Roman- What?
TW: Roman screws safety, and sexual references.
Also the photos are a nostalgia for Remy.
Tears were rolling down Roman's face, it took him a minute to realize his phone was ringing. Virgil.
"R... Roman, I," Virgil sobbed.
"What? What is it?" Roman slightly panicked.
"Remy, Remy is d... de," Virgil coughed.
"Virgil, whats wrong, where are you?" Roman new Virgil was upset.
"Remy's," he says.
"I'm coming over,"
"No Roman, you don't understand,"
"Then tell me!" Roman flinches at his own voice.
"Remy's dead," Virgil says, Roman hears him cry.
"Oh, god," Roman hangs up and runs to his car.
As soom as he's in Roman stomps on the accelerator.
"Ah, screw the seatbelt," he hisses to himself, he turns sharply 'round corners and speeds past cars, his main focus was getting to Virgil.
--outside Remy's house--
"Virgil!" Roman screams flinging himself out of the car.
"Roman!" He hears Virgil cry, Roman walks over the rubble and sees Virgil silhouette.
"Virgil," Roman slides down next to the emo, Remy's dead body was half buried in the rest of broken house. roman bent down, to feel if Remy may have even the faintest of pulse, but Virgil grabbed his arm telling him to not.
"Will have to call someone," Roman whispered, Virgl nodded and handed Roman his phone, Roman nodded and walked down the driveway, he dialed 911.
"Nine one one, whats your emergency?"
Remus was walking around his apartment, room 69 for reasons, thinking.
"Remus, how you going so far?" Janus called from the bathroom.
"Have no idea what your talking about," he calls back.
"Oh baby, I think you do," Janus emerges from the bathroom wearing only pants.
"Well if you put it like that," Remus says, Janus walks over and wraps an arm around Remus's waist leading him to the bedroom.
"Yes, my garbage rat," Janus smirks.
"Sure, you evil snake boy," Remus replies.
"I'm just a snake boy," Janus holds up a finger, "but I'm your snake boy," Remus laughs and opens the door to his room, Janus falls on the bed and looks up at his boyfriend.
"How about a holiday," Remus suggests.
"A honeymoon sweet will be our next holiday," Janus smiles and rols to the other side of the bed.
"Excuse me?" Remus says placing a hand on his chest, Janus turns around and throws a small box at him.
"Keep it and don't give it back," he says, then stands up and walks to the kitchen.
"Okay, evil snake boy," Remus says, he opens the box a small note lay on whatever was inside, the note read.
Hello darling,
I'm hoping that this ring means that we're now going to plan a trip to paris or france.
See how I didn't write those places with a capital letter, because they're not as important as you are my dear Garbage Rat.
-snake boy.
Remus smiled at the note before throwing it away and staring at what shined back at him.
"Oh my god Janus yes!" Remus squealed running into his boyfriends arms.
"What, what did I do?" Janus teased, Remus kissed his boyfriend on the lips.
"When's it happening?" Remus asks, Janus smiles.
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