My breath hitches. Wait a hot second did Maven just announce that me and Ca- Tiberius were getting married. Again?
I look over at Elane, she looks just as clueless as I do. The crowd around us is bustling now, chattering and being clamorous. I have no clue what's going on. I scan the crowd, looking for Tiberius. All the heads are looking at either me, Maven, or Tiberius. That's how I can find him.
I look at where some people are looking and I find him pretty quickly. He looks even more confused than me, shrugging his shoulders and his thick eyebrows creased tightly. He makes eye contact with me and immediately looks away.
I raise my eyebrow. He doesn't like this either?
Makes sense, now he can't be with Mare.
Well, he couldn't be with her anyway, she's engaged to Maven.
Why is Maven doing this anyway? What is he up to?
As the crowd fizzles out, I walk back into the castle, following Maven.
"Maven!" I call out to him, walking faster. He doesn't do anything but flinch as he continues to walk in the same direction.
This idiot.
"Maven!" I say, calling out to him even louder, going to a quick jog. He still doesn't flinch at all.
I hear someone else call his name from behind me. I look over my right shoulder and look as well. It's Tiberius. He is probably questioning Maven for the same reason I am.
Why do we have to get married?
I understand it's about Coriane, and I would do anything for her, go the ends of the earth and everything. But this seems so... sudden. Maven didn't talk about this at all.
"Maven!" Tiberius calls from behind me, spreading up and catching up to me.
He turns around this time. I guess he prefers his brother to me.
"What is it?" Maven asks, turning his torso to us.
"What do you think?" I tell him, scoffing. I cross my arms and lean my weight to my left side. When I fully see his face, I feel the rage now. I had a plan with Elane, one that he didn't know, mind you, and he wrecked it.
Maybe I could beg him to call it off, I am very convincing.
Maven sighs, slumping his shoulders as he does so. He looks determined and angry. His side glances go to Tiberius and not me, he looks at me like I am fine.
"Do we really have to get married?" Tiberius asks him, leaning his head towards him. Maven sighs again, his eyes closing. Based on his visage and his stature, I can tell he really doesn't want to be here or have this conversation.
"Yeah, you do, get over it, it's for Coriane," Maven demands with a stern tone. "Can we not have this conversation right now?"
I chuckle. "You know, Calore, it's funny how dumb you are, you announce this engagement out of nowhere and expect us to not have questions?" I cross my arms. Maven sighs again and runs his fingers through his overly geled hair.
"Right," He says with embarrassment, I can feel myself smile wickedly, but I keep it to myself.
Be better for Coriane.
"So, what's going on exactly?" Tiberius asks, obviously confused.
It's funny how dumb he is, too.
Maven rolls his eyes. Same, Maven, same.
"You and Evangeline are getting married," Maven says, holding the bridge of his nose with his thumb and pointer finger.
I hold in my laughter from how dumb and oblivious Tiberius can be.
"For Coriane," He pauses, he has more to say. "And for what you did to Mare."
My interest piques, is this drama I smell?
Tiberius raises his eyebrow and looks very confused, more confused than he did a few seconds ago.
"What did I do to Mare?" He whispers, a little bit defensive.
Maven looks disgusted at this point. Naturally, a normal person would walk away from this drama, but I am not a normal person.
"You know exactly what you did to Mare," Maven leans into Tiberius and whispers coolly.
"No, Maven, I don't," He sounds dumbfounded.
Maven sighs for the millionth time. "Your being serious?"
Tiberius nods, he glances at me. Now that I see him, his hair is tussled, his eyes are bloodshot, and he in general looks like a tragic mess.
He really does look like a homeless, clueless man.
Maven sighs again, leaning back a bit and he rubs his temples. He grumbles a bit.
"You don't remember what you and Mare did last night?" Maven whispers hardly, each word sharp as a knife.
"All I remember was that I was drunk and there was a party," Tiberius explains.
"And that is all you remember? Are you sure?" Maven asks, leaning toward Tiberius. Tiberius nods. Maven sighs, again. He backs away from Tiberius and breathes heavily. Tiberius looks confused, as usual.
"So, you don't remember that you slept with her last night?"
