f o u r
m o n d a y
Your POV
I am awoken by my alarm ringing. I roll over and turn off my alarm, 8:20 a.m. my phone shines. I get up and walk to my closet taking out an outfit. Today I have work at the coffee shop, definitely prefer it over my restaurant job. Reasons being; I get to wear a normal outfit and I don't have to deal with ignorant people...most times.
A/N: your outfit
I finish getting ready, grabbing my boots I head to the front door. I sit down on a chair and put on my boots. Before heading out I throw on my jean jacket and grab my helmet. I close and lock my door heading down my apartment stairs.
I arrive at work after riding my bike through early morning traffic. As I walk in the bell above the door rings - indicating someone has entered or left.
"Good morning Y/N!" my co-worker, Hye-ji greets.
Hye-ji and I are similar except she is way more extroverted than me and she's taller. Also, she beats me in looks, but according to her she doesn't. She does.
"Morning Hye-ji!" I greet, walking behind the counter to the employee room.
I place my helmet in my little cubby/locker and hang my jacket on a hook. I put on my name tag and tie on my apron. I walk back out and see that there are already customers. I go to the open cash register.
"Hello, what would you like?" I ask the customer, a young female with long black hair.
"Hello, may I have a medium iced americano," she places her order.
"Alright, that will be ten thousand won," I tell her, she hands me her card. I swipe it and give it back to her.
"I'll go make your drink," I say and head over to the machine.
Man, I love the smell of coffee I inhale the scent.
"Here you go ma'am, have a nice day," I smile, handing her the coffee.
"Thank you, you too!" she replies and walks out the door.
My day went on, serving coffee and pastries. Watching kids and couples come in and out. It is almost closing time so there are barely any customers. Besides me and Hye-ji there are two girls, gossiping about their day.
Ah, high school life, something I don't miss I reminisce.
Currently wiping down a table I hear the bell ring. I look up to see a male figure, why does he seem oddly familiar? I wonder. He walks to the counter. As he walks, the fabric of his muted navy blue hoodie ruffles with his step.
"Hello, I'll be right with you," I tell him, tucking the rag into my apron pouch and going to the register.
"What can I get for you?" I ask
"A large americano please," he states, pulling out his wallet.
His voice is low and monotonous but not because he's annoyed and tired. Not my job to hyper-analyze people.
"Alright, twenty thousand won," I tell him, he hands me his card.
I wonder if people still use a thing called cash. I swipe his card and hand it back to him.
"I'll go make your drink," he nods his head, I walk over and start making his drink.
I hum along to the song that is being played in the shop. Wait, this is my song! I smile, the speakers are hooked up to the radio. My song is being played on the radio! I let a squeal from excitement and shimmy shoulders since I can't fully jump and skip around while making a coffee. I place the lid onto the cup. I walk over to where the male is standing.
"Here you go, have a nice night," I say, placing the drink on the counter.
"You as-well," he replies, slightly muffled since he is wearing a mask.
"By the way," I hear the customer call out.
I turn back around the male is in the middle of the shop.
"Yes?" I question.
"Is that your motorcycle out there?" he asks, pointing outside the window, where my bike is parked.
"Yes, why?" I ask, crossing my arms.
"Nothing, it's nice. Have a good day," the male says, leaving the shop.
"Strange," I mumble, getting back to work.
Unknown POV
"I'm just getting coffee, I'll be back in a bit," I tell my member.
"Alright then, bye," he sighs out.
"Bye," I end the call, parking in the small lot.
I walk into the coffee shop, there's practically no one else here besides two girls and the barista.
Oh wow, they're really pretty I think to myself.
"I'll go make your drink," they tell me, walking to the coffee machine.
I catch a glimpse of their name tag, Y/N it reads in typewriter print.
Haven't I seen them before? I wonder.
I look over to them and see them smiling happily. I quietly chuckle at the scene, they start walking over with my drink. I shake my head, gaining composure again.
"Here you go, have a nice night," they say with a smile.
"You too," I reply, walking out I notice a motorcycle.
The same midnight blue one I saw at the park, and where I saw the girl.
Oh my lord I'm dumb.
I turn back around looking at the barista again, it's the person from the park I realize.
I need to verify it though. But how though? I wonder.
"Is that your motorcycle out there?" I question, pointing to where the bike is parked.
"Yes, why?" she replies, crossing her arms.
So it is, nice.
"Nothing, it's nice, have a good one," I tell her and leave.
I hop in my car and head back to the building. On my way, my phone starts ringing.
"Hello?" I answer, taking a left turn.
"Where are you?" My member asks.
"On my way back, why?" I question.
"Pd-nim wants to see us," My member tells me.
I sigh, "Okay, I'll be there soon," I tell him and end the call.
Your POV
"Yea so that was my day," I finish, plopping myself on the couch.
"How is it every-time, you seem to top me?" Dae-hyun questions, I laugh at him.
"I wouldn't say that," I tell him.
I see him pout, pulling his plushie to his chest. I roll my eyes at the child.
Oh the wonders of face-time I think. My phone starts ringing.
"Hey Dae-hyun, I'm getting another call, I'll talk to you later," I say, ending our call and answering the other.
"Hello?" I answer.
"Hello, am I speaking to Moon?" The caller asks, I'm guessing a male judging by the voice.
"Yes, who is this?" I ask.
A/N: Hello you lovely beans! I hope you enjoyed this part. If you could leave a vote that'd be greatly appreciated. Also, don't be a silent reader, leave a comment. . . or something. Anyway, have a nice day or night, stay safe luvs <3
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