I wake up early the next morning, from the terrible nightmares that I've been having for months now, ever since the songs I got from Maven's snake of a mother, songs that made me kill him, my Father, the King. There is nothing I can really do now, to clear my name, no one will admit that I was tricked, except Mare. I have mixed feelings of her with Maven, he is a monster.
Maven, the brother I once trusted, Mare being in his clutches. If Mare chooses him, the kingdom will no longer be in ruin, Mare will be Queen, she'd clear my name if she's Queen I might have a chance at being free. I want her to be my Queen, but I see how she looks at Maven, wanting redemption, wanting him to be the one person who she saw. I want him to be that person too, prove he can be a good King.
I walk down the ladder to the living space, I and one other person is awake, the figure in the air is familiar, I can recall the shape anywhere.
Evangiline Samos.
What the actual hell is she doing here, why is she here?
She probably sweet talked the Barrows into staying here, she is good at that I'll give her that, she's also good at being a snake, a snake that slithers into bedsheets, that will wreck your life, screw it up so hard that you can't unscrew it.
She turned her head from the window, her not wearing a metal lined dress takes me back, she's wearing a gray, loose, baggy shirt and short shorts, to short for my liking. Her eyes meet mine, she smiles a sly, toothy smile.
"Hello, darling," The word darling slips out, forces it out.
"I am not your darling, and I never will be," I cross my arms, rolling my eyes at the thought that she almost was my Queen not so long ago.
"Well, I was to be your Queen, don't forget that,"
How could I? I don't say those words, offending her is the last thing on my mind, it never goes well.
"Now I am nothing, same with you,"
"Well, under certain circumstances, I am no longer nothing," She puts one hand on her hip, I stare at her, raising an eyebrow, not understanding what she meant by this.
"You remember what we did, what happened between us,"
I shudder at the fact of what we did before this whole mishap happened. Before Mare became important to me. I can remember her kisses on my neck, her soft, knife-like touch on my skin. I enjoyed it at the time, a distraction from Mare, knowing she was to wed my brother.
"Sadly, I remember," I retort at her, putting her in her place, or trying to.
Evangiline was my first, I wasn't hers, she's slept with nearly every Silver male there is, just not Maven, she told me that she hated him with every ounce of her being, she speaks for me now, and everyone in this household.
"And I must say, Calore, for never having experience, you are talented at what you do,"
I try not to throw up at her words, she's just toying with me, again. I can't fall for her venom, it tricked me once, blinded me into doing unforgivible acts with her, slithering my way into doing it. I have an excuse though, I thought we were to be wed, rule Norta, have a family, but now that's gone.
"Thank you for that sickening comment," I try to stay smooth, even though something doesn't feel right about us just having moments together. "What circumstances?" I ask, not admitting that I am nervous for her answer.
"Well, darling, actions, they have consquecuences," she rubs her belly in circular motions, I can feel my jaw drop to the floor. "Do you need an education in body language, or is this enough for you?"
All I can manage to do is shake my head, I know what she means.
"That's right, baby,"
Those words slap me, this must be a dream, wake up Cal, wake up, I beg of you.
"Also, your not dreaming,"
Shit, no, this can't be real. How can she read me so well? I am not ready for this kind of thing, being a father wasn't on my to-do list.
"You better prepare yourself, daddy,"
I try not to faint, or throw up, or both. I can't just leave Evangiline, she's carrying my child, I would beat myself up if I did, as much as I hate her, family is family. I can't betray her, I am not my brother.
I won't betray her.
I wake up groggily, rolling over onto my side, I didn't dream. Normal. I stand up, grasping my forehead from vertigo of standing to quickly. I catch my breath, breathing heavily, the rain stopped, so did the lightning that keeps me going, keeps me running.
I can see my room better now, I couldn't through my tears of last night, the bed has nice silks, so nice I had a wakeless sleep, a sleep I haven't dreamed of in ages, it seems. There was a nightstand, a closet, a bathroom, and a endtable at the foot of the bed. The table had some nicely folded clothes on it and a note. The clothes were some jeans and tee's. I walked toward it, they had my attention. I opened the note with my name on it.
Here's some old fashioned clothes that might make you more comfortable, I know you don't have a taste for corsets and long dresses, hope this helps.
The note can't stop a small smile on my face, he is recognizing my backround. Maven is trying, he is being the Maven I once loved, still love. He is a man of his words.
I slip the clothes on, I can't not wear them. I am learning my way around, I find my way to the dining hall for breakfast, I can see Maven there, standing my the table, his back to me. I clear my throat, gaining his attention. He turns to me, scanning that I am wearing the clothes he gifted me. He smiles a true, heartfelt smile.
And I can't help from smiling back. Teeth and all.
Hello! Thought I'd make something longer for your liking! I ship Mareven to the grave, and I will. Plot twists in this one, hope no one hates me! I'll update more!
Love everyone!
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