the kitchen, don't eat the vegan stuff if you're not vegan, and don't pet the guide dog." Bix waved at the kids from a far bench, Baby sitting at his feet. "And what do we do if someone has a seizure?" Everyone started yelling out generally appropriate answers.
"I'm Ryos, and I have good news for you!" Ryos had his hair pulled up in a bun and was wearing a tank top and jean shorts, his dark skin soaking up the hot summer sun. "The pool is going to be open every afternoon after the workshops this year."
The kids cheered - a rather violent version of water polo affectionately named 'Death Polo' was a popular tradition with the campers.
"Wear whatever you feel comfortable in, and that includes going topless if you want," Ryos added, face serious. "I expect you all to be responsible and respectful, is that understood?" The kids nodded solemnly. Freed was always impressed by the respect Ryos was able to summon from the kids, even though he was only two years older than some of them.
"Natsu and I are the overnight staff," Freed said, stepping forward again and hugging the clipboard to their chest. "If you need help, we'll be in the Tanglewood cabin, and we're available anytime by radio." They gestured to the walkie-talkie clipped to their belt. "We also have an unbinding tent this year, just up the hill. It'll be me or Ryos up there, and you can take some time to unbind and hang out, especially because it's going to be very hot this weekend." They adjusted their sunglasses, smiling at the excited grins on the kid's faces. "Any questions?"
"Yeah!" One kid shouted, putting up their hand. "When's lunch?"
Freed sat on the grass at the top of the hill outside the binding tent, flipping mindlessly through some paperwork. The sun fell in dappled patterns through the trees, casting a warm light on the back of their head. They had pulled their hair up in a large, messy bun, but pieces were escaping and tickling the back of their neck. Freed rarely wore tank tops, but the weather today was unbearably hot and so they'd pulled out a rainbow tie-dyed one that they'd made at camp last year.
The sound of the lake through the trees washed over them and they closed their eyes, enjoying the quiet solitude of the forest.
The rustling of footsteps brought Freed out of their reverie and they looked up, spotting someone coming up the hill. It was a younger camper with dark skin and close-cropped black hair, wearing calf-length pink tights and a baggy t-shirt.
"Hey... Aspen," Freed said, peeking at the camper's name badge. Next to it was a button that was decorated with purple stars and read 'they/them'. Aspen looked uncertain and picked nervously at the hem of their shirt. "You need a break?" Freed gestured at the tent, but Aspen shook their head.
Can you... sign? Their movements were hesitant and Freed's eyes widened in realization. They'd known that one of the campers was Deaf but hadn't had a chance to meet Aspen yet – Natsu and Ryos had been running the registration table this morning.
Yes! Freed sat up, smiling. I haven't signed in a while, sorry if I'm rusty. It's nice to meet you.
You, too, Aspen signed, breaking out in a grin. I have a question. Freed patted the grass and Aspen sat down hesitantly. There was silence for a few moments, only broken by the sound of the waves of the lake behind them, but Freed didn't push it. I haven't... worn a binder... before? Apparently, there was no sign for 'binder' – Aspen just made a gesture for compressing their chest.
Do you want to? Freed asked. They stretched their legs out in front of them, enjoying the gentle breeze that was whispering through the trees. Aspen gave a shy nod. We have some... Freed frowned, uncertain for the sign for 'second-hand'. Other people used? But clean? Down at the clothing swap.
Really? Aspen brightened a bit, then frowned. But... I'm not... They sighed. I'm not – they used an unfamiliar sign and Freed gestured for them to repeat it. T-R-A-N-S, they spelled, then showed the sign again.
Sorry, Freed signed quickly, feeling a slight flush of embarrassment. Aspen shook their head, grinning. I don't know many signs for... Q-U-E-E-R community. They raised their eyebrows at the spelling, questioning if Aspen had an actual sign for the word 'queer'.
Q-U-E-E-R, Aspen confirmed. Sometimes we sign 'rainbow community'. There's lots of debate about new signs. Like N-O-N B-I-N-A-R-Y. I sign N-B.
That's interesting, Freed replied, feeling the flow of the language slowly coming back to their hands. It had been a few years since they'd actually used ASL on a regular basis. I love language. I did my... they didn't know the sign for 'masters'. I went to school for languages. I need to practice ASL more!
You're good! Aspen replied, tilting their head to the side and smiling. It's nice to talk without the interpreter. Sometimes it's... private. And I don't think she gets it.
Gets what? Freed asked. Aspen hesitated, tapping their fingers against their leg while they thought.
