Chapter Nine: Home
~Y/n's POV~
It all seemed like it was in slow motion. The door had felt like it took ages to swing open, but it finally did. The creak of the hinges rung in my ears as we made eye contact.
We stared, and we stared, and kept staring until we both processed the situation. My mom, who had been holding a plate of something, dropped it without thinking. The shatter of it against the concrete snapped us both into reality.
She didn't bother picking it up, her eyes were swimming with tears. They fell quickly down her face as she pulled me into the tightest hug imaginable. I didn't hold back either, hugging her twice as hard while tears fell down my face as well.
She sobbed into my shoulder loudly, shaking like a leaf. I rubbed her back gently, I couldn't help but smile as the joy of seeing her overcame me.
"Honey, what was that sound?" I heard my father call, he came into view not a moment later. He froze when he saw me, eyes widened to their fullest extent. Mom didn't even seem to notice him, she was too focused on me.
"Y-Y/n...?" His voice quivered, staring at me in complete disbelief but also hope. I nodded vigorously, and he rushed over to join the hug.
It all felt too good to be true, but it was. I was here with them again. And I didn't plan to let go anytime soon.
But there was also Ink, I could see in the corner of my eye he was looking quite awkward. He was backing up a bit, not sure what to do. He looked panicked, and his eyes kept flitting to something that wasn't there.
I pulled away from the hug, wiping away my tears with my sleeve. My mother put both of her hands on my face, brushing a strand of hair away with her thumb. She was still sobbing quietly, but she was also beaming.
"Y-You're so b-big now..." She muttered, her voice shaking. She was quite right, I was exactly her height now. Though, my dad was still a head taller than us.
"Where have you been?" My father asked, he always was the straight-to-business kind of guy.
"U-Uh, I think we should all sit down for that." I answered, looking back towards Ink. I was trying to loop him into the conversation so he didn't feel so awkward.
I think it worked since he seemed to snap out of the panic that was inflicting him earlier. He stepped cautiously forward again, and I subtly grabbed his hand.
"R-Right of c-course, come in." My mom said, inviting us both inside. She was still shaking but the tears had almost fully subsided.
We all walked inside, making sure to walk over the shattered pieces of the plate. Luckily I don't think it was an expensive one. Me and Ink sat on the couch while my mom rushed to the kitchen to fetch us something. I think it was mainly an excuse so she could dry her eyes.
It was so nice to be here again, nothing had moved an inch. They even had the same type of candles, the ones that smelled of home. So much nostalgia and memories were hitting me. Ones that I thought I had forgotten.
My mom came back with two glasses of water, and placed them in front of both me and Ink. Her eyes were completely dry now, confirming my suspicions. Her and dad both sat down on chairs in front of us, waiting for my explanation in anticipation. I took a sip of water and started.
"So, uh, where to start..."
It was very very late into the night when I finally finished. I had told them nearly 37 chapters of my adventure, starting with falling down Mt. Ebott to now. Of course I skipped out on some certain chapters (looking at you chapter 31) but they would be able to understand the whole picture.
They had asked many, many questions. It was a very hard thing to believe after all. However I showed them all the proof they needed when I summoned electric blue strings that got stuck in my hands. There was also my pale purple eye that they had noticed. I also had Ink to back up everything. They had been quite surprised to learn he was my boyfriend, but quite happy for us. I was getting worried that they might not of approved, not that it would've mattered. I love Ink far too much to let anyone separate us.
It was silent for a very, very long time as they absorbed and processed everything I stated. I took a quiet sip of what was probably my fifth water. Ink hadn't touched his at all, since it wasn't made of monster's magic it would literally flow right through him and onto the couch.
"So... you're telling me that you basically saved the multiverse from destruction?" My mom asked, putting her hands together.
"Well, it wasn't just me. Like I told you, alternate versions of Sans helped out. Like Ink." I said, tightening my grip on Ink's hand. He squeezed back, but with a lot less effort. He looked tired.
"That's my girl." My dad said proudly, puffing up his chest and patting me on the head like he used to when I was little. I couldn't help but giggle like I was seven again.
"I'm so proud of you!!" My mom exclaimed, pulling me into another tight hug which I returned. I regretfully had to let go of Ink's hand to do so. After so many hours of holding it, my hand didn't feel right without his warmth.
However, the hug was short and I quickly grabbed his bony hand again. I could feel him un-tense, I think he missed my hand too.
I yawned loudly, it was nearing 3 am. Just how long had I been talking? My throat felt really really sore. I think we got here at 8 pm or something.
"You must be exhausted after all of that, do you want to stay here for the night?" Mom asked, always looking over my wellbeing as usual. I looked over to Ink, hoping he would say yes. He nodded so I nodded back to my mom.
"Perfect we have a spar-"
"Spare room on the third right door of the hallway." I finished for her, smiling slightly.
"Right." She smiled back, having almost forgotten I had lived here for most of my life and heard her repeat that exact sentence several times to guests.
Me and Ink both got up and stretched, his bones cracking a little loudly. We trekked our way up the creaky wooden stairs and entered the spare room. Once again, everything was the same.
"I hope it isn't too dusty, it's been a little bit since I've cleaned and-"
"Mom, its fantastic." I soothed her, I hated seeing her get so stressed out because of me.
"No diddle daddling in here you two." My dad warned, eyeing me and Ink back and forth. I know he was just teasing, but I couldn't help but blush.
"Sorry, but it's my job to make you embarrassed in front of boys."
I rolled my eyes and bid them goodnight before softly shutting the door and letting out a small sigh of relief. I loved them and missed them but I needed some time alone with Ink.
I felt Ink hug me from behind, snuggling his face into my hair. I didn't object at all, even though I thought the behavior was a tad strange. I wrapped my arms around his that were pulling me so close.
We stayed like that for a moment, before I yawned again. He let go and seemed embarrassed about something. I brushed it off since I was way too tired and climbed into the king sized bed across the room.
He followed me not long after, and we quickly went to snuggling. Today had been perfect. I kissed the top of Ink's skull and pressed my face into his chest. I could feel his face heat up, only making him more snuggly. He brushed a strand of hair out of my face and kissed my forehead back, before resting his chin ontop of my head.
Could things even get better than this?
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