Chapter 5
Your P.O.V
"M-Mark please stop w-we're gonna get caught." I said as his kisses trailed farther down my neck.
"It's fine baby." He mumbled into my neck.
Little moans escaped my lips as he lift little love bites along my collar bone.
Mark's P.O.V
I noticed (y/n) empty laundry basket sitting by the table. She was still sleeping so I figured I could just quietly sneak it in there and sneak back out. I walked to her room and quietly opened the door. She was still sleeping but I heard her mumbling something.
"Mmm Mark." She mumbled slightly stirring.
She wasn't was she? Was she dreaming about me? I decided to just close her door and leave.
Your P.O.V
I groggily sat up.
"Dammit." I mumbled as I sat up. My body immediately stiffened recalling what thoughts had been dancing around in my head while I slept.
We're me and Mark kissing?
I stood up and stretched letting out a grunt. I walked out into the kitchen to get some breakfast.
"Good morning (y/n)." Mark said.
"Hey." I said.
"So how did you sleep? We're you having any dreams?"
"Uh nope." I lied.
"Oh really?" He said slowly getting closer to me. I began to blush.
"Because earlier this morning I heard a certain someone mumbling in their sleep."
I quietly gasped my cheeks turning bright red. Silently praying he didn't know what I was dreaming about.
"Mmm Mark oh Mark." He mimicked.
I literally wanted to fall down on the floor and die.
He chuckled
"Aw you're so cute."
"Why were you in my room?" I asked quietly.
"Returning your laundry basket."
"So what was it exactly we were doing in your dream?" He asked raising his eye brows. I bit my lip looking down.
"Tell meeeeeee." He whined.
"No! I'm not telling you!"
"Pwweeeaase?" He asked making and irresistibly sweet face.
I gave in and told him everything that went on and as I was telling him we were slowly inching closer and closer together.
"And we were in the bathroom at my parents house for a family reunion and we snuck off. We were alone and we both started to lean I in kind of like....." My story trailed off because we were kissing! And like not in my dream we were actually kissing!
It was so passionate. I didn't wanna pull away but I did.
"That." I said finishing my sentence while madly blushing.
"(Y-y/n) I'm sorry I shouldn't have-" he apologized
"Mark, don't apologize. Just do it again." I said
He kissed me again. But this time with even more passion. His arms travels around my waist and my hands tangled in his hair. I never wanted this to end. But you know there's this thing called air that we needed so...
I didn't really know what to do now.
Mark's P.O.V
I am the biggest idiot there ever was! She is 17 and I kissed her. What the hell is wrong with me? But she seemed to be okay with it. She noticed my cheeks were red and she let out a giggle.
"So uh this is a random time to ask but I was wondering if you could take me and Violet to the mall today." She said
"Uh sure I can do that." I said.
"Should we talk about what just happened?" She asked quietly. She was so shy it was fucking adorable.
"We don't need to if you don't want to."
I said.
Your P.O.V
He hugged me and I never wanted him to let me go.
"I'm gonna go shower I'll be back soon." I said heading to the bathroom. I texted Violet.
*text convo*
M: me
V: Violet
V- Okay calm down :p what happened
M- I'll tell you when I see you its too major for you to find out over text
V- what why I need to know what happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
M- You'll know in an hour c; see you then
V- k bye
*end of text convo*
I jumped in the shower replaying what had just happened over and over in my head. The reason I asked if we had to talk about it was because I wanted to know if it meant something, but I also didn't want to cause I'm afraid that I won't like the answer. But he did pretty much kiss me so... I don't know.
I got out of the shower and dried my hair. Then I applied very little make up and got dressed.
"I'm ready to go I'm gonna go get Violet." I said
I literally sprinted up the stairs to the third floor. I banged on her door. she opened it.
"Tell me tell me tell me tell me tell meeee!" She exclaimed.
"Okay okay okaaaayyy. You just can't freak out though cause he's driving us there." I said
"Oooh it's about Mark."
"Yeah okay so anyway I was having a dream about him and we were making out and he came in my room while I was sleeping to give me back my laundry basket. And anyway I was like sleep talking and I was saying his name and stuff. And then when I woke up he asked me if I had any dreams but I lied and then he was like oh really cause he knew I was lying and then he really wanted to know what was going on in my dream and so I ended up explaining it to him and when I got to the part where we were kissing he leaned in and kissed me and OH MY GOD I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO." I said freaking out.
"Woah." She said as we were walking down the stairs.
"I know. Violet you need to help me I don't know what to do."
"It's okay everything's gonna be fine we can talk at the mall." She said ending the conversation because Mark was waiting outside his apartment.
The ride to the mall was short. About fifteen minutes. I sat in the front with Mark while he drove and Violet sat in the back seat.
We pulled up to the front of the mall and Violet got out. Before I got out I leaned over and kissed Mark's cheek
"I'll text you when we're ready to come home." I said.
"Okay bye (y/n)." he said smiling.
"Bye." I said right before I shut the car door.
I walked to the entrance with Violet.
"Okay so first who kissed who?" She asked.
"Uh I'm pretty sure he kissed me." I said
"How did you react?"
"Omigod on the inside thousands of fireworks were going off. But on the inside I obviously just kissed back."
"How did he react?"
"Well we actually kissed twice..."
"Seriously?! You go girl. Okay anyway stick with first kiss right now."
"So after the first kiss he apologized but I told him to do it again."
"Wow I'm impressed."
"Ha! I'm usually not like that I guess I was just caught up in the moment."
We got some food and talked a little more in the food court. Then we shopped around at a make up store, hot topic, Victoria secret, and game stop. At one store Violet was looking at swim suits.
"Oh (y/n) you need to try this on!" She exclaimed while holding up a very revealing bikini.
"Oh no! I could never wear that I don't even wear bikinis." I said.
"Oh come on just try it on you have the perfect body for it." She said shoving me into a dressing room.
It was a black strapless bikini with pink roses on it. I tried it on and looked at myself in the mirror. It was very revealing and I didn't like it. I peaked my head out the curtain.
"Vi come here." I said she stepped in the dressing room. And gasped.
"Oh my god! You look so hot!" She exclaimed.
"Really I don't like it." I said
"You look amazing."
"Whatever now get out I'm gonna take this off. I'm not buying it."
"I don't care if you don't want it I'll buy
it for you."
I sighed as she stepped out. I put my clothes back on and she payed and we headed out. I texted Mark telling him to come pick us up and while we waited we got some smoothies. After about 15 minutes we saw Mark pull up in the parking lot. The drive home was short and quiet. I put my bags in Mark's apartment then walked Violet up to hers.
Mark's P.O.V
I looked at all the bags (y/n) had set on the table jeez there was a lot. There was one bag that interested me... It was a small Victoria Secret bag. I was dying to know what was in there. But I knew it was entirely inappropriate to snoop through other people's things. But I couldn't help it. God I must really sound like pedophile. I mean she's 17!
I scooted closer to the bag. I got a quick peek of what was inside. I just imagined the sight of her in that.
And only that.
Lol Mark you're so dirty c;
Anyyyywayyyyy thanks so much for reading!! I'm sick and I won't be going to school tomorrow so that means yay more time for updating!! So hopefully there will be another chapter coming soon! Again thanks for reading make sure to vote and comment! <3
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