Chapter Fifteen: Murderer
~Y/n's POV~
The world had completely shifted around me. The hardwood floor of Dream and Nightmare's mansion turned into softly blowing grass underneath me. The walls switching into a bright blue sky with little clouds scattered about.
I began to cough violently as something got caught in my lungs. I looked all around me and saw clouds of dust wafting by, it looked a lot like the kind Dust used to summon. That must've been what caused my coughing fit. I also noticed quite the commotion on top of the hill I was at the base of. There was a lot of screaming, shouting, and something that sounded like a Gaster Blaster. What was going on?
I decided to take a risk and trudge up the hill to investigate. I think I had enough control to be able to escape if I needed to. It took a lot of effort for my aching muscles but I managed to reach the top where the action was happening.
Almost immediately as I arrived I had to duck from a bone nearly hitting me straight through the middle of my eyes. My heart raced as I looked up to see my attacker, but I couldn't see who had done it. My attention was immediately grabbed by the figures laying in the grass.
It was me... not an alternate universe me, but the exact same version as me. I could tell by her light violet eye. On the ground underneath her was Nightmare, the exact same one that I was just talking to. He looked to be knocked out, and there was an apple core laying on the ground right next to him. Behind this timeline's Y/n and Nightmare there was a crowd of familiar looking skeletons and humans. The exact same ones who had fought at the final battle between Nightmare.
Why was I back here? And why did none of them notice me? I could tell that bone that nearly hit me wasn't for me, but rather aimed towards one of the skeletons standing nearby me and Nightmare. But no one seemed to really notice, they were too focused on Dream shaking Nightmare awake.
I decided not to pay too much attention, this scene was already engraved in my mind. Instead, I decided to focus on the one and only Blade. What had caused her to snap? Why did she try and kill me?
I wandered over to her, she was standing right next to Cross. She was staring with wide eyes as she watched Dream, Ink, and I talk to Nightmare. I noticed she was starting to shake with an unidentified emotion. Fear? Anger? I couldn't tell. She side-eyed Cross who wasn't paying attention in the slightest who was next to him. She looked deep in thought for a few moments, before nudging him slightly.
Cross flinched and looked like he was about to draw his giant knife, but stopped after he noticed who it was. Was Blade working behind our back the whole time? She must've because Cross would've tried to kill her if he thought she was working for us.
"What is it?" Cross whispered behind his mask, barely being able to be heard by either of us.
"I'm going to try and kill Y/n while she's distracted. Back me up, I don't need any of the others interrupting." Blade answered in an equally silent whisper, leaning towards Cross. She had a maniacal look in her eye, like she had been waiting for the perfect moment to try and kill me. Ouch.
Cross scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Tsk, killing her won't solve anything. There are other ways of getting things done. I'm not gonna help you."
Blade growled under her breath but couldn't say anything more because Nightmare had caught their attention. "Um, stop fighting? My army???"
This was the moment she was waiting for. The skeleton next to Cross threw a bone at the Y/n who was protecting Nightmare. He must've overheard the conversation and decided to help Blade out. She swiftly crouched behind me, poised to strike with her infamous dagger in her hand. I tried to call out to warn the Y/n who had just blocked the bone, but it was fruitless.
The Y/n fell to the ground, coughing up her own blood as she was stabbed through her chest. I could feel my own chest start to hurt with the memory of that pain. It was agonizing... Ink quickly rushed over to her, but was stopped by the force field Blade had put up. It was such bullshit she could do that.
She stabbed the Y/n again, I could see the betrayal in her eyes. The grass around them turned red with Y/n's own blood. It really did look gruesome. I decided to turn away from the scene, not needing any reminding of the events. I returned my gaze towards Ink, who was banging on the force field like his life depended on it. Tears were streaming down his face and he was screaming at the top of his nonexistent lungs. He really did care about me... so why was he acting the way he is today?
My attention was taken again by Nightmare, who had summoned a large bubble of dark energy around him. He slammed through the force field's protective shield and tackled the dying Y/n. Then... they were gone. Vanished into thin air. The only trace of them being the flattened bloody grass.
Everything was silent, everyone was staring at the place we had disappeared. The first one to make a sound was Ink. He was holding back sobs as he pieced together what had just happened.
"Y..../n? W- Where d-d-did s-she... g-g-g-go?" He breathed out, trying to withhold his emotions. Tears were still flowing down his face, and his hands were shaking badly. Nobody answered him, they were still taking in what had just happened.
