Chapter 30
Melissa's P.O.V:
I was just sitting in my office with Danny sitting on the floor playing with his action figures. Lily was on the only couch in my office reading a book about all super naturals. She was kept in the dark about all of this so she had to catch up on all of it. I was just signing some documents when I felt someone enter the pack land and by the feeling I knew who it was. Apparently Danny did too because he shrieked and ran out the door. I ran out as well, leaving a confused lily on the floor startled by Danny's scream. I run faster and pick Danny off and hold him in my arms. When I reach the gates I put Danny on the floor and he runs towards the man getting out of the car. I run into the arms of the man getting out from the other side. he catches me and holds me close. Burying his face in my neck and I get the same brotherly feeling that gets me imotional. I squeak and run to the other side to huge the other dude. He is holding Danny but still catches me and holds me close.
"I missed you so much!"
"me too little one"
"I missed you more you know!"
In case you didn't know the two men were Adrian and Dumont. I was currently in Dumont's arms but Adrian snatches me from his arms and holds me close. Dumont growls when Adrian reaches for Danny and Adrian growls back.
"back off dufus! They're mine!"
"no mine too!"
"hey stop you are scaring my baby!"
Not really though Danny was bathing in their possessiveness. I laughed watching them fight over Danny when Dumont finally agrees and hands over Danny to Adrian but with a pout on his face. My senses are on high alert when I smell something unwanted and Lilith screams danger in my mind. I push Adrian and Dumont behind me and growl at the girl getting out of the car. I then realize who she is but I can't stop growling. I mind link Adrian.
"Adrian take her away. She is dangerous. Take her to your room. Bring her down in an hour till I calm down. Don't tell her who I am. She is still connected."
With that I run to the tree line and shift into my wolf and let out an angry howl.
After an hour I had successfully calmed down and called Adrian down to my office. I stand in front of the door and he comes in with her. He kisses my cheek and moves away. I mind link him to go sit on the couch. He does as told and when the girl follows I growl and move a hand to stop her. Adrian just looks away because him and his wolf know I won't harm her.
"what is you name girl?"
"why should I tell you?"
Adrian growl at her for disrespecting his queen, mate or not and I growl back and he sits back. The girl was beautiful and I realized she would be perfect for Adrian and his wolf but that would have to wait until I took away the hold Aphrodite has on her. And I didn't tell her who I am because Aphrodite could see me through her and I wanted it to be a surprise to her that I was something much more powerful than her. To break the spell I had to bring out the most powerful emotion in her.
From reading her thoughts I know she doesn't know why a guy she has strong feelings is going around kissing and hugging another woman. What hurts me most is that she degrades herself by comparing herself to me and says that he must be happy with me since I was much prettier than her. I could sense her pain and sorrow. I harden my face but I know my eyes are soft. I walk around her in circles taking in her dark brown almost black hair that fall to her back. Her brown eyes wide with pain, and hate and the one I want jealousy. I mind link Adrian.
Step back. I have to do this to save her.
Yes my queen.
He bows his head and looks away.
"so, I heard your name was Adalina. What a weird name. it sounds like some weird song no one hears."
She whimpers but I still keep going even if it hurts my heart.
"you look like a little child. You aren't even pretty. I wonder why my Adrian was suck with a whore like you."
I can see how much it hurts her but I can see the jealousy rising.
"weak, pathetic. Can't even defend yourself. Is it because you know I am right."
Whatever I said was never true but I had to do it for her and Adrian.
"I heard you don't have a family. I bet they left you because they hated your guts."
"Adrian please!"
She choked out.
"oh please! You think he likes you? You are wrong! He is mine. He brought you here so he could get rid of you."
"oh yes, that's exactly why he bought you here. You are worthless. I'm obviously better than you."
She fell to her knees. I know how she feels. How when the only person in the world that was supposed to love you unconditionally hates you.
"I bet your wolf is also weak and pathetic like you. I know Adrian hates you. Remember when he went out of the house in the middle of the night. Yeah, he was talking to me, telling me how weak and pathetic you were. how you can't even fight your own fights. How he had to fight for you."
With those words she shudders uncontrollably and I fall in front of her, my tears also threatening to spill but I hold them back. I take out a vial and collect the smoke coming from her mouth in it and when it is done I screw it back and crawl away holding my head in my hands. Doing this gave me pain and went against the very reason I was born. I crawl back till my back hits the wall. When Adalina stops shivering and crying she looks up and also at the way, Adrian was on the floor holding his knees up and crying uncontrollably. She then looks at the pentagon on the floor around her.
"what did you do?"
I wince as I try to stand up and Adrian tries to help me up but I hold up a hand. His loyalty to the royals made him help me before his mate but I decline and point towards her.
"she needs you.''
He runs and holds her close to his body sobbing in her hair. She just sits there not doing anything but just staring at me. The door slammed open and Danny came running in.
"mommy, I feel hurt. Are you okay? Who hurt my mommy."
He looked around the room and only saw a crying Adrian and launched his little body on him with a war cry and started to hit him with his tiny fists. I laughed but he didn't stop and continued raining his little wrath on Adrian.
"unckey Adrian. Bad. You don't hurt mommy. She is your sissy. Bad unckey!"
