- A NAME -
I look again at the unconscious lady in front of me and turn my eyes at the journal I was holding.
For other people, the journal looks empty but for me once I open it.
The words just appear letter by letter.
The story is entitled "His World" and written by Vaughn.
As I read,
The story starts from here.
Shier P.O.V.
"SHIER COME BACK HERE!!!" Laughter echoed while I run at my full speed, I don't want to be caught not that Heed can do that.
Heed is a guard and my friend, he always protected me no matter what but I always ended up running away from him.
I can't blame him for intruding on my life and tell him not to do and have to do.
I guess it's his job, but what can I do? I wanted to be free and do what I want to do.
I am a demon prince of the Smerte Clan.
The Smerte clans are tear catchers, who collect tears of agony, sadness, fear, and especially my favorite pain.
At a young age, I started to do my job and it is easy since people effortlessly produce such tears.
There comes a time that I wanted to be free and play like other kids I saw.
Why do I have to do a job at a young age anyway, I am a prince! Well as a prince.
"No can do, just give up!" I run and hide then run again and I smiled as I jump into the cliff that time Heed stop and just stare at me.
I just.....
I just jump into the cliff...
and it's...
It's freaking HIGH!!!
I found myself enjoying the wind as if I am flying but not for so long.
A bunch of leaves catches me with an itch of branch against my skin.
I tried to hold on to one of the branches to stop me from falling.
I sigh in relief "I guess I am quite lucky."
Then I heard a cracking sound and saw that the branch I am holding can't support me any longer and it break into two.
" I guess not.."
I saw the ground and it will hit my face," No! Not my handsome face!"
I just shut my eyes as my face will crush into the ground
I waited...
And waited...
When I can't feel the pain or my face crushing the ground, and even the ground.
I started to open my right eye then the left follows as I saw the goddess in front of me.
Her right hand is in the air, she used power to make me float and keeping my handsome face being crushed into the ground. "What a goddess"
She smiled and my heart skipped then when the beat returned. It beats faster.
"Hi!" She said.
"Hi.." It is all that I can say. I felt that I slowly return to the ground and the only thing that I can think of is her soft beautiful voice.
"I supposed you had fun." I smiled.
"Yeah, it was fun." But not the falling part, it's quite embarrassing, especially when you are seeing it. So he thought.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"My name is Cerez."
"You are a demon?" I was hoping but she shakes her head
"I am an Angel from the clan of Athas." My shoulder dropped.
Being an angel is not good and to top it all she is from the clan of Athas, a sworn enemy of my clan Smerte.
Athas clan is also a tear catcher who catches the tears of joy and pure emotion such as love. I just smiled at her and extend my right hand.
"I am Sheir can I be your friend?" She just smiles and shook my hand.
"Sure." My smile widened, I just like her. Nothing else matter.
From that day on, I finished my duty as fast as I can and run from the forest where I met Cerez.
We always hang out and talk a lot of stuff.
Cerez also knows that I am from the clan of Smerte but she doesn't care too.
I slowly fall for her beauty at first then as I talk to her every single day.
She is just as dignified as her look, her purity comes from within.
I tried to make a move on her and treat her special, then one day.
"Cerez, I love you." That is the bravest word I utter in my whole life.
Then a silence passes by as I look at her.
"I am sorry." That time I felt that someone grab my heart and squeeze it tight
"Why?" A tight pressure was forming in my throat.
"I will be the future queen of the Arthas, that means my life is devoted to Arthas alone."
"But do you love me?" It is all I'm asking.
"It doesn't matter."
"It doesn't matter." I smiled bitterly
"So my feeling for you doesn't matter." So he thought.
"I am sorry for causing you an uncomfortable situation."
She smiled sadly and apologetically, leaving them in a more uncomfortable feeling.
"I should go now.." I decided to let her go, just this time.
This is the first time that I want something precious and she carelessly throws my feelings.
"I am sorry." I stop as I heard her say it in a soft voice as if it is just a whisper. He clenches his fist tight as the word "sorry" is the last word I wanted to hear.
"Just let me be, for now, I will be alright someday..." I said silently while holding back.
Cerez also turns her back and walked away from him.
That time tear flows into my cheeks. I have never known that such pain felt like this.
After a long time of thinking.
I decided to go back to my clan only to find out the Arthas is attacking
Smerte and almost annihilated my clan.
Fire, blood, and the body of demons are everywhere.
The angels and demons are fighting above me in the sky, fighting for their lives.
Then all of sudden I was pushed to the ground, when I turned my face I saw an Angel with a sword and his eyes are red almost like he was possessed by someone.
He attacked me with his sword but someone dodged the sword. As I turned my gaze I saw Cerez.
"Stop it, Willow!" Cerez said to an Angel who attacked me.
"The Smerte have to vanish, every single of them."
"It's not your will," Cerez said but Willow just laughed hysterically.
"It doesn't have to be an Angels will. I will annihilate every Smerte and it
will be your entire fault." Willow attack once again and push the sword with expertise.
Cerez fights back at the same level. I tried to attack too but Willow throws a knife fast and before I knew it Cerez is in front of me and the knife is right into her heart. I touched her shoulder.
"NO!" Willow tried to walk toward them but I put my hand toward him.
"Stop" I only meant to stop Willow but to my amazement, the entire place
I faced Cerez who is throwing up blood.
"Go, You should run and hide. Protect your clan no matter what. Can you do that for me?" I just nod while crying hysterically. I felt helpless, I can not even protect them.
"I will do everything for you just don't die." She just smiled bitterly at what I said.
"I will come back." The blood flows through her mouth.
"Go and save others." She pushed me, I hesitated but she promised that she will come back.
So I run and save what I can save without looking back.
After the unexpected war, we hide underground and make a colony.
I became a general and our leader happened to be my older brother who also survived in the chaos. I never saw humans and Angel again for my brother wants to protect me.
I trained new demons to be a tear catchers while I study humans by the book.
I waited for Cerez, year after years but a thousand years later.
I never saw her.
End of season 1 "His World"
"This is just nice." Though the story is short the real story is quite long.
I just read what is important. Then my gaze fall's to the lady again wondering who she was. She had the nerve to ask me while I don't even know her.
I put my hand into the air together with the journal. This journal is not mine I just found it because it is similar to mine.
I was hoping to find a signal so the story might update and know something.
I place it in a high place, in a low place, and every part of the cave but there is nothing much difference.
Then I felt a high voltage coming from the book and it hurt.
The worst part is I can't drop the book; it's stuck in my hand.
It's as if a tear fell from my cheeks, but it's just my imagination since I don't have an eye.
After the electrifying shock that runs through my body, the book produces a light for how many seconds then complete darkness followed.
"What happened?" I am completely confused. It's the first time that the journal shines this bright not to mention that it never shines, just this time.
I am busy scratching my chin when I heard someone is moving.
When I looked at it the lady is already sitting on the stone where I left her.
"Hi." She just said it while scratching her cute eyes that are fresh from sleeping.
At that time I really wish I have eyes too.
Hi guys Thank you for reading
I wish you're enjoying the story.
Thank you again...
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