It pained me to see Ink in this state so I turned back to Blade. She looked extremely shocked and confused at first, her eyes going back and forth at where we had been laying. But then her gaze turned into fear as she looked up at Ink. She dropped her dagger and suddenly her force field collapsed down around her.
I looked back towards Ink and backed away a few paces, I could understand Blade's fear now. Ink's eyes had gone completely blank. His eye sockets were as pitch black as the VOID and his mouth was contorted into an extremely forced and stretched smile.
"What did you do with her?" He asked with the most monotone voice possible. I had noticed that his paint sash had come loose during the fight. It was scary how he could switch on the dime from being full of emotion to being completely void of them. Or... was he? I knew Ink well enough to be able to tell when something was wrong, and I could feel it in this Ink as well. He was doing an excellent job at concealing it, but I could feel that pain waiting to be released.
"I-I-I-I d-d-don't k-know! I-I-I s-swear! S-She just... v-vanished!" Blade squeaked in unbridled terror. She began to back up slowly, but that was the wrong move. Ink equipped his paint brush in record time and made a wall behind her so she couldn't move any further.
"You tried to kill her." Ink began to approach her, his paintbrush ready to strike. Blade looked ready to shit her pants. I couldn't blame her, even I was starting to tremble. I didn't know Ink could get this scary...
"W-W-Well I-I-I, u-uhm, y-ya s-see I-" Blade was suddenly being choked out by Ink. She did her best to get his grasp off her neck, her legs were swinging wildly to try and kick Ink but she never came close.
"Y-Y-You're- y-you're not gonna k-kill me, are ya? Y-Y/n wouldn't w-want that!" Blade choked between strangled breaths. I could see the pain and grief shine in Ink's empty eyes and he lowered his head to the ground. He let Blade drop to the ground where she took in deep heavy breaths of air.
Ink turned his back on her, which was the opportunity for her to strike. She silently grabbed the dagger out from her pocket and jumped up to stab Ink. However, he wasn't as oblivious at he sometimes appeared to be. He quickly met her blow with his paintbrush, and sent the weapon straight into the air.
Now Blade looked truly terrified, she was completely defenseless at the hands of Ink. She quickly glanced to her hands and decided she wasn't going down without a fight. She swung at Ink, punching the side of his skull with full force. He staggered at the brute force and Blade took this chance to catch the dagger that was falling back to Earth.
She swiped at Ink, making him walk backwards to avoid the slashes. Unfortunately, he couldn't dodge them all and got a few cuts in his clothes, face, hands, and ribs. She tried to lunge a stab straight through where his heart would be, but he caught her hands right before the knife's point made contact.
They struggled to force the other person off of them, and it seemed like Blade was about to win. The point was just about to pierce through his bone before something had activated within him. He let out a roar of frustration and his powers sprung to life. Black ink was dripping out of Ink's eye sockets and he gained enough strength to twist the knife out of Blade's hands and into his own.
It was a blink and you'll miss it moment... but Ink had stabbed Blade right through the stomach. His face was barely an inch from hers as he muttered something to her.
"From one murderer to another... I'll see you in Hell."
He pulled the dagger roughly out of her body, and she fell towards the ground. She was choking up blood, scattering it across the grass just as mine did. However, I wasn't expecting Ink to follow up on his actions. He got on top of Blade's dying body and stabbed her again, and again, and again. Over and over the red coated steel pierced her body until she had drawn her very last anguished breath.
Even after she had long gone from this mortal realm, Ink still sliced her body until she was just a nearly unidentifiable bloody mess on the ground. I only just noticed he was sobbing, and his hands were shaking madly. He gave one final weak puncture and collapsed into a weeping pile next to her, covered in her blood.
Everyone who was fighting against Ink had long ago fled, fearing the monster that Ink temporarily become. All of his allies stayed, and were slowly approaching him to try and console him. He swatted at anybody who came too close though, and it physically hurt me that I couldn't reach out to him and tell him I was alright. I tried to hug him, but I simply phased through his body.
"Ink... look..." One of the skeletons said to him, gesturing at something on Blade's body. Me and Ink both turned to look at the same time and I felt my heartbeat quicken.
It was Blade's battered red SOUL, floating right above her equally as red chest. Ink stared at it a moment, and without even thinking twice he grabbed it. A shining red light blinded me, forcing me to look away. I felt my head and world start to spin, before everything went dark.
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