I feel like I'm faking this or something, they signed eventually. Like I'm not trans, so it's not real. Freed felt a surge of empathy, remembering that feeling all too well.
I'm not trans either, they said gently, stumbling a bit over the unfamiliar sign and accepting Aspen's gentle correction. I've been wearing a binder since I was sixteen. It's not an exclusive club, I promise. Aspen looked up at Freed uncertainly.
But sometimes I don't want to... I mean, like some days... Aspen trailed off, picking at clumps of grass and tossing them up into the air. Sometimes I feel like I'm just making it up. My mom says I'm doing it for attention. Freed bristled a bit at that. I convinced her to let me come here, but...
Parents are tough, Freed replied carefully, thinking of their own mother. It stung and they tried not to let it show. But no matter what you feel about your body or your identity, it's...they couldn't come up with a sign for 'valid'. Real. It's real. Aspen peeked up at Freed and gave them a small smile.
Thanks, they said shyly. They wiggled their rainbow-painted toenails and gazed past Freed at the lake. The two of them sat for a moment, taking in the calming presence of the forest around them, then Freed tapped Aspen's shoulder.
Would you like to go try on a binder? They asked, smiling when Aspen's face lit up. Aspen nodded and Freed felt for the radio on their belt.
"Ryos, you there?" They tried to sign at the same time, but it was clumsy with only one hand.
"Just getting the pool ready, what's up?" Through the static, Freed could hear Natsu shouting something.
"Do you mind coming up to watch the binding tent? I need to head down to the lodge."
"I'll be right there."
Aspen grunted in frustration and Freed tried to hide their smile from the outside of the makeshift changing room. They had written down instructions on a whiteboard and sent them in with Aspen, but Freed knew how hard it was to struggle into a binder. Freed recalled the first time they had tried one on – there had been a moment where they'd been convinced that they were stuck forever with their arms over their head.
As they waited for Aspen they yawned and leaned back against the wall of the 'store'. They'd gathered clothing donations throughout the year and arranged them in the small area, free for any of the campers to take. It was incredible to see some of the teens transform as they found clothing that matched who they wanted to be.
Okay? Aspen pulled the curtain back and looked at Freed hesitantly. Freed could see the smile tugging at corner of Aspen's mouth.
Looks great! Can you breathe? Freed gestured for Aspen to take a deep breath and then exhale. It shouldn't hurt to breathe.
Feels... weird, they signed. But fine. Doesn't hurt. Freed had given them a larger men's shirt to wear over the binder and they adjusted it self-consciously. I feel... good.
That's what's important, Freed signed, smiling gently and then letting out a soft oof of surprise when Aspen hugged them tightly.
Thank you, they signed, wiping their face and pulling back. This is my favorite place. I wish I could live here forever.
Freed sighed, letting Aspen hug them again and trying to keep their own tears from slipping down their cheeks.
I know, they thought. I wish this could be home forever too.
"More coffee?" Gray appeared at Freed's elbow, handing them a cup of something that smelled faintly of vanilla. Freed sighed gratefully and accepted, nudging Gray with their shoulder.
"How's it going?" they asked. Gray leaned forward on his elbows, glancing over the porch railing at the group of teens sitting around the picnic tables. Jenny, a social worker at a sex-positive health clinic Freed had found, was giving a presentation to the group on safer sex.
"Exhausted, and it's only day one," Freed replied, smiling and sipping at their coffee. "You?"
"Mm, I'm on lifeguard duty in..." Gray glanced at his watch. "Fifteen minutes. I have a feeling they'll want to play Death Polo."
Freed snorted. They weren't sure who had come up with the tradition, but it had been going on since their own days at Pride camp. It was basically a no-holds-barred version of water polo that ended up with nobody getting any points and most of the kids nearly drowning at least once.
"Isn't Natsu lifeguarding with you?" Freed asked. They saw a concerned expression flicker across Gray's face. "Is he doing okay?"
"Yeah," Gray replied immediately, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "He's his usual ridiculous self and the kids just eat it up, it's amazing. I'm just worried about swimming. And his scars."
Freed sighed, setting down their coffee and undoing their ponytail, then running their fingers through their thick hair. They began to braid it absently as they spoke.
"He's been doing a lot better," they said gently. "It's only been three months, though."
"I know," Gray sighed, running his hand over his face. "It just feels like... he was always so confident, before. Cocky, kind of an asshole about it but in an endearing way." Freed laughed. "It was so hard to see him... broken."
