Chapter Eighteen: Shirtless
~Y/n's POV~
I slumped onto the bed with a loud and obvious sigh. Ink seemed oblivious to my sign that I wanted to talk and laid his scarf on the pitch black night stand next to the bed. Either that, or he was purposefully ignoring me. I doubted that was the case. Sometimes Ink was just clueless.
Ink pulled up his side of the blankets before he realized I wasn't lying down any time soon. He looked up at me with an inquiring look, both of his eye lights had turned into green question marks. I think that was one of the best parts of him being able to feel emotions freely, I got to see his eyes change more often. I quickly shook off that thought and reminded myself why I wanted to catch his attention.
"Ink... we need to talk. About Blade." I began, looking at him with a determined expression. He instantly tensed up and looked terrified. "Please." I added on pleadingly.
Ink looked down at the bed sheets, and then I saw his eyes flicker to something in the right corner of the room. I glanced over there, but once again I couldn't see anything. It had to be Blade that he kept looking at. I wish I could hear what she was saying to him...
I turned my head back around and saw Ink had shut his eye sockets tightly and he was gripping the sheets dangerously. I didn't hesitate for a second to grab onto his shoulder to calm him down. What the hell did she say to him?
Ink opened his eyes when he felt my comforting pressure on his shoulder, and he looked back up into my eyes. I gave him a reassuring smile and gestured for him to sit on the bed. His eyes flickered to the corner again, and then he jumped up to sit on the side of the bed.
I shifted my position to that I was sitting right next to him, our knees pressed against each other as I leaned my head onto his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my waist as he usually did and we sat there in silence for a little bit. Then, I felt his grip tighten as he glanced back at the corner again.
"What ever she's saying isn't true, Ink. I just want to understand the situation. I think that's the least you owe me after this whole fiasco." I moved my hand to grip his bony thigh, hoping it would bring his attention back to me. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous that Blade kept distracting him. I knew it couldn't be for good reasons, but I just couldn't control my emotions.
My attempt worked and he looked back around to look at me. His grip loosened and I could feel him sigh. "I owe you so much more, I'm really sorry for what I did. It wasn't right of me." He sounded so resigned and it pained my very SOUL. Speaking of SOULs, that gave me an idea.
"Ink, can I see your SOUL?" I blurted out the question without really thinking. I felt heat rise to my cheeks slightly in embarrassment. Ink looked surprised at my request and once again I saw his eyes flicker to the corner. However, he nodded and put his hand to his chest. When he had retracted his hand, a rainbow colored heart followed.
"When I first saw your SOUL, you said you had made modifications to it." I had meant it to be a question, but it turned out more like a statement. Ink still nodded, pressing me to continue. "Could I see it without them? Without the modifications?"
Ink looked at me warily, but he could tell I really wanted him to. He gulped nervously (somehow), but did so anyway. He didn't think that he had the right to say no to me after his actions today. With a wave of his bony hand, the heart completely changed it's coloring and condition.
The SOUL standing in front of us was the exact one I had seen in my timeline jump. It was a deep dark red, almost like blood. I was knowledgeable enough on SOULs to know that the trait was DETERMINATION, one of the most dangerous ones in my opinion. Did that mean Blade had the power to RESET? Could Ink RESET now? I felt chills go up my spine, I never did like the idea that someone could completely undo a timeline.
The SOUL spun pitifully slow in the air. Cracks were running all across it, luckily not deep enough to cause real damage. Still, I didn't like the sight of them on my love. I wondered what had caused the scarring, they were present before Ink had absorbed it so I knew it wasn't anything recent.
"...How long are you going to keep staring at it?" Ink questioned me nervously, his voice cracking slightly. I looked up at him and saw he had been sweating up a storm and he looked damn near to a panic attack. I quickly went in to give him a comforting hug, I felt bad that I had caused him to get so nervous.
"I'm sorry... a million questions were going through my mind and I didn't realize I was staring at it." I said apologetically into his neck. I ran my fingers down the bumps of his spine through his clothes, knowing that usually helped in calming him down. He sighed contently at the feeling and relaxed back into my arms. Jackpot.
"Do you mind if I ask you some of those questions? I'm really curious." I prodded him, hoping that now he was more calm that I could get him to answer.
"I'll do my best to answer them, but even I don't know much about it. I was too focused on getting you back from the VOID that I couldn't exactly do any research." Ink replied while unconsciously running his hands through my hair. He loved feeling the soft strands move through his phalanges.
"Are you able to RESET?" That was the question I wanted answered most.
Ink blinked at me for a few moments, processing the words. He looked curious about the question himself and turned to look at the corner once more. I knew he must be silently inquiring Blade to answer the question. Based on his cute small scowl, she wasn't giving him any answers.
