chapter 9
Melissa's P.O.V
I was watching Hailey shift and cringed every time her bone snapped. The pure pain on her face made my own turn in horror.
Is that what we looked like when we shifted? It looks...
Nah I was saying weird. It didn't hurt me that much as you since it was your bones breaking and mine were forming.
I got a weird wolf here.
Hey! I can hear that
I meant it for you to hear.
I was still talking to Lilith when there was a flash of light around me and I felt myself falling. Soon after what I thought were hours I landed on something hot, my immediate response Jump around like a fool saying 'hot! Hot! Hot!' so that's exactly what I did.
I heard laughing from somewhere and I saw a man sitting at an altar surrounded by flames and he was sitting on flames. I knew who he was immediately. He was Lucifer king of hell. I began jumping again but this time it was out of excitement.
"Omg, I get to meet Lucifer king of hell. Max is going to be so jealous!"
"I prefer hades. And you must be the first one to be..... Happy to meet me. Usually, people run the other way screaming for their lives."
I pouted like a little girl.
"But I am not other people am I?"
"Yes..... I can see that"
"So what brings me here? Hades"
"I just wanted to say hi. Wanted to see my niece, the chosen one."
"Huh? You're like the moon goddesses brother?"
"This is so cool. I got the king of hell as my uncle."
I then sobered up and acted all afraid.
"I'm not related to Tartarus by any chance. Am I?"
"Yeah, he's your great-grandfather. Why are you scared?"
He asked with a smirk.
"Me scared. Pfft. Can I meet him? How does he look like? Does he have horns?"
In a flash, I was standing next to his throne and was tilting his head to see if he had horns.
"Do you have horns? Do you have a tail?"
Before I could check for that he bolted away to the other side of the room. He was holding his pants with one hand and his chest with another, like a girl does to hide her boobs. I giggled at the thought and then pouted cause he didn't let me see his tail.
"Omg! I know what's wrong with you!"
"What? WHAT? Do I have cancer!? I can't die I'm too young to die. I just met my......."
At the thought of mate whatever haze I was in quickly got away and it was replaced with pure red hot rage. I could feel my devil side come out a little and my eyes turn a raging black. A fierce growl left my lips. Followed by an even louder one. I looked at Hades in shock and he had transformed into his devil form with horns and a pointy tail. Kidding. He had only the horns and pointy teeth and nails, not to mention the bat like wings. I looked at him with confusion. He replied with a little smile and in a flash, he was in front of me hugging the life out of me. When he pulled back he smiled that sad smile again.
"I still remember the time Lilith or Persephone first rejected me when I was newly formed devil. She made me fight for her love. It was different in the end and I got her but it is different for you baby girl. Your mate is pure evil. There is no turning back."
I looked at him with tears in my eyes and nodded. He pulled me into a gentle hug this time and cooed softly to make me stop crying.
"I always knew the stories were wrong."
I said after a moment. He looked at me with confusion.
"In the stories, it always said you kidnapped people and ate them or drank their blood and tortured them. But it was all a lie. You didn't do that. Just because you are king of hell they think you are heartless and mean. But I can see none of it is true. They think you kidnapped Persephone but she came to you willingly because she saw the good in you."
He nodded once more and then smiled a sadistic smile.
"That boy just has to wait for his time 'cause when it will come he will get the worst torture he could think of. Even worse than what he did to the poor girl."
"Hey, uncle can I ask you a favor?"
"I want to resurrect someone."
"I will if you promise to take care of someone you will find in the future."
"And who is this person"
"Layla White"
well, you can say I have an umm....... a little...... okay a little too much.......👀....hey donut look at me like that!........fine! I have a very big obsession with Hades or the Devil or Lucifier. I just think he is some guy totally cute and cuddly. dont blame me! blame the fanfictions I read on Wattpad.
who do u think is Layla White?
donut forget to vote, comment and share❤
thanks you all for reading and I'll see ya'll later bye
once more......bye
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