"I know," Freed said softly, tying off their braid and reaching over to rest a hand on Gray's shoulder. It hadn't been easy on anyone, but Gray had taken it hardest. "Camp seems to be triggering some of those feelings for him."
"Yeah," Gray said, leaning into Freed. "He tried to explain it to me. It's like he feels like... he can't be a good role model for the kids because he doesn't like how he looks sometimes. Or he feels like they'll just feel sorry for him." Freed made a sad sound. "I know – and he knows – that doesn't make any sense."
"Feelings don't have to make sense," Freed murmured, turning as the group of teens burst into laughter at the presentation. "I wish I could help."
"I get so mad when we're out, and people give him this look, and it's not curiosity, it's pity. Or worse, they look at me like that because it's, what, I'm with him because I feel sorry for him? Fuck them." Gray dropped his head, letting the anger out in a sharp exhale.
Freed didn't say anything, just continued to rub soft circles on Gray's shoulder, hoping it was comforting. The group roared with laughter again and Freed could see that they were wrapping up. They nudged Gray as they saw Natsu making his way toward the group across the lawn.
"Alright, kids, it's Death Polo Time!" Natsu's proclamation was met by cheers from the teens, who began running toward him. He glanced up at Gray and Freed, waving and grinning. "Go get changed and then we can figure out who gets to be on Team Natsu, which is totally gonna kick Team Gray's butt."
"Cocky little shit," Gray grumbled fondly. "He forgets that I taught him how to swim." Freed laughed.
"Shall we head over to the pool?"
Natsu was already there when they arrived, dressed in a pair of swim trunks and a light cotton t-shirt and leaning against the lifeguard's chair.
"Ready to get your ass kicked, Snowflake?" He asked, grinning, but Freed could see some hesitation in his eyes. Gray must have noticed it too because he stepped forward, grabbing Natsu's hand.
"You sure you're okay?" he asked, glancing over at the change rooms where the campers were beginning to file out. Natsu swallowed, nodding slowly.
"You comin' in?" he asked, glancing over at Freed. "I feel like your hair would be a hazard." Freed snorted.
"I... don't swim," they said regretfully. "I mean, I can, but I don't like to. Plus, I think I'm needed for dinner prep in a bit." Loud splashes signaled that the campers beginning to enter the pool, and they immediately began to dunk each other under the water. "I'll hang out and referee for a bit, though." Natsu gave them a thumbs-up.
"All right everyone," he called, waving at the campers. "C'mere for a sec." He sat down on the edge of the pool, legs dangling in the water. The kids must have noticed his somewhat somber attitude because they calmed down and made a semicircle around him.
Gray reached down and touched Natsu's shoulder.
"Alright, so you- most if you know, or maybe saw on the news..." Natsu swallowed, struggling with the words. "I was in a pretty bad accident. A fire. And I, um, I got burned really badly, and it's mostly healed but the scars are kinda... a lot. And I wanted to just tell you, so you can... if you have questions." Freed leaned against the lifeguard tower, feeling a swell of pride at Natsu's bravery.
"Does it still hurt?" One of the kids asked hesitantly, and Natsu shook his head.
"Nope. It gets stiff sometimes, but..."
"I think it looks badass." Freed recognized the young man speaking – Ryley. This was his fourth year at camp, and he had a dark birthmark that extended partway across his face. Natsu gave him a wide grin.
"You think?" A chorus of yeah, super badass rumbled through the group. "Okay, well, if you're curious, please ask me. Don't gossip. It feels crappy, and I'd rather you just be straight with me about it."
"Isn't that a bit much to ask at gay camp?" One of the kids quipped and Freed rolled their eyes. Natsu burst out laughing – a deep, belly laugh that had Gray smiling.
"Alright, be queer with me about it. Better?"
A silence descended over the group and Gray glanced down at Natsu, who looked uncertain. Freed saw Gray's hand move to the hem of his own shirt and they blinked. Gray never went shirtless. Even after five years he preferred to hide his own scars.
"C'mon, darling," Gray said, voice shaky but teasing. Natsu looked up at him in surprise as Gray tugged his t-shirt over his head and dropped it on the pool deck. He glanced at the kids. "I, unlike Natsu, am not willing to talk about these." He gestured to the white spiderweb of scars on his shoulder and stomach. "Please respect that." Before anyone could say anything, he hopped down into the pool, yelping at the temperature change.
Natsu stood slowly and glanced back at Freed, who gave him an encouraging smile. Then he grabbed the hem of his shirt, tugged it over his head, and cannonballed into the pool, almost exactly on top of his husband.
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