The popcorn ceiling is what I am greeted to when I wake up.
It's not the rock....
My body flings up, ignoring the pain in my lower stomach. My lower stomach... My babies? I look down at my stomach and I still see the bump from earlier. A sigh of relief escapes my lips.
I hear some chit chat happen outside, I can't make it out. The door in front of me jiggles open.
"Are you okay? Your awake! Are you feeling okay? Are you hurt?" He frantically asks.
I chuckle. "I'm fine, Maven."
He doesn't say a word and he wraps his arms around me. Damn, I missed his warmth, I missed it way to much. It doesn't take long for my arms to wrap around him too. He kisses my forehead. "What even happened to you?"
I sigh, letting go of him. He sits down next to me. "There was this guy out in the garden. I thought it was harmless for me to get up and help him, but he was a jumper and he jumped off with me."
He growls. "Makes sense that I couldn't find you anywhere."
"I was mainly kept in a stone cell, held hostage, the men didn't do anything to me," I continue.
He rubs my leg through the hospital blanket, just the small thing of affection makes me feel warm.
"They didn't do anything to the girls, did they?" He asks me, worry flooding his tone.
"Not until the end," I perk up. "Are they okay?"
Maven sighs. "Doctors are checking scans now."
I slump. I look over at my vital screen, and see three heartbeats on the screen. Mine, Ruby's and Luna's.
At least they are alive.
Maven's hand moves from my leg to my bloated stomach, tears go in his eyes. "Y-You grew," His voice cracks.
I chuckle. "Well it's been a few months."
He smiles warmly, a white flush going to his cheeks and the tip of his nose. He leans down and kisses my stomach twice. "Your strong, just like your mother."
I can't help but laugh and run my fingers through his hair. "Strong like their father."
Maven adjusts himself so he is in front of me. He runs his fingers through my hair. "You need a shower."
I kick him through the blanket. "Thanks for stating the obvious."
He kisses my forehead, his lips chapped and warm. "I missed you."
My hand goes up and touches his cheek. "I missed you too."
I never thought me, Mare Barrow, would be so romantic and be happy to do it. Well... Mare Calore.
He then kisses me. It's been so long that I don't remember what it feels like.
But now I remember it, and I like it.
When he releases me, he looks at me with such love in those blue oceans. "There's that blush I missed so much."
I kick him again. "Shut up, you idiot."
He scruffs. "And there's the banter I missed."
"Can I ever win with you?"
He kisses me again as a response. This kiss was deeper than the previous.
"I'll take that as a no?" I say as soon as I can.
"Maven: 1. Mare: 0," He says with a childlike smirk.
I only sigh. The door opens again, Maven's head turns 180 degrees and I lean into a good position to see whoever came in.
It's a face I don't recognize, but the outfit shows she's a doctor.
"Hello Your Majesties, Maven," She bows her head. "Mare."
I nod back to her, still not used to the customs.
"I have the results of your tests,"
Maven's posture stiffens and I raise my eyebrows.
"The twins are fine, the blow wasn't deep enough to harm them,"
I can hear Maven's sigh of relief, and his hand rubs against mine.
"Her majesty is alright as well, she's good to be released when she feels fit,"
Being called "majesty" is still weird, I'll probably never get used to it.
"Want to leave now?" Maven asks me, his blue eyes snapping me out of it.
"Of course, yes," I nod. I'm eager to get out of this cot and go back to being "normal", whatever normal is nowadays.
We leave quick, Maven gets me a simple dress that isn't constricting for the babies but still comfy enough for me. I brush my hair as well as I can, oily as it is. Maven was right, I do need to shower, badly.
Maybe I can shower with him tonight, if he's up to it.
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