Chapter Thirteen: Support
(Really really sorry that I haven't updated in about a month, haven't been as motivated to write here lately. But I do promise the story will be completed. I hope you enjoy this chapter!)
~Y/n's POV~
I was shocked that it actually worked. I really was expecting nothing to happen and I'd be completely alone some more.
For some odd reason, seeing Error made me feel all my emotions crashing down. Tears started flowing down my face and I stared at the ground.
"Woah... uh... you ok? Should I get Ink? Where is he anyway? He's usually following you around like a lost puppy." Error asked, looking back and forth awkwardly. He clearly has never dealt with someone he knows crying in front of him.
I simply cried harder at the sound of Ink's name, I never thought that would happen. Error seemed to pick up the message that Ink was a sore topic right now. Then, he did something completely unexpected.
Error took a deep shaky breath and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into a hug. The shock of it made me completely stop my sobbing. He... was letting me touch him?
Hesitantly and slowly, I wrapped my arms around his torso. He twitched and glitched a bit, but was able to calm down remarkably fast. A lot really has changed...
Just like that, I was crying again. I pressed my face into Error's shoulder. It felt so nice to have a proper hug. Error patted the back of my head awkwardly, he was at a complete loss of what to do.
We stood like that for a long while, me sobbing into his jacket and him switching between patting my head and slowly rubbing my back. Eventually, I got a grip on myself and stopped weeping.
"S-Sorry, I don't know what came over me." I apologized, knowing he was probably feeling very uncomfortable because of me. I let go of him, still somewhat surprised he pulled me into a hug.
"You're fine... uh, can I ask what happened...?" He questioned, looking anywhere but at me. His glitching had noticeably decreased after I stopped touching him. I felt bad I put him through that awkwardness, but that hug did make me feel better.
"Well... Ink's been acting weird. Really weird. He's been so anxious here lately, I know he's trying to hide it but I can feel it. I thought it was just because he was meeting my parents for the first time, but then I caught him talking to somebody who wasn't there. Or at least that I couldn't see... When he saw me he freaked the hell out. I tried to talk to him about it but he teleported away. I have no idea where he is... or if he's ok... I'm worried about him." I vented to Error, tears starting to creep into my eyes once again.
Error didn't say anything for a while, but his eyes had gone dark. It was really unnerving when they did that... it made me feel all the sins crawling on my back. After what must've been intense thinking, he snapped back to reality and his eyelights came back.
"Someone who you couldn't see... that could only be a select few people. Like one of the Gasters or Charas. It's most likely not a Chara because he'd have to have his SOUL connected to them or absorbed one of their SOULs. So it might be a Gaster he was talking to, not sure why he'd freak out though." Error explained, trying to be the voice of reason. I appreciated him helping me try to logically understand why Ink teleported away... but I needed emotional support.
"Maybe, but... it really hurt when he ran away from me. He never does that... It must mean it's really bad what ever he's hiding from me. That's another thing... we don't keep secrets from each other. Not anymore. It just leads to pain and suffering, just like now..." I muttered, looking down at the ground. A few more tears slipped out, but only a few. Error stood there awkwardly before sighing to himself.
"I'm really not the person to talk to about these things. Dream is better at the 'feelsy' stuff. I can take you to him if you'd like, I'm sure he can help you out better than I ever could." Error admitted honestly, rubbing the back of his neck.
"I'd really appreciate that, thank you. I should probably tell my parents though... I've been gone a while and I'm sure they're really worried." I said, realizing only now it's probably been at least 3 hours since I left the house. It was early morning I had left and now the sun was high in the sky.
"I can take you to them, Ink gave me the coordinates just in case something went wrong. This being Dusttale and all." Error responded, holding out his arm for me to take so we could teleport together. I was still taken aback at his allowance of physical touch.
"Thanks... can I ask something real quick?" I questioned, slowly putting my hand on his arm. He twitched slightly, but nodded.
"How come you're letting me... touch you? I thought you had a major phobia." I asked, deciding to voice my question.
"I do, but I'm getting better at it. For the past few years everyone has been pitching in to help. It's still not great, but I don't flinch anymore. Just no surprising me, I may or may not of punched Blueberry in the face when he tried to surprise me with a hug." He explained, shrugging off the experience.
"He sure does like to do that... I don't think my back is going to recover from all the times he's knocked me over by doing that." I rubbed my back with my free hand, it ached just thinking about it.
Error chuckled, I don't think I've heard him ever laugh before. It was deep and interrupted with glitches, but I liked it. It was unique. I felt him begin to teleport and braced myself. Error's teleportation felt odd compared to everyone else's. I could feel my own self glitch during the brief period where we were floating through nothingness.
Not a few seconds later, we were on the doorstep to my parent's house. I slightly stumbled once my feet hit the ground, but Error helped me back up. I thanked him and then went to knock on the door, but Error stopped me.
"Hang on, I think I shouldn't be here for this. I'm not exactly the face you want to see at your front door." Error said, letting go of my arm.
"Nonsense, I'm sure they'd love to meet you." I reassured him with a smile. Before he could object, I knocked on the door loudly. He huffed in annoyance but didn't teleport away.
Almost instantly, my mom pulled open the door and gave me a huge hug. "Oh thank goodness you're alright, we were so worried something might've happened."
"Sorry, mom. I completely lost track of time." I apologized, feeling guilty. I let go of her grasp and she seemed to only just notice Error next to me. She let out a small gasp at the sight of him and backed up slightly.
"Mom, this is Error. He helped me get back here. Error, this is my mom." I introduced, trying to calm her down. I know Error didn't look the friendliest, but backing away from him seemed a bit extreme.
He gave a small nod and put his hands in his pockets. I noticed that he usually does that when he meets someone, probably to avoid giving a handshake.
"O-Oh, um, hello E-Error. Would you t-two like to come inside?" My mom asked, sounding very uneasy. I suppose she was very new to the alternate universe stuff, but it wasn't like her to be this nervous with visitors. Especially ones that I've established I'm friends with.
"We would love to, but I'm about to head to one of my friend's houses. I hope you don't mind, it's been a little bit since I saw him." I explained, hoping she wouldn't be upset.
"Go ahead, honey. We understand, I hope you have a fun time." My mom responded after seeming to calm herself down. She still occasionally gave sideways glances to Error though.
"Great, thanks mom. I promise I won't be long too long. A day at most, then I'll come straight back."
I pulled my mom into a tight hug once again. She gave me a peck on the forehead and let go after a few seconds. Me and Error walked the length of the driveway before he made a portal to Dream's house. I gave one last wave to my mom, who looked bewildered at the portal. I chuckled to myself at her reaction and went through the portal with Error.
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