33 : Blood Rains
(A/N : The violence part continues... You have been warned. Happy reading.)
Blood smeared every inch of the floor, colored few spots on the wall and standing tall in the middle of the hall... is Shin. He was furious, insanely mad, that's for sure. His hands and his clothes are smudged with the blood of the enemies, mostly Isozaki's bodyguard. All of them are dead; their lives have been taken one by one as Shin dancing in the rain of their blood. Like a freaking devil, he is despite the fact that he was a contrary of evilness before.
Shin took a few steps back, only his heel is heard throughout this big house, following small sounds of groaning and breathing. As he swore to make a bloodbath to these humans, he made it more like to entertain to himself. There are organs separated from some of the bodies, hands, and feet that no longer in contact with some of the humans. Shin took the time to gazing every each of the humans, like a painter mesmerized with their own masterpiece. Maybe he should cut one of the heads to put in a jar. No, he only wants someone that deserved to be his collection. First off, must be Ryu...
"It's such a shame for a creature like you falls for a human, Nii-san." Ryu voiced out weakly, frailty moaning, gripped tightly on his handgun as he was resting his back behind the white pillar. His right thigh has been stabbed a few times, blood flowing out as he felt numb on his right leg. Literally, Ryu is good at fighting. But, as good as he was, he can't beat an immortal creature, which has caused him to this wound.
"Ryu, quit it!" Seto advised, attracted Shin to turn his head and looking at him. Their eyes locked for a moment before Seto stare away. Physically, Seto was fine; he's watching everything like that killing scene is filming for him. Mentally, he can't even walk for a step to leave this place. He was petrified, terrified and so on. He never saw Shin turning into a monster like he is right now. He knew that Shin's capable of fighting, but this is totally a different level.
"You haven't injured, Se... to?" Shin inquired, tilting his head. His left wing swayed a bit, a habit of him since his right wing already gone.
"N-No." Seto almost peed on himself right when Shin asked his question. Right when his eyes meeting back with Shin's. A red eye glimmered in anger along with a gray one that looked so dull, empty and soulless.
"Oh... I must not notice you, then." Shin chuckled, ruffled his hair with his bloody fingers. Everyone got their punishment except Seto indeed. He glared on Ren, that boy is breathing hard at the stairs, like a fish without water. Shin doesn't remember when he attacked Ren, but he recalled that Ren was the one who ran towards Shin, intends to kill him. Say, if Ren do not want to hurt him at all, Shin still wants to make sure every human in here got what they deserved. Even though Y/n probably mad with him for what happen, Shin had to do what he thinks best for Y/n herself.
Shin fixed his gaze back in Seto, "Then, should I kill you first, or your son? Choose."
Ryu is laughing out loud. Purposely drew Shin to give his attention back to him, attempt to resume their halfway battle. "You know, Y/n might die on her way to the hospital. What then? What are you possibly hoping to gain after killing both of us? Can you save her anyway? She just a human like us."
Shin appeared rapidly in front of Ryu right at the moment Ryu complete his stupid assumptions. "I'll save her despite everything that will happen."
"Such a Romeo, Nii-san. Well, she's beautiful, great in bed." Ryu smirked, looking at the scowl on Shin's face. "Of course you want to save her, don't you? But, you don't mind taking her after what I've done to our Y/n, right?"
"Did you rape her?"
"Rape maybe not the word that suitable for our situation at that time. She seemed happy to me."
Without a second thought, Shin grabbed Ryu's shirt, make him stand with his injured leg. Ryu lied, Shin can see right into his eyes. Nothing happened. Shin wants to believe what he saw, he always did. Yet, he felt so unsecured. What if Y/n was happy when Ryu placed that hickey on her? Shin shook his head lightly. No, she's not. Her eyes were wet with tears. This doubtful is going to make him more insane! Whatever it is, Y/n belongs to him!
"You should be there when we're doing it, Nii-san!" Ryu grinned, getting a strike of punch from Shin, right to his cheek. He falls back to the floor when another blow comes. Ryu coughed out his blood, he immediately shot towards Shin as that creature want to attack him. To his misery, his bullets only grazed Shin's body without a scratch and uselessly fell to the floor.
"Ryu! Shin, please, stop this! Ryu is already injured. He got what he deserved. Let's us stop this." Seto screamed, acquired unresponsive answer from Shin. Seto took out his cell phone, dialed an emergency number. At least, that's the only thing he can do.
Shin continues to attack as Ryu desperately tries to dodge as possible as he can. When a chance appeared, Ryu confidently pounded Shin face with his fist, but he was thrown to the floor seconds later. Again, Ryu coughed his blood. All of the injuries starting to hurt like hell.
"Y-You w-were strong... just b-because you were immortal. If you were human, I'll bet I can defeat you, S-Shin." Ryu continually groaning in pain, breathing hard on the cold floor.
"If I were mortal like you...." Shin walked towards Ryu, crouched down as his eyes staring at the weak human. "Everything will be much easier, including making Y/n as mine, stupid. I don't have to look at your ugly face and help out your poor and ungrateful family. And you... probably still eating that half bread, till now to survive."
A sudden silence emerged in that house. Not just Ryu, Shin's exposure of truth got Seto surprised. Shin stood up, sometimes he does wish he was human - a normal guy who can fall to a normal love with Y/n. Maybe not so normal since he's too in love with her angel, he can't let any humans get her.
"So, what? Do you want my apologies, Nii-san? S-sorry." Ryu blurted his apology, half-heartedly. Everything just waved on his mind when Shin uttered his feelings. -Ungrateful... He is ungrateful all this time. He can't help it. Too helpless to fight his own lust for wealth. But, he might be too late for an apology...