He gasps, as do I.
"Wait, Tiberius got laid by Mare?" I break-in. Maven looks at me, obviously annoyed.
"No, the other way around" Maven looks at Tiberius. His face is now bright pink. He looks around with his eyes, thinking, then his face lights up.
"Oh, that makes sense," He puts his face in his hands.
"What makes sense?" Maven asks firmly, he's angry. I mean he has the right to be, I'd be angry if I was in his shoes.
"I woke up in some random room, not mine, and the bed was all messy, and I was hungover," Tiberius explains. "And please, call me Cal."
"I don't respect you enough to call you Cal, Tiberius," Maven scolds him. "I can't respect you after you took advantage of Mare in her drunken state, she and I are engaged and you know that."
"I'm sorry, Maven, I know it isn't enough, but-,"
"No buts! Tiberius! It's not me you should apologize to!" Maven tells Cal off. I'll respect Cal and call him by his preferred name. Since I am going to marry him.
"Sorry to break up the drama, but, when are Cal and I getting married?" I butt in, Cal looks at me along with Maven.
"I haven't gotten all the details in order yet, it will happen after Mare and I are married then I will speak with both of you for the details," He explains, keeping his head down. I nod, Cal agrees under his breath. "It's for Coriane, anything for her."
And that Cal can keep his hands off of Mare.
"Anything for Coriane," I agree with Maven.
Maven goes in his back pocket and pulls out a ring. It's made of fine silver, with a hard, reflective diamond in the center.
"Hey! That's my ring where did you get it?" Cal calls out. Maven looks at him widely.
"I stole it from your room, and it's not yours, it's Eve's now," Maven demands. He hands me the ring. "It's her engagement ring."
"But I didn't do the whole get down on one knee thing," Cal speaks up.
Listening to a conversation with two hungover adult babies is fun.
"Because you don't have to, I did it for her, I'm in charge of this whole thing," Maven tells him, looking even more annoyed.
"So, you got down on your knee for me? My knees work perfectly fine,"
Maven rolls his eyes and groans out in frustration. "Just put on the ring, Eve."
I look at the ring, it's beautiful, it really is. Dainty and perfect. I look up at Maven, he raises his eyebrows and nods. He is obviously impatient to get this whole thing over and done with. I sigh and look back down and slide it onto my left ring finger slowly. Tears well up in my eyes and I harshly blink them away. I shake my head a little and look back up.
"That's that then, where is Coriane?" Maven asks superficially.
"With Mare," I say quietly. I know the weight of the ring isn't much, but it feels heavy on my soul.
"Tiberius, come on now and let's fetch her, do you remember where our room is or do you need me to drag you on a leash?"
Cal rolls his eyes. "I remember where it is."
"Then come on now," Maven is already walking swiftly in the opposing direction. Cal walks quickly and cluelessly to follow him.
Now that I am alone in this hallway, I sigh out shakily and look at my ring. Cal's ring. My eyes fill up with tears again, but they flow out of my eyes before I can stop them. My soul fills with a wave of anger, not at Cal, not at the situation, but at Maven.
It's funny how I can laugh at his stupidity one minute, and want to gauge his eyes out the next.
I look up at the ceiling and hope my tears stop. I'm not one to cry.
It's also funny how not that long ago, I was thrilled that I was marrying Cal, now I hate it. Maybe this is the final step in me being the best mother I can to Coriane.
I feel a burn on my hand, I look down at it and there is a puddle of melted silver on the floor with a diamond in the middle.
Well, I guess I wrecked my engagement ring.
Now Cal has to get a new ring and get down on one knee and do the real thing.
GUESS WHAT PEOPLE I AM BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK FROM THE DEADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. sorry for that huge intro but it was well needed. sorry for how busy I have been but I have been grounded and now I can come back and serve you with this fanfic and provide for my fellow Maven fangirls. (stay off he is mine *hisses*)
last week I got my permit and crashed moms car, I'm good, moms good. Hakuna Matata
anywayyyyyyyyyyyyy i am back.
i have a playlist posted as well.
love always, the queen of norta, Mrs. Maven Calore.
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