18 : Exception
Once Y/n opened both of her (e/c) eyes, she blinked and tries to examine where exactly is she right now. It seemed unfamiliar to her. Yet, she feels like she saw this place, this room. Just don’t recall where was it though….
“Oh, yeah… I've fallen asleep in the car.” Y/n mumbled to herself. She's looking straight to the ceiling room. The quiet ride on the way to Shin’s house makes her fall asleep within a minute she entered the car. - Which is, she definitely in the Shin’s mansion right now. It must be that scary Shin-sama or Takuya-san brought her to this room… one of the rooms in the house. Why would she be placed in here?
Whatever the reason she in here…. Y/n can’t help but keep thinking about what happened before she closed her eyes. - The moment when she saw Shin-sama takes their lives in a blink of an eye.
“That horrible scene… is already happening, right?” Y/n questioned herself even though she already knew the answer.
“Or… is it just a nightmare?” Y/n touched her lips. There’s still a cut on the corner of her lips. No, it’s not one of her nightmares. Watched someone killing another for real is far too different than watched that scene in the movies; too scary… She hopes it was just a nightmare. The scary nightmare that will go away once she wakes up from her slumber.
“Wait…” Y/n touches her face and her own body. “I can feel my body. I’m alive, am I?”
Y/n immediately got up and sat on the bed. She feels all over her body again. She needs a second confirmation. First thing, body check. Hands… Feet… still in contact. There’s no blood on her. That’s a good signal.
“Thank god… I’m still alive.” Finish observed her own body, Y/n let out a big sigh.
“But I’m aching all over my body.” Y/n closed her mouth with her hand. She should stop whining when God already gave her a chance to live. But… It did hurt after getting thrown on the road by that guy.
Y/n shook her head. Stop… stop. She needs to stop whining again and starting to feel thankful.
Y/n jump off from the bed, stand up and looking around the room. She's walking near to the small cupboard on the wall. There’s a glass bottle on the top of it. She stares at the bottle and narrowed her eyebrow. There’s a coin in it with a bubble gum.
“Isn’t this… my money?” Y/n questioned herself, again. Well, she sure of it. That is her money and her bubble gum. She gave it to Shin when he gives her a ride from school. That day was a rainy day. She still remembers it…. Why that guy put in this glass anyway? Weird. Has he treasured it?
“So… this must be his room then. Gosh, his room looks so dull. Just like him…” Y/n put back the glass bottle. She shouldn’t explore in Shin’s room when she actually should run away from him. There must be a reason Shin put her in here instead of the master bedroom.
“He may be going to torture me in here… Shoot!” Y/n walked on her tip-toes; trying to be in silence mode. Since she can’t see that guy anywhere in this room, he must be out for now. This is her chance to escape. Well, not really escape if she still in this house. How can she run away from Shin-sama when she already in here? - In this big outdated mansion of his? The only place to stay away from Shin-sama for a moment is her bedroom. At least, that bedroom is much safer than being in the Shin’s room.
The sound of a door swinging open causes Y/n to stop walking. Her heart nearly jumps. Oh, shit! Where in the hell is she going to hide?
“Oh my god…” Y/n mumbled. She can’t decide where she’s going to hiding herself. She immediately sat on the bed. There’s no place to hide anyway. Or even time… His room sure is spacious without much stuff in it. - Just one cupboard, one wardrobe… a bed and one comfy sofa. There’s one door beside the wardrobe. Maybe lead to another room or there is a place to hide in it. But she doesn’t have time to run through that door when she sees Shin-sama walking into the room with a tray on his hands. The fear… That same feeling is welling inside her again.
“You woke up, Y/n. Did you have enough sleep?” Shin asked. He carries a tray to the bed.
Your POV
You're looking at Shin’s eyes. His mismatch eyes are gone. Turned to normal gray eyes like usual. But that is not going to reduce any of your fear towards him. He maybe got rid of the blood that smeared his body, but the vision of him killing recklessly still in your mind. And now you trapped in his room. Maybe waiting for your death sentence….
“You must be hungry, Y/n. I've asked Takuya-san to make a soup for you. Eat it while it's still hot.” Shin said.
You look at the bowl on the tray. The soup… it’s piping hot. It smells delicious too. You don’t get to finish your waffle when you in the café with Ren. Now, you feel slightly hungry. Your negative mind already wonders about that soup. Is it poisoned? Is this the way Shin going to kill you? Well, this way is much better than he stabs you with a knife or cut any of your organs, isn’t it? Be grateful, Y/n…
You dragged the tray to make it closer to you. You glared at Shin-sama for a second before you took the spoon that been placed beside the bowl. Your eyes started to tears again. You thought you can run from dying when you wake up a couple minutes ago. But here you are… again… facing death. - Maybe a slow death. How cruel…
“Can you please… can you convey my message to Takuya-san?” You wiped your tears. If you haven’t met with Shin-sama, none of this will happen. There may be a long journey of your life.
“What is it, Y/n? Is it important?” Shin asked.
