Roman- The play
Can we just save a moment to admire that artwork. Roman next level. I dare you to challenge me with the most creative Roman ever. Pun not intended. Also I'm going to change my writing style, just so the words aren't over here!
Roman shoves the hall door open, people are getting the stage ready for tonight's play. Roman runs to the back of the stage and is greeted by the friendly face of his friends. Joan is checking the sound and lights, Talyn hovers near her boyfriend looking pretty nervous. Roman walked over to his friend.
"So, Joan how's it going," Roman asked.
"Fine," Joan was going through the light patterns.
"He's just more focused on the lights then anyone else," Talyn said, she looked at the control board with a little hate in her eyes.
"I just wanted to say hi," Roman looked at the two, "I'm gonna go get changed,"
"'K!" Talyn said, "we'll be here," Roman nodded and trotted off to the change room.
Virgil looked up as his apartment door opened.
"V... Virgil?" Patton stood in the door way, "w... what happened?" Virgil didn't want Patton here.
"Look, Patton I," Virgil couldn't get the words out, what could he say, 'my mum's dog died,' no, Patton knows he doesn't keep on touch with his parents, "um... one of my old school friends, had, er an accident," Patton looked down at the floor.
"Oh! I'm um, sorry to hear," Patton said, Virgils mind screamed one thing, 'IT WORKED! IT WORKED!' Virgil felt bad lying to his friend, but after what happened with Remus, who's to say Patton or Logan want do the same thing.
"Do you need anything?" Patton says, Virgil stands up, "like food or drinks, I'm going to the play, did you wanna come?" Virgil looked around his room.
"Um... yeah sure," Virgil says, "just give me minute," Patton nods.
"You know, Remy is having a party at his house," Patton says as Virgil gets ready, "I was thinking of taking you, if you want," Vigil walks out.
"Yeah, sure," he says, "now are we going or what," Patton nods and the two of them head out.
I just realized this one is very short. Give me a brake, (actually don't do that, if you did you'd have no story) I am just trying to lead up to a plan of mine. Just enjoy the story!
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