After the broadcast, I walk out the wooden door. Evangeline is talking with other Silvers about Coriane.
She basically said about the whole thing with Cal and the underground. It's shocking, thinking that Cal would do that? He's not the person to do that, leave Evangeline and his daughter like that. I'm not the number 1 Cal fan in Norta, but that's lower than low.
I shut the door and see Mare leaning against the wall, looking at the ring on her finger, fiddling with it with her hands of lightning. I stare at her until she notices, she's smiling as she examines the ring and rotates it around her finger, never taking it off. She looks up and sighs lightly, then her eyes meet mine.
"How long have you been standing there?" She asks with a light flush blossoming on her face.
"Oh hours," I tease, she rolls her eyes playfully. She slumps into the wall.
"You okay?" I walk up in front of her. She fiddles with her braid that she weaved meticulously.
"Yeah, just in shock," She breathes. I understand, the proposal took her by surprise, took me by surprise that she said yes, maybe it was because it was live and all of Norta could see, but we were talking about it a lot.
"It was sincere, right?" I ask her, she looks into my eyes, her brown sugar eyes, it looks like she doesn't know what to say, but she also looks happy, sometimes I don't understand her, but that's what I love, she's complex, more than one sided.
"Yeah, it was," She says with a faint smile, I feel the flush rise onto my cheeks. She really meant all that. It's weird to think that, I'm engaged, again. Last time it was by force of my parents, this time it was my decision, Mare's too, she said yes.
"We will discuss plans tonight at dinner, is that okay?" I ask her.
"Yeah, that's fine," She looks down at my hand and grabs it lightly, intwining her fingers in mine, her thumb brushes against the ring on my 4th finger, the ring is coated with obsidian, while Mare's is much more fancy, mines simple but with meaning.
She uses her free hand and brushes it through my mane, my raven black mane that's greasy and sweaty.
"When was the last time you showered?" She teases, I roll my eyes.
"Weeks," I tease back, she giggles.
"Who taught you hygiene?"
"My mother," I respond, I know she never liked my mother, I don't blame her for that though, she wanted Mare dead. She wanted me to kill her, but the way I feel towards her couldn't be sliced out of my head, it forever remained, looks like it did for her too.
She messed up the side part in my hair, making my locks look tattered and sloppy.
"There," She says, standing back and looking at the concoction she did with my hair. "Fit for a King."
"Very funny," I give her a hard glare. I run my fingers through my locks, feeling the grease in each follicle. I glance at my hand to see my ring is gone. I look on the floor frantically for it, Mare snorts through her nose.
I look up at her to see my ring in her hand, she slid it off without me noticing.
"You little pickpocket," I sneer darkly. She wrinkles her nose.
"You want it back," She copies my tone, dark and seductive. What is with her? She's never this quick to turn.
I nod, going to reach for the jewel but she flinches away.
"Then come and get it," She turns away and starts to dash through the halls, I roll my eyes as she giggles, running away. I chase her, but I can't keep up with her quick feet in my uniform. I want to take parts of it off so I can catch up.
She turns to a stairway and goes up it, two steps at a time. She's good in heels. I fumble my feet to catch up to her. She goes from hall to hall, trying to lose me, I'm hot on her trail. She opens a door to a random room, cornering herself like she wishes to be caught. I smirk when she closes the door.
I open the door she attempted to slam in my face. We are in a random guest suite. She rolls onto the silk bed, I topple on top of her.
"Brings back dejavu?" She rolls over to look at me. I nod, remembering the time. She stays underneath me, smiling at me.
I can't believe it, we are getting married.
Here ya go, whatever the flip this is, just hope you liked it, idk how you did but whatever. Also, 2.3K FLIPPING VIEWS, why do I have this much I don't deserve it, helps me.
Happy thanksgiving
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