"Sorry? You think that will fix everything?" Shin spat, grabbed Ryu's hair with force, dragged him and settle him to his knees in front of Seto. If sorry can fix everything, bring Y/n back to him safe and sound, without injuries, without her tears. Nonetheless, sorry is just a word to comfort him. -Which is not doing good to stop him, at all.
"Ryu, are you okay, son?" Seto reached out his both hands, clinging to each side of Ryu's arm, eyeing his weak son from the top of his head to his knee on the floor. Ryu doesn't say a word; just continue to groan in pain. Seto looks up to Shin, he's standing behind of Ryu with no expression or whatsoever.
"Say your apology to your father. He must be in pain to see his beloved person was the one who against him. Yet, he so proud of you. Don't you, Seto? How is he compared to my Y/n? Too different, right?" Shin possessively asked, staring at Seto as his eyes begging for mercy for his son and definitely for his own life too. Unquestionably, Shin doesn't have any intention to do that nor he wants it. He's not in his right mind to let go every single of them. The thoughts of Y/n stabbed herself because of these filthy humans, because for his sake, is unbearable for Shin to accept. He doesn't know how to handle this... pain in his heart and he's not sane enough to accept if he loses her right now. He just... can't!
"Take a good look at your son, Seto," Shin said, took a knife nearby to the floor and stood back to his place.
"S-Sorry, d-dad... Y-You're next." Ryu shuddered in terror when his skin touched with the cold blade. He can't turn back; he won't beg and apologize either. There's nothing he can do anyway, besides accepting his fate.
"W-Wait! What are you..." Before Seto able to finish his question, Shin stabbed Ryu's neck, right in his throat and let Ryu dying body collapsed down to the floor. His son... His only son died in front of his eyes with a cruel death and the cruel killer just showing his stone-faced after done that. Seto can't move a muscle, can't say a word as his heart is torn apart by watching his own son died with open eyes.
A sound of the siren is heard slowly as the signal of the rescue team is already nearby. -Awake Seto to his daydreams.
"Go hide, Shin," Seto ordered, using all his strength to stand.
"I don't need to hide. I'm not finished, Seto." Shin answered, narrowing his eyebrows. Ren's still alive and he wants to kill Seto too. Even he can't read Seto intention for revenge; Shin wouldn't gamble anything for Y/n sake. It's already time to take back his wing before Seto set out another plan.
Seto walked a few steps, bend down and picked a handgun on one of the dead bodyguard's hand. "Go. You're going to face a lot of trouble with the police if they found you. I couldn't take care of everything by then. Please, take care of my wife."
Seto pointed the handgun at his temple, a little smile visible on the corner of his lips. "And Shin... Thank you and sorry for everything."
Takuya glared on the rear view mirror as his hand gripped tightly on the steering wheel. It's been five minutes Shin sat silently at the back seat, his shirt smeared with blood and he seemed in a very bad mood since he entered the car. When Takuya got a phone call to come back to the house, that area already sealed off with police tape as the house became a crime scene. So, he had to wait few meters away, sent a message to Shin before Shin comes out of nowhere to the car. The first thing and the only thing Shin said to him at that moment was –
'I want to see Y/n.'
"How was Y/n?" Shin spoke, anxiously waiting for his answer. He deliberately stares out of the window when he noticed some of Y/n blood dots on the back seat. He's afraid if he keeps staring at that blood, his tears welling out of his eyes or maybe he can't stop this madness at all.
"I'm not sure, Shin-sama. I was waiting for her after she went to Emergency Room. Don't worry, I believe she will be fine." Takuya replied, encouraged Shin to have a positive mind.
Shin POV
I kept in silence when Takuya-san gave his answer. She will be fine, I truly hope so. I don't know what I will do if I hear a bad news about Y/n once I arrive at the hospital. My mind is quite hectic to be calm right now and I'm afraid I can't be rational to accept anything bad about my dear Y/n.
"Do you want to stop at your house before going back to the hospital, Shin-sama?" Takuya-san asked me, catches my attention to reply his question.
"No." I huffed. Why should I delay even a second to be with Y/n?
"You'll catch people's attention if you dressed with that shirt. Here." Takuya-san took my uniform blazer that he puts beside of the driver's seat and gives me. "Please put that on, Shin-sama. I'm afraid Hinamura-san will be shocked if she sees your shirt too."
I take a look at my shirt, tries to wipe any blood that obviously, already dried on my white shirt. I quickly wear my blazer as I was told by Takuya-san, I'm definitely not going to make Y/n shock while she was in that painful condition.
"Shin-sama, may I ask you something?" Takuya-san inquired, getting a slight 'hmm' from me as I'm buttoning my blazer.
"What happened? Are Ryu is dead? How about Ren?"
"Ryu and Seto are dead. About Ren, he was barely alive when I left the house." I honestly answered, lean back to the seat. I left the house through the back door as soon as Seto shot himself. Actually, I'm quite surprised with his decision to end his life that way. His eyes showed that he was afraid to die, but his action reflected differently. His 'thank you and sorry speech' took me by surprise too; I don't ever hear that from anyone that I gave my wing for. -Kenji or not even Daiki when I helped him.
"Mr. Chairman was dead? But, he was..."
"I had to kill him sooner or later. You knew that too, Takuya-san."
"How about his wife, Shin-sama?"
I sighed. One bad thing about being the holder of my wing is the wealth of the holder will be decreased over time after the holder's death. Anyone other than the holder can't save it and there always a way the money will disappear even for one yen. -That's how the rules being made. So, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do for his wife. I'm not making any promises to Seto either. Well, I'll think about that problem later. It's not really important to me about his wife or the money anyway.
10k reads!!! Thank you so much for the reads, guys...I do wish you can vote and comments too...👏👏👏 Anyways, sorry for any grammar mistakes...😅
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