I laugh and stand up wincing once more and snatch Danny up from a very stunned Adrian. He still struggled in my arms and raised his fists at Adrian.
"calm down my cookie. Mommy is not hurt. Unckey Adrian didn't hurt me. It was a bad witchy who put a spell on unckey Adrian's mate. Mommy was taking the spell away so unckey would be happy with his mate."
"really mommy?"
"yes baby. Now say sorry to unckey."
He jumped from my arms and ran to Adrian holding his legs.
"I sowy unckey. I wuv choo!"
I laugh at his attempt at being cute. He could speak quite normally but he chose to speak like a baby so he could get bonus cookie points. Adrian picked him up and nuzzled his head in his stomach making Danny squeal in laughter. Adrian looked up and gave me a nod and left not before muttering a sorry to Adalina and leaving a kiss on her forehead. When he left I did a yucky sound as Danny does when Hailey and Max kiss.
"damn mate bond. Damn mates. Why mother did you have to do this to me?"
I sigh and look at a shocked Adalina on the floor. I bend to pick her up and notice the gloves on her hands. I pick make her stand and pull the gloves off her hands and she immediately pulls her hands back.
"I don't know who you are or what you are doing but I want my glove back. Please"
"no. as for who I am. It doesn't matter. What matters is for you to know Adrian is my brother. So you don't really have to worry about me taking your mate. Id be darned if I let another piece of shit get near me that way. Personally I have lost all interest in the whole mating concept."
I just stopped my babbling and just held my head in my hands. All of a sudden I get this weird feeling and I pat the space around me and come in contact with a chair. I plop myself on it and stare aimlessly at the wall. I can tell Adrian and Danny entered the room with Dumont but I hold my hand up when they try to ask what is wrong. By looking in the mirror on the far wall I can tell my eyes have changed color to white and I let whatever happen, happen. Suddenly I feel like I have been hit in the gut with a baseball bat. I groan and hold my stomach as I am transported mentally to another place. I see myself in a field. It was lush and green and I felt at peace there but then something happens and the beautiful field turns into a massacre. There are bodies everywhere and most of them were super naturals I knew but when I looked closer I saw some weird patches of grass that was burnt and had something like tar on it. all the bodies were wearing royal crests on their uniforms the crest I thought of giving all of my people as a symbol of unity. It was the same symbol as on the necklace mother goddess had given me on my first shift. A moon and sun swirled together as yin and yang. Id didn't know what was happening but I saw a light in the far end of the field. It moved close and I touched it and I saw flashes of a war, All different super naturals coming together and training at my castle that became the center of the whole supernatural world. I saw myself training a group of women, showing them how to fight.
And instead of the regular weapons with their glinting silver or bronze or brown heads they were fighting with weapons with black blades. The arrows had a black end, the daggers, swords and knifes had the same black blade. Even the bullets in the guns were black and I noticed that all the species of the supes were there, even the witches, that hated all other super naturals and would rather they died, were there in the training field practicing throwing magic at dummies in the other end. The witches, young and old all were taking part in all of the training. Even the warlocks were present. What I didn't know was what or who were they fighting if all the super naturals had united, the only thing left were humans but they were weak and could be killed easily and it didn't help they held only a quarter of the earth's population.
Be ready chosen one. The war draws close. Unexpected enemies may rise and you need to be prepared.
Before I could say anything I slammed back into my body, quite painfully I might add and I looked around to see everyone staring at me. I put my hands on my mouth as tears threatened to come out. I ran to the bathroom connected to the office and threw up in the toilet, but instead of my breakfasts contents spilling out, a whole lot of blood came gushing out and it wasn't red, my blood was a golden color, and how did I know it was blood? it still tasted metallic. I have been punched in the gut enough times to know the taste of blood. when I am done I see everyone looking at me with worry in their eyes. I close my eyes for minute but open them when a sobbing body jumps into my arms. I put my arms around my sobbing baby and hold him close.
"it's okay baby, mommy is okay"
"but mommy you got sick!"
"mommy just had a chat with someone baby and it was very powerful. My human body is very fragile so it happened, don't worry little cookie, I am fine now."
"okay mommy!"
He smiles a watery smile and jumps out of my arms and runs out, probably to play with the shifted guards while they train. I stand up on shaky legs and Adrian helps me up. Adalina who was standing in the corner growls at that and I laugh while Adrian looks angry. Stupid wolf. I move his hands away and stand up by myself and walk back to my office and collapse on my comfy chair with a sigh.
"my lady? Are you alright?"
"I'm fine Adrian! I'm sorry I let out the aura. It just did. You can call me Lisa again"
Adrian now ignores the growls but I can't stand seeing the poor girl sad and angry so I just motion them to leave the room. Adrian hesitates for a moment but then drags Adalina out of the room. Poor thing, I know Adrian has a thing for discipline and he likes handing out punishments. Poor Adalina is in for a sore butt tonight.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________So..... what do you guys think about Adrian and what about Adalina? their story is a little bit of an attachment to this story and I will think about writing their story or not after this ones finished..... any thoughts?
Thanks for reading and I'll see y'all later!!
Peace out!
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