Chapter 9
Virgil POV
For some reason... when he told me that he had killed his entire family, I felt... safer. I felt loved. I felt wanted. Then all of a sudden, I didn't care that Roman or Thomas died anymore. I didn't care. I only cared about Remus.
Does this make me bad?
Does it make me crazy?
What am I?
Am I a monster to think that Remus isn't a monster or any of those other things?
I will never think that way of Remus.
Is this love?
I think and think and think as I slowly walk home that night. I turn around when I thin I hear footprints. It is dark outside and the only thing lighting my ways is the dim light coming from the street lights.
I don't see anyone.
I wish Remus was here...
I sigh, continuing to walk forward, now being more cautious and peeking behind my shoulder every once in a while. I've got about a half-mile walk left... I can make it. It's not like anyone is following a loser like me-
A pair of hands firmly grab my shoulders. I squeak and stiffen up. "Where are you going, anxiety boy?" I hear a familiar voice that only makes me want to scream even more, but I stay quiet, not making a sound. I get turned around one of his hands now grabbing my hand, the other stays locked on my shoulder.
"I heard your gay. Isss it true?" His voice slithers as if he's a snake. I avoid eye contact with him. "What are you doing out here all alone one dark empty ssstreet? Anyone could show up. Take me for inssstance." He says, smirking. His hand lifts from my shoulder and he gently traces my cheek with his fingers. I turn my head away from him.
"D-don't touch me." I try not to stutter, but I do. He only smirks wider and grabs my face between his fingers. I squeeze my eyes shut.
"Aww~ Don't be that way, Vee~ You know you want thisss." He pulls my face closer to his. I once again try to pull away from the snake boy who has bullied me all my life. I didn't know he would take it this far...
"Stop it, Deceit," I say, pushing him off of me. I turn and start speedwalking toward my house again, only to be grabbed and pulled close to him. He presses his body against mine. "Stop it," I say once again, trying to pull away.
He holds my hands behind my back and begins dragging me into the direction of an alleyway (not the best move when there is a yandere in love with the bean you're trying to ra------ no spoilers ;3) I struggle. "Enough messing around. Let me go." I demand, trying to shake loose from his grip. He holds his grip tight.
"You think I'm messsing around?" He asks, chuckling quietly. "Sssilly boy~" He coos. My eyes widen. He can't be serious. I think to myself, frantically trying to get away now. He turns me towards him again and pushes me into the brick wall of the alleyway. I whimper, frightened. How did I get into this stupid mess?
He brings his face very close to mine, his breath fanning it gently. I try to slide away from him, but he puts his hands on either side of me and a knee in between my legs, preventing me from escaping. "Stop it! Let me g-go!" I try pushing him away as my heart starts beating faster and my breathing quickens. I feel tears form in my eyes.
"Deceit! Stop it! This isn't funny!" I cry out, feeling my warm tears roll down my cheeks.
"Shhh..." He shushes me, putting a finger to my lips. He slowly brings his finger down my lip before he cups my cheek with it and his lips meet mine. I gasp and try to push him away from me with no luck. I feel more tears stream down my face as I have no luck in getting away from him. I cry softly as he continues to kiss me, moving down my chin and to my neck.
I whimper and cry. "H-help..." I whisper, my voice is broken and scared. Deceit works his way down to my stomach and I feel my knees buckle from the fear. Then all of a sudden Deceit gasps and stops, freezing up. He slowly brings his hand to his stomach and he topples over, leaving me, almost falling over. It is only then that I see the dark figure standing behind him.
I blink a few times. "Vee. Are you alright?" I recognize the voice, but who...- "It's me. Remus." He says, standing more into the light now. I see his half-crazed face with a few blood splatters on it. I smile and sigh in relief.
"Remus..." I breathe out, trying to calm down. "Is... Is he dead?" I ask, looking down at Deceit's body.
"Nope." He says. "Tell me, do you know him?" He asks. I nod slightly. "From where?" He twirls the knife he's holding around in his fingers.
"He uh... He is my childhood bully and was- until now." I say, looking away knowing that he's probably going to be angry I didn't tell him this before.
"How many times has he bullied you? Probably a lot. Too much to count. Am I right?" He asks. I nod again.
"Well then, tell me the number of times you were bullied by him that will haunt you for the rest of your life. The thing that left a huge physical and or mental scar on you." He says. I think about it.
"Maybe nine or ten?" I say, quietly. Remus then kicks Deceit in the side, rolling him onto his back. Deceit groans in pain as Remus looks at me again. He smirks and puts the knife out to me.
"I want you to stab him ten times. Count out loud." His words shock me. I take a small step back.
"I- I can't do that!" I exclaim, putting my hands up.
"Sure you can! I did it, so you can!" He insists. "Think about how he made you suffer. He. Deserves. PAIN!" Remus exclaims, laughing crazily. I take a deep breath.
(Violence once again begins here xD)
"F-fine..." I say, reaching out and taking the blood-covered knife from Remus's hand. Deceit looks at me with widened eyes as I raise the knife. "O-one!" I bring the knife straight down. Deceit cries out and coughs up blood. I raise it again. "T-two!" I bring it down into a different spot. Blood splatters my face and covers my fingers. I smile at the feeling of the warm crimson red blood that covers my fingers and Deceits clothes.
"Three!" I stab him again and he coughs up more blood. I laugh quietly. "FOUR! FIVE! SIX! SEVEN! EIGHT! NINE! TEN! ELEVEN! TWELVE! THIRTEEN! FOURTEEN! FIFTEEN!-" I laugh more and more as I continuously stab him over and over again, but then Remus grabs my wrist as I raise it to stab once more.
(Violence is over xD yes it was very short violence)
"I think he's dead now." Remus laughs. "Did that make you feel better?" He asks, taking the knife from me and sliding it into a small knife case, grabbing my hand with his free hands. I nod, feeling ten times better and lightly squeeze Remus's hand. "I knew it would!" He says, "Now, promise you will never ever kill anyone unless necessary and always tell me if you're being bullied. You are lucky I follow you everywhere- oops said too much haha-" He laughs, but I smile at his comment that most people would freak out by.
"I promise," I say. Remus smiles.
"Alright! Then let's go get you and I cleaned up." He leads me towards my house. I suddenly don't feel afraid of the darkness outside. It's like... Remus is a light... my light...
1323!!!! holy craaaap I died earlier today THANKS TO YOU @aguthrie8925 yeah I'm looking at you, you baka >:C anyways- cya next time fangrils, fanboys, & fanpals!!!
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