"I'm really not sure, and Blade doesn't want to cooperate. She literally stuck her tongue out at me." He still had that adorable scowl on his face when he turned back to look at me. I don't even think he realized he was making it. I felt my heart flutter and didn't even really realize what he had said. I really had missed him, and being with him now was starting to increase the flutters to pounding.
"...You alright, babe? You're blushing a whole lot." His scowl had turned into a face of even more adorable concern. I simply couldn't handle it and leaned forward to give him a kiss. He seemed quite surprised by the sudden action, but didn't complain in the slightest. Both of his hands were now on my waist and my arms quickly attached themselves to the back of his neck. He didn't expect that sudden pressure and we fell backwards onto the bed so that I was on top of him.
I pulled apart from his face and giggled at the compromising position we were now in. Now he was the one with the major blush. I absolutely adored seeing the rainbow spread across his cheeks and I moved one hand to brush against it. His skull didn't feel any different, but it definitely felt a lot warmer.
"You're just too adorable. I couldn't resist." I cooed, nuzzling my face into his. The rainbow flooded his face more as he beamed up at me.
"I really missed your flirting." He admitted to me, placing one of his hands to rest on the side of my neck.
"Just as much as I missed seeing you blush at my flirting." At my words, he blushed even more until it spread to under his eye sockets. I giggled once more and kissed the bridge of his nose before sliding off his chest. I was too exhausted to let the mood shift to something more scandalous.
Ink seemed to realize that I was tired based off my actions. I felt the small tinge of magic in the air as he flicked the lights off. Now, I could only see the dim glow of his eye lights. I hadn't realized he had put away his SOUL until now.
He shifted the blankets so that they would cover me more than it would him, he always knew how cold I would get. He moved the pillows so that they were closer together, that way we could snuggle. I could feel his hand move back to my waist, this time there wasn't any fabric separating his touch. My shirt had moved slightly upwards when I had moved off his chest. I couldn't help but love the feel of his bones against my skin. I wanted more of it.
An idea popped into my head, something we hadn't really done before. I felt strangely emboldened by the idea that Blade was in here watching. Perhaps that was my jealously talking. Despite that, I decided to be risky.
"Hey, Ink?"
"Yeah, babe?"
"Do you mind if I take off my shirt?"
Ink stuttered incoherently for a moment, and I knew his blush had spread down to his neck at this point despite the fact I could barely see him. I saw his eye lights look towards the corner again and they shifted to an expression of small relief. Perhaps Blade had disappeared?
"I-I-I m-mean if y-you want t-to. I w-won't s-s-stop you." He really was the most adorable skeleton on the planet.
I shifted so that I was sitting up now, and I kept a close eye to observe Ink's expression. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness so I could see his face a lot more clearly. His blush was indeed down to his neck now. I slowly hooked my fingers under the hem of my shirt and tugged upward, watching his every move. He was watching as each inch of skin was exposed to the air, both of his eye lights had changed into small hot pink cartoon hearts. He gulped as the shirt lifted high enough for my bra to be revealed. I quickly cast the shirt aside once it reached over my head.
I laid back down and couldn't repress a small laugh at his expression. He looked dumbstruck as he scanned up my exposed body, pausing at my chest for a moment. I felt confidence surge in me at his reaction, and I now hooked my fingers under his shirt.
"It's not fair if I'm the only one, right?" I teased him, making a tugging motion to imply what I wanted. He spluttered even more than before, really not knowing how to deal with the situation. I gave him a small pitiful look and decided to let go. I was making him too nervous...
He quickly reached back to my hand and placed it right back where it was. "I-I don't m-mind." He reassured me, helping me guide him in pulling the shirt up.
He sat up to make the process easier, and it wasn't long before his bare ribs were exposed to me. My eyes sparkled as I marveled in the glowing tattoos. They illuminated the room just enough so I could properly see him. His blush had reduced slightly, but was still very present.
"I love you." I told him breathlessly, pulling him back down so we were laying down and facing each other. One of my hands went to run down the bumps of his spine again and he let out another pleasurable sigh. My other hand wrapped behind his neck to pull him close to my topless body.
"I love you too, so much. Y-You're so gorgeous..." He muttered the last part, not realizing that I could hear it. His hand wandered down to the side of my upper abdomen, rubbing the smooth skin there. His other hand hesitated on it's way down, stuttering it's movements when it ran past my prominent chest. I could tell he wanted to, so I moved one of my hands to place it there.
"Not as gorgeous as you, Inky."
He was a flustered mess now, and I felt proud that it was me who had made him this way. No one else could make him this mess like me. He was my mess. My lovable, goofy, adorable mess.
"Goodnight, sweetheart." I mumbled to him, feeling exhausted overtake my senses. I scooted even closer to him, so his ribs were pressing slightly into my skin. I didn't mind at all, I loved the feel of his bones.
"Goodnight, babe."
When I at last slipped into slumber, I wasn't expecting a familiar face to be there waiting for me.
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