Chapter Twenty Six: Blood
(Minor warning: blood, mentions of blood, and mentioning of periods)
~Y/n's POV~
I was still really tired even after I finally fell asleep. A lot had been running through my mind last night (unsurprisingly). I still couldn't wrap my head around why I was being treated so well. This bed felt like heaven.
Other than being tired there was one thing that was also bothering me. I was experiencing a minor stomach ache that felt worryingly like cramps. I haven't had my period in 5 years which was the one good thing about the VOID. This would be around the time it would hit... but it would be so embarrassing to ask Cross for pads. What else could I do though?? I can't just let myself bleed out (I wouldn't really be able to hide that anyway).
I huffed in small frustration but then that turned into pain. It was really starting to hurt. I could also feel a headache starting to form. Great. Today was going to be just wonderful.
I flinched as the door slowly opened, it was Cross again. He was carrying another tray of food which seemed like it had just been made. There was still some steam coming from one of them. Man, that smelled really good.
"Good morning. I hope you slept alright." Cross greeted when he noticed I was awake. He set the tray down on the dresser like he did before and stood next to the door.
"Um, it was alright I guess." I responded while sitting up in the bed. I tried to conceal that I was in pain, subtly trying to put a hand over my stomach as if that would ease the pain.
Cross, however, saw through my disguise. "Are you hurt? My offer of pain medication from yesterday is still open." Why did he seem genuinely concerned?
"It's... nothing." I tried to lie but Cross saw through that as well. He cocked an bone brow at me. "Just... cramps." I admitted embarrassingly. I wanted to hide my face as realization flashed on his face.
"I see. I-" Cross' eye lights narrowed as he seemed to realize something else. He quickly grabbed something from his pocket and pulled it out. It seemed to be a walkie-talkie of some kind, except more advanced. He rose it to where his mouth was under the mask and spoke into it after pressing a button, "Keep Horror and HL as far away from Y/n's room as possible."
"Uh, why?" A voice asked from the device. A small shiver went down my spine as I recognized it as Dust's.
"Just do it. I'll explain later." Cross growled slightly before letting go of the button that I presume let him talk into it. He sighed to himself as he put it back into his pocket.
"Can I ask what that was about...?" I decided to try and ask. I mean I was glad that Horror and HL would be far away but I was still curious as to why.
Cross was silent for a moment like he was pondering on best how to word his next sentence. "Horror and HL do not have the best self control. They might lose themselves if they smell your blood."
"Oh..." Was the only thing I managed to squeak out. I shuddered as I thought about those implications.
"But don't worry. I'll make sure they don't try anything." Cross reassured me.
Why was he trying to comfort me?? My headache only seemed to get worse by the minute. I really should just give up trying to analyze him. I just had to accept the situation as it was.
"Oh, I nearly forgot. I'll get you the needed necessities for your cycle. Is there anything else you might want?"
I really didn't know how to answer that. I didn't just want to ask for something. But at the same time a heating pad could be nice... No, I couldn't ask for anything. I could be falling right for some kind of trick or something.
I shook my head but silently hoped that maybe he would bring one anyway. It wasn't technically a necessity but a girl could dream. Cross gave a short nod and quickly left the room, the door locking immediately. I could still hear a very faint popping sound as soon as he left. It was unmistakably the sound of teleportation.
I doubled over as I let the pain get to me again. I quickly made my way over to the bathroom and undid my pants. I needed to check just how bad the blood was, I hope it didn't leak through.
I was expecting something far worse in my underwear. There was only a small spot of red. My period must have literally just started a few minutes ago. Hopefully Cross would be back soon. That sounded weird to think in my head...
As soon as I made my way back from the bathroom (pants on), my door opened once again. Cross was carrying a large pack of pads and what looked to be pain medicine in his other hand. He set them down next to the tray of food and walked out without another word. I swear I could've saw an embarrassed purple blush peeking from his mask.
Well I didn't have time to worry over that. I quickly grabbed the container of pads and brought them to the bathroom to do my business.
The pain medicine was working like a charm. I barely felt any pain at all other than just a bit of discomfort here and there. It was manageable at least.
I had decided that instead of just laying on the bed being bored I might as well use some of the things provided for my entertainment in here. I had the urge to draw so I had gotten out the sketchbook in the bedside drawer and began to sketch Ink. I was missing him so much...
I was startled when there was a loud bang against my door. I looked over but I didn't see any sign of something happening to it. Until there was a second bang and I noticed the whole door shake. There was a shout, and suddenly the door was blown open.
I couldn't help but scream as Horror came barging in. He was running straight at me with a cleaver in hand and bloodlust in his eyes. My mind was too panicked to think of how to defend myself so I did something stupid and ran right past him, trying to get through the wide open door.
Unfortunately for me he yanked my arm as I passed him, making me yelp as his sharpened fingers dug into my skin, causing blood to seep from the puncture. This only seemed to drive him forward even more as he lunged towards me with his mouth wide open, ready to take a bite.
That never happened though as Cross grabbed Horror roughly by his hood, pulling him back away from me. Horror's hand was still tightly hooked on me though so as he was tugged back so was I. Tears were flowing down my face as I tried to fight against his grip but he was just too strong.
Cross (with his free hand) summoned his iconic giant red blade before stabbing it straight through Horror. He instantly went limp and I scrambled to get his hand off of me. It hurt to pull his claws out but it was worth it. I backed myself all the way to the opposite wall and collapsed against it. I held my injured arm tightly and tried to calm down my spastic breathing.
Cross retracted the blade from the blood stained skeleton who now had the mark of being possessed over his eyes. He was thrown out of the open door and Cross quickly closed it, breathing heavily himself.
There was a moment of silence for a while as we both processed what just happened. We came to our senses when I winced loudly as the wound throbbed painfully.
Cross quickly made his way over to me and kneeled down. "Can I see it?" He asked me with concern in his voice. I bit my lip but removed the hand which was now covered in blood from my arm. The injury honestly wasn't that bad, it was just bleeding a lot and hurt like a bitch.
"Fuck." Cross mumbled under his breath. "I know a bit of healing magic, can I touch your arm?"
I hesitated slightly before nodding. Anything to stop the pain. Cross took a deep breath before placing one of his skeletal hands around the wound. I hissed but didn't have a reaction beyond that.
Faint green magic started to swirl around the area we were connected at. I could feel a bit of ease wash over me and I shut my eyes. It felt... nice. My tiredness was making itself known again now that my adrenaline was settling down. I tried to fight the urge to fall asleep but was unsuccessful. I was in the realm of sleep before I knew it.
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