Roman- Your fine right
Roman headed to his art class with his bag slung over his shoulder. He was fixing up the sleeve to his school Jersey.
"Roman!" Roman turned around and saw Joan running over.
"Hey man," Roman said, "whats up?" Joan shrugged.
"Nothing much just getting to class,"
"Same," Roman, started to the classroom.
"Hey, man," Joan called, "I'll see you a lunch?"
"Yeah!" Roman called back. The two parted ways and headed to their classes.
Roman put his pencil down, he looked at his work and went bright red, down on the page was a messy sketch of... Roman shoved the paper into his bag before someone saw. Why would you draw him? Your crushing on him, popular kids don't crush on people like that. Pathetic, your pathetic. Roman shook the thoughts from his head. He pulled out a different piece of paper and started again. Roman was lost in the flow of the pencil and the sound of sketching, it was one of the things people didn't know about him, his love for sketching, something hit Roman on the back of his head, he turned and saw Virgil folding a paper plane, he aimed the plane and let it fly, it landed on Romans desk, why was he throwing paper at him, Roman didn't even know the guy. He turned and picked up the plane and unfolded it, there in beautiful cursive writing were words Roman dreaded.
I saw your drawing. and that's FUCKING ME!!!
Roman swallowed and looked at Virgil who threw another plane, it read.
Don't deny it, I have the drawing on my phone, proof overload!
He was getting really annoyed at the emo behind him, a ball of paper landed on his desk. Roman turned around and pegged it back, Virgil ducked and it hit the wall. Roman grinned and turned back to his work, the ball fell back on his desk, Roman turned and saw Virgil was gone, he looked at the ball and opened it up.
Another one, really princy, I don't like being drawn.
Roman quickly looked at the paper in front of him. He squeaked and shoved that one into his bag, just as he was about to pull out another piece of paper the bell rung, and students flooded out.
Virgil swore his face was bright red, either people don't care or his makeup is covering it. He'd seen his face on two of Roman's papers and Virgil was half angry, half embarrassed. He pulled his hoodie further over his head as he entered the cafeteria, everything went silent when he entered the room, he could feel their eyes on him, everyone had stopped to stare at the 'emo nightmare' passing through. Someone coughed and everyone's attention turned. Patton stood at the other end.
"YOU ARE A BUNCH OF MEANIES!" he yelled so everyone could hear him. Virgil slumped against the wall, no, no no no!
"IF YOU DARE TEASE ANYONE!" Patton held his fist in the air, "YOU WILL FEEL THE WRATH OF DETENTION!" some people gasped, others snickered, then the principal walked in, Logan followed behind.
"Students!" The teacher bellowed, "I have personally chosen these two students to help with our friendly behavor program. Anything they hear will be reported strait to me," Virgil panicked, what if they tell the teacher everything they talk about? He quickly left and hurried to his locker.
Still Virgil:
Virgil pulled out his history book, another class with the 'prince wannabe' and he'd dreaded every second of class with Roman, but now its even worse after what happened at art class.
"Hey Virge," Patton comes up behind him, "how are you?" Virgil turns around.
"I'm okay, just dreading history," Virgil slamed the locker door shut.
"Oh! It couldn't be that bad," Patton said, "I mean, history could be fun, right?"
"Maybe, if they made teaching history fun," Virgil chuckled a bit, Patton nodded.
"Maybe. Anyway I'm off to chemistry with Logan," Patton smilied, being Patton, Virgil thought, you would be happy with anything.
"Anyhow, I was thinking could I come over to your place?" He asked,
"Sure, why?" Virgil didn't really care, Patton always comes over.
"Homework," Patton sqeauked, "I need help with homework,"
"Oh, yeah sure, you don't have to ask," Virgil said, Pattons face lit up.
"Really!" He sqeauked.
"Um, yeah," Virgil pushed off his locker, "I really need to go now,"
"Okay, I gotta go to," Patton waved goodbye as he ran down the hall, Virgil chuckled and when to history.
Sorry for all this nonsense, I'm still half asleep while writing this and I have to get ready for school soon, so yeah hope you like it.
Um, byeeeeee💜❤💜❤💜❤
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