Chapter 6 (Woah I Updated?!)
Gah guys I didn't give up on you just like I promised!! I hope you guys had a good holiday season! So here is ze next update.... YAY!
Incase you forgot what was happening (this happens to me a lot)
*warning spoilers! If you haven't read other chapters don't read this!*
So any way you have to spend the summer with Mark, a child hood friend of yours. He is kind of your guardian for right now.... things were a little awkward then you got in a fight with him then you forgave him and had a sexual dream about him and then you guys kissed in real life and he started having sexual thoughts about you.
*heavy breathing*
And yeah that was the first 5 chapters
Your P.O.V
I sat on the couch with Mark, playing with his messy hair. It was 5:30 in the afternoon we sat on the couch in silence.
"Mark?" I asked
"Yes?" He responded
"Does age matter?" I asked quietly. He turned his head towards me. He stared deep into my eyes, causing my heart to melt.
"No. And it never will." He said sweetly kissing me. I leaned my head on his shoulder. As creepy as it sounded, he had a point.... I didn't care he was eight years older than me. And I don't think he cared I was eight years younger than him.
I had been living with him for about a month and a half now. And in this month and a half I don't think I've ever been happier.
I just feel like I got away from my old life. I was very quiet and lonely. I had my few close friends, never had a boyfriend.
But when I'm with Mark, everything feels.... different.
*cough cough that was really corny...*
"Mark quit it!" I said giggling and covering my sides as he poked them. He began tickling me more.
"Mark stop!!" I squealed. The next thing I knew I was pinned underneath him. He leaned down and kissed me. His fingers still lingered on my stomach. They began to snake up the back of my shirt causing me to inhale sharply, and abruptly pull away.
"I'm sorry, that was too fast." He said still hovering over me. I felt a blush cross my face. He made me so nervous, but I didn't really know why because I felt like I could just be myself around him. I giggled
"It's okay."
"Why are you laughing at me?" He asked with a crooked smile.
"Cause you're cute." I said poking his cheek.
"I know, I try." He said giving me a smug smile. I rolled my eyes and laughed. I grabbed my phone off the arm of the couch and checked social media, then Mark began to kick me. Not hard enough to hurt me but hard enough to annoy me.
"Mark stop." I whined.
"What, I'm not doing anything." He replied while he kicked you.
"Maaaark stop you're such a child." I said
"Oh really?" He scoffed "I'm the child?"
"Mark, I'm 17 I'm not a child."
"You're still in high school....."
"You mean hell? Yeah don't remind me." I said rolling my eyes.
"Can you drive?"
"Never bothered to learn. But that doesn't mean anything! Tons of adults don't drive."
"Are you a virgin?" He asked knowing he was annoying me with his questions. I laughed at him. My mouth gaped open at the question.
"What?" He laughed
"That's a very..... personal question." I said blushing.
"How is it a personal question?! We're pretty much dating."He chuckled
"Cause it is....." I replied glancing around the room.
"Is that a yes then....?"
"I figured, I just did that to annoy you." He replied smirking.
"You're so mean!" I yelled pushing him with your foot.
"Yeah but you love me anyways right?" He asked coming over and hugging me
"Sometimes." I said kissing his cheek.
He was now laying with his head in my lap he was staring up at me.I continued twirling his hair in between my fingers. To be honest I think he enjoyed it.
"Well I love you all the time." He said staring up at me.
"You're just trying to be better than me." I joked
"May be true.... But I do love you all the time."
"Well I love you more than all the time! I win."
"No, I win because I get to kiss you." He said leaning up and interlocking his soft lips with mine. When he pulled away I looked at him and grinned.
"I win too."
He rolled his eyes and laughed at me.
"HEY MARK GUESS WHAT!!" I yelled out of nowhere
"WHAT?!" He replied with as much enthusiasm as I had
"So yeah how bout we get some food?"
"Sounds good." He chuckled.
Mark's P.O.V
That was one of the things I loved most about (y/n), she is so outgoing and can be so random at times.
I grabbed (y/n) and twirled her around. She giggled as she fell into my arms. Then I picked her up and slung her over my shoulder.
"Mark!! What are you doing?!" She laughed. I didn't respond and just carried her to the kitchen.
"Heeyy nice ass!" She said poking my butt.
"Same to you babe." I replied.
We got to the kitchen and I sat her down on the counter.
Your P.O.V
My phone buzzed in my pocket, it was Violet. I slid the green bar across my screen to answer it.
"Hey come upstairs.... I need to tell you something."
"Okay be up in a sec."
I then hung up.
"Violet wants me upstairs. I'll be right back." I said kissing him in the cheek and then hopping off the counter.
"Wait what'd you want to eat?" He asked
"Just get pizza." I said as I closed the door.
I ran up the stairs and knocked on her apartment door. She opened it and had a worried expression on her face.
"Vi what's wrong?" I asked as I walked in and sat down on her couch.
"Okay so I'm 21 right now. And something happened about a year ago.... and I think I should tell you about it."
"So about a year ago... there was this party and it turned out that Mark was there."
"And I kinda knew him. I mean we had seen each other around the building from time to time.... and I had a huge crush on him... And well uh that night we both had a little to much to drink... and we um... we slept together."
"You what?!"
"I'm so sorry please don't freak out! It was just a one time thing, I promise!"
"Wha-why didn't you tell me earlier?!" I was practically yelling now.
"Well because I didn't think your relationship was gonna last as long as it has...So I figured it wasn't that important."
"My god I cannot believe you!" I yelled
"No please wait-"
"Is that why you've been hanging out with me cause you're trying to get with him?"
"No! No are you crazy?! It was a one time thing I know he's yours-"
"You are damn right he's mine!"
"(Y/n) calm down. I'm not gonna steal him from you... "
"Did anything else happen between you two?" She opened her mouth to say something but then closed it.
"Did it?!" I snapped
"Well we made out one time after that... but other than that I swear nothing happened!" I rolled my eyes disgusted at her.
"I cannot believe you." I said and then left her apartment, slamming the door. I stormed down the stairs, barged into Mark's apartment. He was standing in the kitchen.
"YOU SLEPT WITH HER?!" I yelled.
"Oh... she told you about that?" Mark asked scratching the back of his neck.
"You're unbelievable." I said and then ran up to my room and slammed that door as well.
*The next day*
Isn't it funny how you can go from loving someone to hating the shit out of them all in one day?
But what if Violet wasn't lying? What if she really wasn't trying to get with him.
I was startled out of my thoughts when there was a knock on my door.
"Go away." I said then I saw the door nob jiggle and the lock was slowly turning. Mark opened the door.
"What?" I asked. He sat on my bed.
"(Y/n), I'm sorry. I should've told you." I didn't say anything. Mark sighed and placed a hand on my leg that was covered my comforter.
"I didn't mean to hurt you. It was just a drunken mistake." I looked away from him.
"(Y/n), please talk to me."
"Mark what'd you want me to say?" I said my voice cracking. He laid down next to me and grabbed my hands.
"Tell me you love me. Tell me everything is okay between us." He said. I took a deep breath.
"Mark, I don't wanna lie to you."
Hey guys!! Thank you so much for reading!! And for those of you who thought Violet might be trouble well you guessed right... I'm so glad I finally updated! :D and I hope to keep updating consistently!! And thank you guys so so much for a ton of reads!! And I love reading your comments!
So please vote and comment.
Hope you liked this chapter c: <3
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