“No… not really. But I don’t have time to… to say properly to him, anyway. Tell him… I’m grateful for his effort to make me a delicious soup. I’m deadly happy to eat it. Deadly…”
Of course, you’re not happy to eat such a poison soup. You will be dead because of it… You scooped the soup and raised it to your lips; blew for a moment and take into your mouth. Your eyes closed tightly, let down your tears falling to your cheek while savoring the flavors of the soup. Since it was a liquid in your mouth, you don’t have a trouble to swallow it. Meanwhile, your spoon being held tightly in your fist. Prepare for the impact…..
You heard your name called out. But you still close your eyes, waiting in silence. The impact will come soon…
“Y/n, you better open your eyes, right now.”
“Am I dead?” You dared to open your eyes when Shin sounded like threatening to you. Weird. Nothing happens. Is it not enough for a spoonful? Did you have to take another scoop before the effect working on you?
“Dead? I’m not poisoning your food if that’s what you thinking, Y/n.”
You blankly stare at Shin. “You’re not?”
“You assumed that I’m going to?”
“You aren’t going to kill me?” You bravely asked him back, out of his question though. Maybe you sound like you prepared to face your own death. But the fact is… There’s so much to learn and to have in this temporary life.
“You're not answering my question, Y/n. Why do you think I’m going to kill you?” Shin furrowed his eyebrow. He seemed angry with your question.
“I don’t know…. I thought you went crazy and want to kill everyone at that time. So, I've thought you were going to kill me too.”
“They deserved to be dead. But, you are an exception. How can I kill you?”
You can’t even smile when you heard his answer. You're an exception? Only for that time or he meant that words because of his feelings towards you? Whatever it is… you don’t know why you feel so relieved.
“How about Ren? Will you kill him at that time?” You asked. Maybe Shin-sama has changed his mind about that not so innocent guy. You still remember the way Ren running without looking back at you. How fast he changes his mind. You’re not blaming him. You’re the one who asked him to leave at that time. But, you feel slightly disappointed with him. Maybe because he said something about being a coward and so on…
“You know I'd definitely kill him if he stays a bit longer.” Shin grinned a little bit.
Now, you can’t even speak a word to object his statement. What will happen if Ren still froze at that crucial moment? Did his fate end up like all of those guys? Lying without breath on a cold street with his owns blood?
“Why you've skipped your class without telling me, Y/n?” Shin took the tray and put it on the floor since you already stop eating. Then, he sat back at his place and continues staring at you.
“I just… I need some air.” You kept your head down. Let few strings of you (h/c) hair falling too.
“Did you intend to run away from me?”
“No.” You gave your answer and still keep your head down. This conversation scares you a little bit. You grateful to be alive, but these nervous feelings won’t go away. Not when you being attacked by Shin’s questions….
“Look at me, Y/n.”
You slowly raised your head and stares at his gray eyes.
“You've lied. You intend to… right?”
You bite your lips. It surely lies if you said that you don’t have any intention to leave Shin-sama. You always think about it from the moment you met with him. And that intention never fades till now.
“Where do you think you want to go, Y/n?” Shin keeps asking. Keep attacking you with his questions.
“I don’t make a decision yet. I just thought that I have to find a place and a job. That’s it.”
“Your place is in this house. Your job is to be at my side. How many times do I have to tell you, Y/n?”
“What about if I don’t accept your feelings? How can I stay in here with you?”
You gave a reasonable answer. You aware of his feelings towards you, but that don’t mean you accept it. Well, you don’t think about it at all… Your feeling toward him is hard to explain. He's like a high wall. You can’t climb it on your own. Even if you can, even if he lowered his walls down, you became too scared to look behind that wall. You scared to take the risk to be in love with someone you barely knew. Shin-sama… He looks like there’s more than meets the eye.
“You don’t have a choice, Y/n. I’ll make it that way.” Shin smirked.
“Are you… are you threatening me?”
“I don’t call it threatened. I'm just getting rid of any choices that block me to get you.”
“You…. You’re not making any sense, you know that?” You shook your head slowly while getting off the bed.
Shin instantly grabbed your wrist and pushed your body back to the bed with his other hand. You surprised by his action and when he put both of his arms beside your head, your mind started to blank. You're gazed met with him and locked.
“You are the one who not making any sense, Y/n.”
“Me?” You asked. How come this guy put all the blame on you?
“You should listen to me. How hard can it be to be by my side, Y/n? I don’t need your permission to make you mine. I don’t need your agreement to accept my feelings. Just stay here…. And let me love you.” Shin keeps his head down. You can feel his breath on your ear. Your heart starts to beating fast when he kissed your ear lobe. Down to the end of your jaw….
“S-Stop.” Your tremble hands pushed his chest. This isn’t good. If he continues to seduce you, you will end up giving in to him. How can you resist this handsome guy? No… your feelings come first. Shin-sama needs to understand that. He cannot force everything and make a decision for you.
Before you hit his shoulder, Shin-sama finally stops kissing. Thank god for that…..
“Your heart beats is incredibly fast right now, Y/n. Just like when I first kiss you. I wonder why…”
Shin-sama looked at you with his gray and red eye. Again. His eyes changing color just like you saw it before. Is it happening regularly or Shin-sama doesn’t even notice at all?
A/N : Thank you for reading this story^^ Sorry if there's any spelling or grammar mistakes😅😅
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